Elements of Entrepreneurial Expertise



Effectual logic consists of a set of internally consistent heuristics of non-predictive control for creating new firms, markets and economic opportunities. The logic was induced from a protocol analysis of expert entrepreneurs and then developed in detail through studies of novices, managers, organic growth leaders, angels, VCs and the early histories of entrepreneurial firms.  The logic has also been related to several key ideas from economics and social philosophy. In particular, effectuators generate constraint-satisfying solutions rather than searching for optimal ones, make rather than find opportunities, and in a deep sense, convert 'as-if' propositions into 'even-if' ones. 

The Erasmus - EIM - Panteia Entrepreneurship Lectures Series is co-organized by Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM.nl) and EIM Business & Policy Research (EIM/Panteia), an independent and international research and consultancy organisation, specialised in SMEs and Entrepreneurship. EIM is part of the Panteia group. 

Contact information:
Andreas RauchIngrid Verheul