ERIM Databases Catalogue

The ERIM databases catalogue lists all the available databases for all ERIM members (please note that some have restricted access).
For any question about this list, or in case there is a database that you would like to use but it has restricted access, please email EDSC. If there is a database that you would like to use but it is not listed here, please submit a request for it via the ESP13 databases application request.
Name | Description | Access |
AdisInsight | Data on drug development and clinical trials. | Restricted [5 accounts] |
Africa Development Indicators | Annual time series data on Africa, containing over 1.600 indicators, covering 53 African countries and spanning the period 1960 to 2012. | Library A-Z list |
Amadeus | Data on listed and non-listed European and Europe based companies | via WRDS |
Audit Analytics | Detailed audit information on 1200 accounting firms and 15,000 publicly registered companies. | via WRDS |
Bank Regulatory | Accounting data for bank holding companies, commercial banks, savings banks, and savings and loans institutions. | via WRDS |
Blockholders | Cleaned data for large blocks of stocks | via WRDS |
Bloomberg Terminal | Bloomberg terminal provides access to financial data, news, reports and tools. | On site (Bloomberg/ Eikon Class Polak Building) |
BoardEx | BoardEx contains board member data from publicly listed companies and notable private companies in all regions of the world. It is offered through the WRDS interface. | via WRDS |
CBOE Indexes | Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) volatility index | via WRDS |
CBS Microdata | Access to microdata sets of Statistics Netherlands (CBS) | Project based only |
CBS (COVID-19 data) | Access to microdata sets of Statistics Netherlands (CBS) | Project based only |
Shipping Intelligence Network (SIN) | Clarksons Shipping Intelligence Network (SIN) Provides online access to over 100,000 pages of data about the shipping industry. Clarksons provides information on e.g. shipping markets, fleet characteristics, ownership types, orderbooks, timeseries, capital markets and eco-indicators. | Single user access via MEL |
Compustat Bank (B) | Bank fundamentals annual and quarterly datasets | via WRDS |
Compustat-Capital IQ | Datasets on transactions, capital structure, identifiers people intelligence from Standard & Poors (S&P) | via WRDS |
Compustat Execucomp (E) | ExecuComp offers executive compensation data including current and historical data, total compensation, executive options and compensation of industry peers. | via WRDS |
Compustat North America (NA) | CompuStat North America consists of annual and quarterly report data of listed American and Canadian companies. | via WRDS |
Compustat Global (G) | CompuStat Global consists of annual and quarterly report data of listed companies, with an emphasis on non-American and non-Canadian companies. | via WRDS |
Compustat Historical Segments (HS) | Compustat Segments Data provides business and geographic detail, product information and customer data for over 70% of the companies in the North American (NA) database. | via WRDS |
Compustat Snapshot (S) | Backtesting database for North American companies (NA) | via WRDS |
Consumer Pyramids Household Survey India (CPHS) | The Consumer Pyramids Household Survey (CPHS) is a continuous survey to measure household well-being in India. The micro data comprises a large longitudinal panel of households surveyed on topics like income, well being, consumer expenditure, health, migration, employment, time-use, education, religion and many more. | Account registration (license ends april 2022) |
Contributed Database | Datasets contributed by various academic researchers and faculities: Better Market Betas, Characteristic Returns, China Factors,Common Risk Factors in International Stock Markets, Compustat - Marginal Tax Rates Database, DealScan Lender Link Tables, Factset - Stock Ownership Summary, Forced CEO Turnover, GGL Measures of Common Ownership, Guillen-Capron Shareholder Protections Index, Intangible Capital and Intangible Value Factor, KPSS Tech Innovation, Long-term Investor Value Appropriation (LIVA), MFLINKS, Peters and Taylor Total Q, Roberts Dealscan-Compustat Linking Database, Shale Well Data | via WRDS |
CRSP | American stock and treasury data since 1925. Comprehensive data on security price, return, and volume data for the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ stock markets. Additional CRSP files provide stock indices, beta-based and cap-based portfolios, treasury bond and risk-free rates, mutual funds, and real estate data. | via WRDS |
CSMAR | China Stock Market & Accounting Research (CSMAR) Database. Data on the China stock markets and the financial statements of China’s listed companies. | via WRDS |
Datastream Navigator | Online tool to collect series- and data type codes to retrieve data from Datastream. | Library A-Z list |
DealScan | DealScan contains data about the syndicated loan market with over 240,000 loan transactions worldwide. | via WRDS |
DMEF Academic data | Direct Marketing Educational Foundation (DMEF). Data on customer buying history (only data from the 1990's!) | via WRDS |
Eikon | Contains the databases from Datastream and ThomsonONE in one new interface called Eikon. Eikon is available in Y3-18. Click more for info about installing the Datastream plugin. | One shared account per RSM-ESE department |
Eurostat Microdata | Access to microdata sets of Eurostat | Project based only |
