When the Pursuit of Goodness Fuels Reactance



Conscious of their employer status and public responsibilities, companies and governments are implementing practices to bring about positive social change. For example, organizations implement many diversity interventions and regulations to create an inclusive work sphere, and in this way, to better reflect our society. Moreover, when interventions or strict regulations are impossible to implement, organizations and governments rely on moral appeals to change undesirable employee behavior. However, results regarding the effectiveness of all these well-intended practices are mixed, and much is unknown about what makes them successful. In my talk, I will first discuss new research examining why diversity interventions can have unintended consequences. Next, I will share the first results of a meta-analysis investigating the overall impact of moral appeals on targets, and the various moderators that promote their effectiveness. The results of this research are still in the exploratory phase, but our aim is to eventually present findings that help governments and organizations in implementing practices that will successfully shape people’s social behavior, at work and in society at large.  

This seminar will take place in person in room T10-67, Mandeville Building, Woudestein Campus. Alternatively, please follow this link to join via Zoom. 


Meeting ID: 941 1483 0272

Passcode: 896328