PhD Defence: Burcu Subasi
In her dissertation ‘Demographic Dissimilarity, Information Access and Individual Performance’, ERIM’s Burcu Subasi studies the circumstances under which differences in nationality and gender affect individual performance.
In her dissertation ‘Demographic Dissimilarity, Information Access and Individual Performance’, ERIM’s Burcu Subasi studies the circumstances under which differences in nationality and gender affect individual performance.
PhD candidate Tatjana Schneidmüller and her co-authors Prof. Henk W. Volberda of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) and Mariano L. M. Heyden, received the runner-up award for best paper at the First Annual Toronto FinTech Conference for the conference paper Audience Engagement and the Legitimization of Technological Discontinuities in Regulated Markets: Evidence from FinTech in October 2017.
In his dissertation ‘Towards Integrating Antecedents of Voluntary Tax Compliance’ Lemessa Bayissa Gobena explores the integrative effect of social psychological factors among themselves as well as with economic deterrent factors in stimulating voluntary tax compliance.
In her dissertation ‘INFLUENCERS: The Role of Social Influence in Marketing’ ERIM’s Christilene du Plessis challenges common methodological conventions used to study social influence in consumer behavior and social psychology.
In his dissertation ‘Essays on Empirical Asset Pricing’ ERIM’s Roy Verbeek investigates whether common risk factors are priced across investment horizons, estimates costs of equity capital for individual firms and industries using five models, and show that firms differ greatly in the extent to which their stock prices are driven by cash flow news versus discount rate news.
Predicting purchasing, a study of genetics to predict educational attainment, and innovation in companies acquiring status in external networks were among the topics of research recognised at the annual ERIM Awards, hosted by the Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM). Academic prizes were awarded for excellence in dissertations and management impact.
In his dissertation ‘The Proactive Incumbent: Holy grail or hidden gem?’ Gerbert Hengelaar develops a framework to differentiate between four types of incumbent strategies and demonstrates how the proactiveness of the mindset of the incumbent’s leadership is crucial to understand the differences between them.
For the fourth consecutive year, Professors and ERIM Fellows Henk Volberda and Justin Jansen from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) are on the Highly Cited Researchers list of Clarivate Analytics, formerly the Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters. They are joined in the list this year by RSM’s Frans van den Bosch, ERIM Honorary Fellow and Professor of Management Interfaces between Organisations and Environment.
Lately Prof. Gui Liberali, Endowed Professor of Digital Marketing at Rotterdam School of Marketing, Erasmus University and ERIM Fellow, was elected Vice-President for Membership of the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS) for the 2018-2019 term. “I am honored to serve INFORMS. I will work hard to help organize activities that strengthen the relationship with current and prospect members in various fields, both in academia as well as industry, in close coordination with the board,” says Prof. Gui Liberali.
Erasmus University was recently ranked 1st for supply chain management research across all European universities, based on aggregate research output over the past five years in supply chain management journals encompassed within the SCM Journal List. A great result for all LIS researchers!