Max Havelaar Lecture 2008 - Partnerships for development

Since the beginning of the 21st century ‘partnerships’ have received increasing attention on the development agenda. Governments and NGOs seek alliances with firms to increase the effectiveness of their development efforts. Partnerships have been pioneered in infrastructure projects, millennium villages, the provision of health services and (micro)credits … the list of announcements is growing. The increasing involvement of firms in development partnerships is particularly noticeable.

But what is the logic of these partnerships and to what extent do they really provide a novel approach to development? Is it a tool or an aim? What problems are partnerships supposed to solve and how effective are they? Can partnerships also provide an excuse for not doing enough? Is there a discrepancy between the ideals and the reality of partnerships?

At the Max Havelaar Lecture 2008, Noreena Hertz, distinguished fellow at the Judge Business School, Cambridge, author of ‘The Silent Takeover’ and ‘The Debt Threat’ and Visiting Professor at the RSM Erasmus University, held a speech about partnership for development.

The Max Havelaar lecture is a recurring annual event. Each year, a leading scholar in the field will be invited to hold the lecture which will be made available to a wider audience around the world. The lecture will take about 45 minutes and will have an academic standing. It will be held at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, partly as a legacy to Jan Tinbergen the former Nobel Prize Laureate in economics and leading thinker on sustainable development. The lecture is financed by the Max Havelaar Foundation as evidence of its commitment to high quality dialogue on the most effective approaches to poverty alleviation. The lecture will be open to the public and will provide an occasion where policy makers and the scientific community can meet.



Noreena Hertz

The next Max Havelaar Lecture will be held November 4 at Erasmus University. This years’ theme is Chains for Change.

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