An Overview of Several Genoeconomics Projects



An Overview of Several Genoeconomics Projects
It has long been established that many traits and outcomes of interest to economists are moderately heritable. Over the last decade, advances in molecular genetics have enabled economists and other social scientists to look for the specific genetic polymorphisms that underpin this heritable variation, thus giving rise to the nascent field of genoeconomics. In this presentation, I will summarize a number of genetics and genoeconomics projects I have been involved in. In two of these projects, classical behavioral genetics methods were employed to decompose the observable variation of traits of interest into shares attributable to genetic and familial factors, among others. In three other projects, all of which involved molecular genetics data, initially promising results ultimately failed to replicate in independent samples. I will talk about lessons that can be drawn from this, emphasizing issues of power and sample size, multiple hypothesis testing, and replication. Some time will be reserved for a discussion of a forthcoming Journal of Economic Perspectives paper.
The Erasmus - EIM - Panteia Entrepreneurship Lectures Series is co-organized by Erasmus Research Institute of Management ( and EIM Business & Policy Research (EIM/Panteia), an independent and international research and consultancy organisation, specialised in SMEs and EntrepreneurshipEIM is part of the Panteia group.
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Ingrid Verheul Joern Block
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