Factiva | Factiva contains business information and news from local and global newspapers like the Financial Times and the Wall Street Journal, trade journals, magazines and newswires like Dow Jones, Reuters and the Associated Press. | Library A-Z list |
Fama-French Portfolios and Factors | Fama-French portfolios and daily (liquidity) factors | via WRDS |
Federal Judicial Center Litigation | Data on federal, civil, criminal, bankruptcy and appellate court cases as reported by the courts to the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. | via WRDS |
Federal Reserve Bank Reports | Federal Reserve Bank Reports on foreign exchange rates (H.10 Report) and interest rates (H.15 Report) | via WRDS |
Global Financial Data | Global Financial Data provides historical and current financial and economic data for more than 150 countries. The database offers long runs of data on interest rates, exchange rates, stock market indices, commodity prices, and total returns on bonds, and bills from every major market in the world. | Library A-Z list |
GlobalData | Global coverage of new products, business trends and marketing analytics. | Library A-Z list |
Historical SPDJI | Historical S&P Dow Jones Indices | via WRDS |
IBES (Eikon) | Current estimates of analysts about financial ratios of 15.000 companies worldwide. Graphical interface and analyst names. | Library A-Z list |
IBES (WRDS) | Historical estimates of analysts and by companies about financial ratios of 15.000 companies worldwide. | via WRDS |
IMF eLIBRARY | The International Monetary Fund's (IMF) eLIBRARY includes access to the IMF data and statistical tools. Datasets included are Balance of Payment Statistics (BOPS), Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS), Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and International Financial Statistics (IFS). | Library A-Z list |
Indices of social development | Contains social indicators of development worldwide. | Link |
ISS: Institutional Shareholder Services (formerly RiskMetrics) | United States corporate governance data. | via WRDS |
Lex Machina | Text database on US legal court cases | Single user account |
M&A Research Catalyst (Moody's, formerly Bureau van Dijk) | M&A Research Catalyst offers several methods of determining valuation, and automates the process of valuation that would be very laborious for any user without the Catalyst. | Library A-Z list |
Macro Finance Society | The Macro Finance Society curates a list of datasets from several influential papers broadly in the area of macro-finance. We will continue to maintain and expand on our collection, and our goal is to help facilitate the dissemination of high-quality datasets for the profession. We welcome data submissions. Please refer to the society website for details. | via WRDS |
MarketLine | Datamonitor offers global coverage company, industry and country information through reports, news and statistics. | Library A-Z list |
Mergent fixed income securities database | The Mergent Fixed Income Securities Database (FISD) is a comprehensive database of publicly-offered U.S. bonds. | via WRDS |
Morningstar | This research platform provides performance and holdings analysis of investments. | Shared research account across RSM-ESE |
MSCI (Formerly KLD Research & Analytics) | Annual environental, social and governance performance indicators of about 3100 American companies. | via WRDS |
MSRB | Trades by investors and dealers in the over-the-counter market for municipal securities issued by municipal entities, including states, counties, cities and special tax districts. | via WRDS |
MFLINKS | Link tables for CRSP mutual fund performance and Thomson s12 mutual fund holdings. The MFLINKS tables provide a reliable means to link CRSP Mutual Fund (MFDB) data that covers mutual fund performance, expenses, and related information to equity holdings data in the Thomson Reuters Mutual Fund Ownership data (formerly known as the CDA S12 data). MFLINKS provides details on holdings either for particular funds or fund families and groups of funds at specific points in time. | via WRDS |
OECD.Stat incl. IEA | Statistical data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Energy Agency (IEA). | Library A-Z list |
OptionMetrics | American option prices and volatility. | via WRDS |
Orbis (Bureau van Dijk) | Financial data of 79 million companies worldwide. | Library A-Z list |
OTC Markets End-of-Day Pricing | OTC corporate bond market data for 10K-securities companies. | via WRDS |
Passport by Euromonitor (formerly GMID) | Passport Euromonitor provides access to reports, statistics and forecasts on industrial and consumer markets, searchable by country. | Library A-Z list |
Penn World Tables | Harmonised national accounts data allowing valid comparisons of income among countries. | via WRDS |
Peters and Taylor Total Q | An improved Tobin’s q - replacement cost of intangible capital - by Ryan Peters (Tulane) and Lucian A. Taylor (Wharton) | via WRDS |
Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX) | PHLX currency options data (1983-1997) and PHLX implied volatility data (1983-1997) | via WRDS |
Preqin | Preqin's dashboard offers private equity tools and comprehensive view of the private equity industry. Preqin covers institutional investors, fund performance, fundraising, deals, fund managers, and fund terms, for all fund types. | Account registration |
Prowess dx (CMIE) - Company data India | The Prowess CMIE database comprises data for listed and non-listed Indian companies (N=40K). Coverage e.g. annual reports, stock prices, profit and loss statements, ownership structures, corporate actions, balance sheet data and ratios. Time-series data are availble from the 1990's. | Account registration (license ends april 2022) |
