Creating a Sustainable Future; Valedictory Symposium for Prof.Dr. Kees G. Koedijk



Creating a Sustainable Future

Valedictory symposium for Prof.dr. Kees G. Koedijk, Professor of Financial Management and former Chair of the Department of Financial Management at RSM

Prof. dr. George S. Yip, Dean of the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University has the honour to invite you to attend the valedictory symposium for Prof.dr. Kees G. Koedijk (left), Professor of Financial Management and former Chair of the Department of Financial Management at RSM. This symposium will be organised by RSM, on April 4th, 2008 on the occasion of his leaving the university.
  The symposium will be chaired by Cees Veerman, Professor of Sustainable Rural Development in European Perspective, Tilburg University, Wageningen University and Chair of the Vereniging Natuurmonumenten, of the Deltacommissie, and of the Supervisory Board Climate Change Research.
  Key note speaker will be renowned German chemist Michael Braungart who will talk about the world-famous “cradle to cradle concept” he developed in cooperation with his colleague William McDonough. Braungart will make the case that an industrial system that "takes, makes and wastes" can become a creator of goods and services that generate ecological, social and economic value. As such, this concept fits perfectly with the research Koedijk conducts into the role of financial markets in promoting sustainable development.
09.30 hours Welcome
10.00 hours Opening and welcome address - Cees Veerman - Professor of Sustainable Rural Development in European Perspective, Wageningen UniversityChair, Vereniging Natuurmonumenten, Deltacommissie, Supervisory Board Climate Change Research
10.15 hours Cradle to Cradle - Michael Braungart - Professor of Process Engineering,- LEUPHANA-University of Lüneburg Founder of EPEA Internationale Umweltforschung GmbH, Hamburg
11.00 hours Developments in Close Loop Supply Chains - Luk Van Wassenhove - The Henry Ford Chaired Professor of Manufacturing,- Professor of Operations Management,- Director, INSEAD Social Innovation Centre
11.45 hours Coffee break
12.15 hours Responsible Investments as An Opportunity - Jeroen Derwall - Assistant Professor of Financial Management, Maastricht University
12.45 hours A Vision on Sustainable Supply Chains - Jo van Nunen - Professor of Operations Research and Information Sciences, - Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University - Scientific Director National Research Program TRANSUMO
13.15 hours Closing remarks - Kees Koedijk - Professor of Financial Management, - Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,Tilburg University
  For full brochure click here to download
  Practical details: Date: April 4th, 2008 from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm. Venue: Erasmus Woudestein Campus Rotterdam, Room B5.
  R.S.V.P. by sending a response mail to by indicating your first and last name and affiliation.
  George S. Yip Dean and Professor Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus University
  Read more about the Cradle to cradle concept: (Dutch) VPRO Tegenlicht (English) VPRO Tegenlicht (Dutch) Intermediair