Symposium: Innovating beyond Technology



Innovation is generally considered to be a cornerstone of organizational survival in many of today’s dynamic and competitive markets. However, the technological domain of innovation has received prevalent attention. This symposium goes beyond the dominant focus on technological innovation in innovation studies by examining how several non-technological types of innovation contribute to firm performance. Ongoing research on how non-technological types of innovation and related areas act as sources of competitive advantage will be presented. Prof.dr. Damanpour gives a presentation on the relationship between management innovation and technological innovation. Prof.dr. Cornelissen talks about the role of organizational identity and organizational innovation. Prof.dr. Faems sheds a light on how co-creation/alliances contribute to a firm’s competitive advantage. Prof.dr. Groen provides new insights on co-creation between start-ups and established organizations at Venturelab. Dr. Ansari sheds a light on disruptive innovation.

The Symposium will take place before a public PhD defense on management innovation, co-creation with customers, and business model innovation.