Dr Z. (Zeynep) Aydin

Zeynep Aydin
Sabanci Business School
Sabanci University
Former ERIM PhD Candidate
Field: Marketing
Affiliated since 2009

PhD Track Mobile Consumers and Applications: Essays on Mobile Marketing

Seamless integration of mobile into the daily routine of the consumers created an uninterrupted online consumer, changing relationships with businesses in various ways. Empowered consumers now have instant access to detailed product information as well as more control over the pricing, timing and location of their purchase; resulting in remarkable changes in how consumers act. Firms first need to understand these behavioral changes, and then respond accordingly to the consumers via their renovated marketing strategies. This dissertation reflects both sides of the mobile eco-system by combining novel data sets reflecting the actions of mobile businesses and the reactions of mobile users.

The first essay advances our understanding of mobile marketing in the last decade by offering an integrated framework and an extended overview of mobile marketing. Utilizing novel data sets, the second essay discusses the customer’s mobile app adoption journey and considers a comprehensive set of variables affecting mobile app adoption. Following the step of adoption, the third essay shows that successive developments of the mobile application’s value proposition and efficiency can assist survival in the highly competitive mobile application market. Drawing from multiple research streams, this dissertation contributes to various literatures such as mobile applications, user generated content, and new product development. Implications, within the mobile applications domain, not only provide potential app developers with valuable insights, but also offer remedies for existing developers to resuscitate their applications. In the broader sense, the findings collectively relate to creating successful products in digital markets and continuous product development.

Mobile marketing, Mobile apps, Online word of mouth, Updates, User Reviews, Product Development, Automated Text Analysis 
Time frame
2009 - 2021


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