Space: The Final Frontier
ERIM PhDs living in Rotterdam normally have a much better opinion about the city then their friends from other Dutch cities. This might have many reasons: Outsiders could be ignorant, Rotterdamers could be naive, both could try to self-confirm the right choice of their city of residence, and so on. However, PhDs living in Rotterdam will also participate in more social activities with each other. In a sense, their interaction as neighbours itself will increase their positive attitude towards the city. One could think of many examples where neighbourship leads to interaction effects which we would not cover in conventional methods. Spatial models provide a neat way to account for relevant proximity between observations. Interestingly, proximity does not need to be defined in geographical terms. Within 30 minutes, I will give a quick overview of the method and possible applications. Unfortunately only, I don't have data on ERIM PhD attitudes towards Rotterdam.
The ERIM Phd Seminar Series are dedicated to enhance the methodological dialogue between PhDs and are organised by the ERIM PhD Council.