EEG Labs

High-tech neuroimaging techniques are indispensable in human behavioural research as they yield many new insights in the physiological processes that regulate human behaviour. The EBL is equipped with two electroencephalography (EEG) labs that allow for neuroimaging by localising brain activity precisely and in real-time.
Brain processes can be registered with EEG with millisecond timing. The EEG methods have high-density registration systems and advanced software to analyse the EEG signals. Modern high-density EEG is characterized by the use of an array with 128 or more electrodes, which is placed on the head by means of an elastic sensor net. The high number of electrodes allows the exact determination of the distribution of the brain electrical potentials on the scalp. These data are then translated in the original current sources within the brain by means of state-of-the-art dedicated software. Furthermore, other aspects of the EEG signal, such as the event related potential (ERP), the coherence between specific brain areas, and the frequency characteristics can be analysed. Therefore, the EEG is a multifunctional research instrument with almost unlimited possibilities to study human cognition.
The EBL currently has two BioSemi ActiveTwo systems with 64+8 channels in use for psychofysiological research on attention, memory, language, emotions, and addictions. For more information on this equipment, please visit the BioSemi website.
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