Technology Transfer: The Practice and the Profession



Technology Transfer: The Practice and the Profession

3rd December, 2008
Rotterdam School of Management,
Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Recent years have witnessed the emergence of a new profession often referred to as the Technology Transfer Professional. Technology transfer professionals apply various skills to accomplish the transfer of technology. Various competencies are needed in order to support technology transfer activities. For example, legal competencies; marketing and negotiation competencies; team work competencies; innovation competencies; and knowledge management competencies.
This conference is designed to revisit these concepts and to explore new technology transfer practices and skills in light of the emergence of the profession of technology transfer.
In particular, the conference will examine the emergence of the technology transfer profession, and the impact on the practice of technology transfer at the organizational, regional and national level. We will consider the roles that technology transfer associations play in shaping the profession and bringing knowledge to professionals as the practice changes.
The conference will bring together insights from research, practice and policy making at various levels. In particular, we seek to stimulate a discussion following the results and the conclusion of the EC CERT-TTT-M project, which will be presented during the conference.
So far the following experts have agreed to give a keynote speech during the conference:
  • Prof. Henk Volberda, Rotterdam School of Management
  • Prof. Mike Wright, Nottingham Business School
  • Mr. Jeff Skinner, London Business School
  • Mr. David Woolf, European Commission
  • Prof. Simon Collinson, Warwick Business School
There are no registration fees; however we ask that you register in advance by contacting Dr. Ilan Oshri ( 
Organizing Committee:
Prof. Henk Volberda
Dr. Ilan Oshri
Dr. Tom Mom