ERIM Management Lectures 2011: Does good service serve you well



The annual Erasmus Management Lectures present distinguished scholars to an audience of doctoral students and faculty, with two days of lectures at an advanced level.

The extended and in-depth contact between lecturer and a small, select audience over the two-day event leads to profound discussion of the material and encourages direct and valuable networking contacts. Lecturers are invited because of their great contributions to their respective research fields.

How can the provision of service be made into a profitable part of business? Roland T. Rust, Distinguished Professor in Marketing, will visit Erasmus University, Rotterdam to discuss this issue in four PhD level lectures on Tuesday 31 May and Wednesday 1 June. Attendance is open to doctoral students from all universities with an interest in marketing and finance.

Four lectures and networking opportunities over two days include:

Tuesday 31 May 2011
Location: J-Building, Room JB -50 (Auditorium)
09:30-12:00   Lecture 1: Return on Quality
12:00-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-16:00 Lecture 2: Customer Equity
16:00-16:30 Drinks
Wednesday 1 June 2011
Location: J-Building, Room J1 -50 (Auditorium)
09:30-12:00   Lecture 3: Customer Lifetime Value and CRM
12:00-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-16:00 Lecture 4: Service Productivity
16.00 Receiving Certificates
Contact information:
Miho Iizuka                                          Marisa van Iperen
Email Email