Public Data (WRDS) | Public data on WRDS comes from a variety of sources in the public domain. WRDS converts the data into a consistent format and updates it on a regular basis. | via WRDS |
Refinitiv StreetEvents Transcripts | Refinitiv StreetEvents Transcripts and Briefs Datafeed – Transcripts of earnings, corporate, guidance conference calls/presentations, shareholder meetings, M&A announcements, sales/trading statement calls or presentations. | 5 single user-accounts |
Research Quotient | Firm’s R&D productivity. Created by Anne Marie Knott (Washington U. in St. Louis). RQ offers a universal, uniform, and reliable measure of a firm's R&D productivity. | via WRDS |
SDC Joint Ventures and Alliances | Joint venture and alliance data worldwide of both private and public companies. | On site Polak building |
SEC Order Execution | SEC-mandated Disclosure of Order Execution Statistics (Rule 11Ac1-5). Note: 2000-2005 only! | via WRDS |
TAQ (NYSE) | NYSE Trade and Quote (TAQ) database contains intraday transactions data (trades and quotes) for all securities listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and American Stock Exchange (AMEX), as well as Nasdaq National Market System (NMS) and SmallCap issues. | via WRDS |
ThomsonOne (T1) | Financial data from annual reports, as well as data about mergers and acquisitions and IPO's. Focus is on listed corporations, world wide. To use this database, switch to Internet Explorer and copy-paste the following link into your adress bar: (END-OF-LIFE, see EIKON) | END-OF-LIFE. See Eikon |
Thomson-Refnitiv | Various products: Lipper Hedge Fund Data (TASS), Mutual Fund Holdings (s12), Institutional 13f Holdings, Dealscan, Insiders Data, Ownership Data (WRDS TR Tools) | via WRDS |
TRACE | FINRA members' - i.e. broker-dealers - data for TRACE-eligible securities i.e. bonds and trade summaries | via WRDS |
UCLA-LoPucki Bankruptcy Research Database | The Bankruptcy Research Database (BRD) contains data on all of the more than one-thousand large public companies that have filed bankruptcy cases since October 1979. | Library A-Z list |
UNCTAD Statistics | Statistical data about world trade, international finance and foreign direct investments | Library A-Z list |
UWV Microdata | Access to microdata sets of UWV (project based access only) | Project based only |
United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) | Harmonized worldwide statistics provided by the United Nations on international trade, national accounts, energy, industry, environment, demographic and social statistics, gathered from national and international sources. | Library A-Z list |
WRDS Beta Suite | Tool to calculate the loading of stocks on risk factors with options for monthly, weekly, and daily rolling regressions on market risk factors. | via WRDS |
WRDS Bond Returns | Cleaned datasets of corporate bond transactions, sourced from TRACE (2002-07-2020-09) | via WRDS |
WRDS European Short Data | All significant EU short positions reported by institutional investors under the EU236 Rule. Coverage: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, UK. | via WRDS |
WRDS Factors | Tool for backtesting investment strategies. Control parameters: start and end dates, number of securities per portfolio, investment style, weights, and rebalancing frequency. | via WRDS |
WRDS Financial Ratio Suite | Pre-calculated financial ratios for all U.S. companies across eight different categories (Valuation, Liquidity, Profitability, etc). | via WRDS |
WRDS Insiders Data | All insider trades after the SEC-mandated electronic disclosure--from 1996-01, to the present (half year delay). | via WRDS |
WRDS Intraday Indicators | The WRDS Intraday Indicator Database (IID) contains daily stock market indicators obtained from NYSE TAQ data. At daily frequency, it provides, per stock variables such as Volume, Returns, and a variety of others. | via WRDS |
WRDS Linking Suite | The WRDS Linking Suite allows our users to easily download link tables between various heavily used databases on the WRDS platform. | via WRDS |
WRDS Option Suite | Option and equity level indicators derived from underlying option pricing data. | via WRDS |
WRDS SEC Analytics Suite | The SEC Analytics Suite is a dataset that offers easy access to SEC filings and exhibits. The dataset can be used e.g. to extract information on 10-K-filings. The dataset contains also a list of historical company names. | via WRDS |
WRDS Subsidiary Data | Company Subsidiary database contains parent company and subsidiary relationships for companies filing with the SEC between 1995 and 2019. | via WRDS |
WRDS US Patents | USPTO Patent-level data | via WRDS |
WRDS World Indices | Data is parsed from exhibits attached to a variety of filing types (10-K, 10-Q, etc.), but relies primarily on Exhibit 21. | via WRDS |
WRDS Venture Capital | All federally filed private placements ― “equity” or ownership change in a company above a certain monetary threshold, but without a formal IPO or M&A process. Data from 5 different SEC filings. | via WRDS |
World Bank | Various datasets e.g. forecasts of economic indicators by analysts of the World Bank as well as external debt and financial flows statistics. | Library A-Z list |
World Development Indicators (WDI) | Social, economic, financial and environmental data for over 200 countries. Development indicators and time series data from the World Bank on developing and high-income economies. | Library A-Z list |
ZEPHYR | Data on merger and acquisition-, IPO- and Venture Capital worldwide. | Library A-Z list |