PhD Defence: Fan Jia
In his dissertation ‘The Value of Happiness in Entrepreneurship’ Fan Jia focuses on the volitional effect of happiness on entrepreneurial action enacted on different phases of new business creation process.
In his dissertation ‘The Value of Happiness in Entrepreneurship’ Fan Jia focuses on the volitional effect of happiness on entrepreneurial action enacted on different phases of new business creation process.
In his dissertation ‘Praise the Lord! Infusing Values and Emotions into Neo-Institutional Theory’ Hendra Wijaya extends the neglected yet essential concepts of values and emotions into the phenomenological foundations of neo-institutional theory.
Energy information systems are important to secure resilient and sustainable cities. Dr Yashar Ghiassi-Farrokfhal from the Erasmus Centre for Future Energy Business at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) has won a grant to recruit faculty to research how municipalities can facilitate their efforts towards reaching sustainability goals, until 2021. The award from ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems was granted to a consortium of RSM with Danish and Swedish municipalities and other international universities.
In his dissertation ‘Market Risks and Strategies in Power Systems Integrating Renewable Energy’ Derck Koolen assesses the integration of intermittent renewable energy sources in relation to agents' risk preferences and decision strategies in short-term sequential power markets via a multi-method approach.
In his dissertation ‘Challenges of Early Stage Entrepreneurs: The Roles of Vision Communication and Team Membership Change’ Timo van Balen provides numerous practical and academic contributions to the fields of entrepreneurship, impression management, vision communication, and team dynamics.
PhD graduate Daniel Fernandes and Prof. Stefano Puntoni from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) and two co-authors received the C.W. Park Award for Outstanding Contribution for their paper published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology (JCP). The article is based on Fernandes’ dissertation about the effectiveness of reminders. The award was announced at the annual conference of the Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) in Savannah, Georgia, USA in March 2019.
On Friday, the 22nd of February 2019, Tom Mom, Endowed Professor of Strategic Growth and Implementation in the department of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship delivered his inaugural address entitled ‘Strategic Growth and Implementation: Thriving in a Disruptive Landscape.
In his dissertation ‘In Pursuit of Supplier Knowledge: Leveraging capabilities and dividing responsibilities in product and service contexts’ Robert Suurmond studies the integration of supplier knowledge through the lenses of dynamic capabilities and the division of responsibilities in the contexts of products and services.
In his dissertation ‘Multinational Enterprises and Limits to International Growth: Links between Domestic and Foreign Activities in a Firm’s Portfolio’ Guus Hendriks studies several limits and aims to restore balance in the international business literature by addressing some of the biases built over time.
Tom Mom, Professor of Strategic Growth and Implementation at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) will deliver his inaugural address on Friday 22 February at Erasmus University Rotterdam. In Strategic Growth and Implementation: Thriving in a Disruptive Landscape he will address how managers can continuously develop new directions for strategic growth in a competitive and fast changing landscape, and how they can become more proficient in implementing new initiatives to capture value. He will propose three important future avenues for practice and research: understanding ambidexterity as a managerial capability, integration and interactions in the organisation, and the world of scale-ups as an exciting context to understand new practices of growth and implementation.