One commander on the railway at large disturbances

ERIM member <link people dennis-huisman>Dennis Huisman, Professor of Public Transport Optimization at Erasmus School of Economics, invented a new procedure for solving major disruptions on the rail network quickly which NS and rail manager ProRail will launch.
Strikingly enough ProRail is in charge in this new expert team. Prorail can also take decisions on how NS has to adjust the train timetables. According to both organizations one commander is responsible for all decisions at a disturbance on the railway - the so-called ‘officier van dienst-spoor’. Professor Huisman advised NS and ProRail. "Control can be gained again by better predictions about the impact and passengers can be informed at an early stage," he says.
Find out more in De Telegraaf and NRC (Dutch only, both dated November 18) and the event information about the inaugural address.