Adaptive Performance after Task-Change: Motivational and Cognitive Antecedents in Organizations



Organizational researchers have long been interested in understanding the antecedents of adaptive performance. Recent research has suggested that one fruitful approach for studying adaptive performance is the use of the task-change paradigm. In this paradigm, a complex task suddenly changes requiring participants to adapt. Discontinuous growth models can be used to separate ordinary learning and average performance before the change from transition resilience and relearning after the change. Research using this paradigm has studied antecedents like cognitive ability (e.g., Lang & Bliese, 2009) and conscientiousness (e.g., Bliese & Lang, 2016). Recently the paradigm was extended by incorporating experimental manipulations of cognitive strategies (e.g., Niessen & Lang, in press) and state measures of self-efficacy (e.g., Lang, de Voogt, Hendricks, Herr & Bliese, in preparation). The presentation (a) provides an overview of findings from task-change paradigm research, (b) discusses implications for organizations and human factors, (c) summarizes analytical challenges and recommendations on the basis of the recent Bliese, Kautz, and Lang (in press), and (d) finally provides practical recommendations for planning and executing task-change paradigm research.

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