Is a Higher Calling Enough? Incentive Compensation in the Church



We study the compensation and productivity of more than 2,000 Methodist ministers in a 43-year panel data set. The church appears to use pay-for-performance incentives for its clergy, as their compensation follows a sharing rule by which pastors receive approximately 3 percent of the incremental revenue from membership increases. The elasticity between ministers' pay and parish size is similar to the firm size elasticity of compensation for public company CEOs. Among a range of possible performance measures, those with the greatest informativeness about pastoral effort are linked most closely to compensation


If you are interested in meeting David prior to or after the seminar, during lunch or dinner, please send me an email by Thursday.

The Erasmus Finance Seminar is jointly sponsored by ERIM and the Tinbergen Institute.
Contact information:
Viorel Roscovan