5th Highly Distinguished ERIM Supervisor Award: Daan van Knippenberg

On May 18, after the other speeches at the Goodbye Drinks of Professor Daan van Knippenberg, Professor Marno Verbeek (ERIM Scientific Director) asked attention to mark the special achievement that Daan van Knippenberg has delivered his 25th PhD. With a short speech Professor Verbeek presented the unique honour award for this occasion: the ERIM Praeceptor Doctorum Celeberrimus Award (in English: 'Highly Distinguished Supervisor'). The award is entirely written in Latin and contains a collage of all 25 dissertations.

Professor Knippenberg is the 5th to receive this award in ERIM’s history, after Professor Volberda (2015), Professor Philip Hans Franses and Professor Rommert Dekker (both 2011) and Frans van den Bosch (2008).

Professor Knippenberg witnessed his first PhD graduate in 2007. In 2016 he saw his 25th PhD graduate conferred. The PhD’s were: Wendy van Ginkel (2007), Frederic Damen (2007), Hanneke Kooij - de Bode (2007), Laurens Rook (2008), Daan Stam (2008), Anne Nederveen Pieterse (2009), Diana Rus (2009), Inge Nuijten (2009), Natalia Hakimi (2010), Christian Tröster (2011), Inga Hoever (2012), Suzanne van Gils (2012), Murat Tarakci (2013), Victoria Visser (2013), Merlijn Venus (2013), Eliza Byington (2013), Jeanine Porck (2013), Nüfer Yasin Ates (2014), Milton Jorge Correia de Sousa (2014), Lameez Alexander (2014), Julija Mell (2015), Peter Edelman (2016), Claudia Erlemann (2016), Katja Raithel (2016), Maartje E. Schouten (2016).