Understanding Ethical Failures: A Behavioural Ethics Approach



Join Professor Dr. David De Cremer, renowned behavioural ethicist, at this exclusive seminar on

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Have You Experienced ‘Diabolical Dilemmas’ in Business Behaviour?
One of the highlights of this seminar is your sharing of a real life ‘diabolical’ ethical dilemma in business. For example, has a trustworthy friend and former investment professional designed a seemingly dubious fund? Your dilemma may be addressed and debated by our expert panel, which includes three renowned North American academics and a very special guest speaker who is no stranger to ethical issues and how to deal with them.
A maximum of 200 highly-influential individuals will be in our exclusive audience on October 20th. Our schedule begins at the ‘traffic friendly’ hour of 15.00 (see timetable details below).
15.00-15.30 Registration, coffee/tea & refreshments
15.30-15.35 Welcome & Introduction David De Cremer
George Yip (Dean of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University)
15.35-15.50 Introduction Erasmus Centre of Behavioural Ethics & Chair of the day
David De Cremer (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University)
15.50-16.10 Restoring Human Relations in Business Education and Practice
William Bottom (Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis)
16.10-16.30 The Ethical Mirage: Why you may not be as ethical as you think
Ann Tenbrunsel (Mendoza College of Business, Notre Dame University)
16.30-16.50 The devils in each of us – both actually lurking and unduly ascribed
Peter Kim (Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California)
16.50-17.10 Guest speaker
to be announced
17.10-18.00 Panel & audience discuss diabolic dilemmas
18.00-19.00 Network drinks & fingerfood – quotes for compilation DVD
If you would like to be part of this unique event, please secure your place by emailing us at ERood@rsm.nl (BY INVITATION ONLY)
Contact information:
Eva Rood  
+31 (0)10 408 26 98  
More details are here: Erasmus Centre for Behavioural Ethics: www.erim.nl/behaviouralethics