
Our aim is to be recognized as one of the top centres in the world in terms of the quality of its research and teaching in Purchasing and Supply Management. We seek to achieve that objective by:

  • Focusing our research efforts on a limited set of research topics, based on an explicit definition of existing gaps or controversies in existing knowledge, adopting an interdisciplinary approach and following rigorous research methods;

  • Aiming for publication of research in the top journals across the key disciplines within PSM, particularly Operations Management, Marketing and Strategy;

  • Working together with international scholars in data collection and publication;

  • Defining teaching as a core activity to develop, disseminate and apply knowledge – that of ourselves and of our students;

  • Engaging with various external partners, such as practitioners, professional associations and other stakeholders, to constantly develop our teaching content and format, and

  • Closely working together to reap internal synergies in teaching and research.