Y. (Yanze) Zhang

PhD Track Corporate governance and non-market strategy
Modern era corporate leaders are not only confronted with a host of activities by stakeholder activists seeking to influence their decisions, but also have to deal with an external environment whereby the boundaries between politics and business become increasingly blurred. Indeed, reports about corporate donations to political parties, intense lobbying, or the appointment of politicians to the board have become the norm. It therefore appears that firms increasingly recognize the need to complement their competitive strategies with non-market strategies involving corporate political activities. However, scholarly discourse remains relatively silent on the question how firms simultaneously embed competitive and non-market strategies into their overall governance architecture. The objective of this project is to enhance our theoretical and empirical understanding of how the systematic adoption of non-market strategies shape the governance practices and architectures of firms.
- Keywords
- Corporate Governance, Non-market strategy, Stakeholder management, Corporate Political Activities, , Social Movements
- Time frame
- 2018 -
Article (1)
Academic (1)
Benischke, M. H., Guldiken, O., Doh, J. P., Martin, G., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Towards a behavioral theory of MNC response to political risk and uncertainty: The role of CEO wealth at risk. Journal of World Business, 57(1), Article 101265. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwb.2021.101265
Additional activities (1)
Reviving Shareholder Democracy: The Role of Social Media in Shareholder Voting
Oral presentation (Academic)
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