RSM Internal Review Boards
When should I submit an ethics application?
The RSM Internal Review Boards (RSM IRBs) are organised throughout ERIM and evaluate ethical aspects in research proposals of researchers and PhD candidates. This includes both the collection of new data, as well as for instance collecting data from different existing sources and merging them. Proposals have to be approved before data collection takes place. In the following cases, you have to submit an application for ethical review.
- Research involving human subjects (see appendix a.)
- Collecting and processing personal data (see appendix a.)
- Potential harm to the researcher, staff and participants
- Potential conflict of interest
- Research design using deception
- Covert form of field research
- Novel or unusual research methods or tools are used
- Use of the Erasmus Behavioural Lab and the ESE-Econlab
- When gatekeepers are involved in data collection
- When research is conducted outside of the European Union (see appendix b.)
- Ethical review requested by the funding body or the journal
Please ensure enough time for an assessment by the RSM IRBs and note that the Board will evaluate projects with ongoing or completed data collection only in exceptional cases, in accordance with the RSM research ethics policy. For more information, guidelines and the appendices, please check the full policy document:
Data Management Plan
Note that a Data Management Plan (DMP) is mandatory and should be completed prior to submitting the ethical review application. We have developed a template for you to fill-in using the DMP online system. To get started, visit our DMP Online Quick Guide. Should you have more questions about the DMP, please contact Note that by advice of the Data Steward, you may need a privacy assessment. To learn more about privacy, please reach out to Gydo Kamst.
RSM has two Internal review boards, one for experimental research (RSM IRB-E) and one for non-experimental research (RSM IRB-NE). Follow the links to learn more about the board and the procedure.
Useful links and contacts
- (ERIM) Research Integrity Internal Review Boards
- (EUR) Research Quality and Integrity Services
- For more information on how to submit applications, visit the EUR Ethics Monitor
- Privacy Related Questions: Please contact the RSM Privacy Officer at or
- Data Management Plan Inquiries: Please reach out to the ERIM Data Steward at To complete a Data Management Plan (DMP), visit: DMP Online
- Research Ethics and Ethics Review Process: For questions, contact ERIM at or ERIM's Ethics Advisor at
- For useful information on the various stages of the research project life cycle please visit Research Data Management