ERIM Research Seminar Employee Scheduling at Maritime Container Terminals

<link erim events _blank>Employee Scheduling at Maritime Container Terminals

Speaker: Jordan Srour

Coordinator: René de Koster

Location: T10-67

Date/Time: September 20, 2011 (Tuesday) 12.00-13.00 hours

While numerous references exist on the topics of terminal design, container logistics, and vessel scheduling, only a limited number of papers address the need for a workforce management system tailored to the highly dynamic container terminal environment. This seminar will highlight the issues that differentiate workforce scheduling at container terminals from other scheduling problems; describe several mathematical models for producing a yard staffing plan that promotes fairness across employees in the scheduling of overtime; and present preliminary results based on data inspired by the Beirut Container Terminal Consortium (BCTC).

Contact information:

Prof. René de Koster: <link portal pls _blank>Email