Knowledge Absorption and Innovation



This Seminar precedes the defense of the PhD Ambidextrous Organizations: A

multiple level study of Absorptive Capacity, Exploratory and Exploitative Innovations

and Performance by Justin J.P. Jansen at 13.30 hrs in the Senate Hall.


You are invited to be present


10.30 Opening

10.35-10.45 Frans A.J. Van den Bosch & Henk Volberda Erasmus Strategic Renewal Center, RSM Erasmus University

Ambidextrous Organizations, Strategic Renewal and Innovation


10.45-11.15 Marjorie Lyles Indiana University, USA, Organizational Learning and Alliance Management


11.15-11.45 Gerry George University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, Realizing the Potential of a Firm's Acquired Knowlegde


11.45-12.15 Panel discussion and Q&A


Information: Department of Strategic Management and Business Environment

Carolien Heintjes, telephone: 010 4082005, email: