V.J.A. (Vareska) van de Vrande

Vareska van de Vrande is Professor of Collaborative Innovation and Business Venturing at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Vareska joined RSM in 2007 after completing a PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management Science at the Eindhoven University of Technology. Her expertise focuses on the areas of corporate venturing and collaborative innovation, including external technology sourcing, corporate venture capital investments, strategic alliances, and corporate-startup collaboration. Other research interests include (corporate) entrepreneurship, patents, and venture capital. She has published articles in leading academic journals, including the Strategic Management Journal, Research Policy, Journal of Operations Management, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of Product Innovation Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and the Journal of Business Venturing. At RSM, Vareska teaches courses and modules in Strategic Management and Corporate Venturing at the graduate and post-experience level.
In addition, Vareska is a co-founder of the Corporate Venturing & Entrepreneurship Community, a platform that brings together academics and practitioners to exchange insights and best practices in the area of corporate venturing. She was also the co-founder and Academic Lead of Erasmus Enterprise (the incubator organization of Erasmus University), a member of the Supervisory Board of YES!Delft (the TU Delft incubator), and co-founder of two web-portals on open innovation ( and ). Currently, she acts as a board member at Venture Café Rotterdam (part of the Cambridge Innovation Center).
Article (28)
Academic (25)
Sanders, M., & van de Vrande, V. (2025). The owner-market fit and responses to competing logics. Journal of Media Business Studies, 22(1), 21-49.
Heeren, J., van de Vrande, V., Volberda, H., & de Waard, E. (2024). Closing the Innovation Performance Gap: Open Innovation in Military Bureaucracies. California Management Review, 66(3), 116-136.
Van De Vrande, V., Subramanian, A. M., Lévesque, M., & Klopf, P. (2024). The interdependent influence of lobbying and intellectual capital on new drug development. Research Policy, 53(2), Article 104938.
Sanders, M., & van de Vrande, V. (2024). Value creation in interdependent digital and analogue markets. Journal of Media Business Studies, 21(2), 146-174.
Dizdarevic, A., van de Vrande, V., & Jansen, J. (2024). When opposites attract: a review and synthesis of corporate-startup collaboration. Industry and Innovation, 31(5), 544-578.
Lévesque, M., Subramanian, A. M., & Vrande, V. V. D. (2023). The inseparable two: Impact of prior success and failure on new product development project discontinuation. Journal of Operations Management, 69(2), 305-336.
Subramanian, A. M., Nishant, R., Van De Vrande, V., & Hang, C. C. (2022). Technology transfer from public research institutes to SMEs: A configurational approach to studying reverse knowledge flow benefits. Research Policy, 51(10), Article 104602.
van Neerijnen, P., Tempelaar, M. P., & van de Vrande, V. (2022). Embracing Paradox: TMT paradoxical processes as a steppingstone between TMT reflexivity and organizational ambidexterity. Organization Studies, 43(11), 1793-1814.
Cavallo, A., Burgers, H., Ghezzi, A., & van de Vrande, V. (2022). The evolving nature of open innovation governance: A study of a digital platform development in collaboration with a big science centre. Technovation, 116, Article 102370.
Subramanian, A. M., Lévesque, M., & Van De Vrande, V. (2022). Are Biopharma Firms Discontinuing Doomed Drug Discovery Projects Fast Enough? Production and Operations Management, 31(4), 1454-1455.
Tempelaar, M. P., & van de Vrande, V. (2021). Beggars can be choosers: Resource scarcity, dynamism, search activities, and their joint impact on performance. Long Range Planning, 54(4), Article 102074.
Subramanian, AM., Levesque, M., & van de Vrande, V. (2020). "Pulling the plug”: Time allocation between drug discovery and development projects. Production and Operations Management, 29(12), 2851-2876.
Subramanian, AM., & van de Vrande, V. (2019). The role of intellectual capital in new product development: Can it become a liability? Journal of Operations Management, 65(6), 517-535.
di Lorenzo, F., & van de Vrande, V. (2019). Tapping into the knowledge of incumbents: The role of corporate venture capital investments and inventor mobility. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 13(1), 24-46.
Wang, P., van de Vrande, V., & Jansen, J. (2017). Balancing Exploration and Exploitation in Inventions: Quality of Inventions and Team Composition. Research Policy, 46(10), 1836-1850.
van de Vrande, V. (2013). Balancing your technology-sourcing portfolio: How sourcing mode diversity enhances innovative performance. Strategic Management Journal, 34(5), 610-621.
van de Vrande, V., & Vanhaverbeke, W. (2012). How prior corporate venture capital investments shape technological alliances: A real options approach. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 37(5), 1019-1043.
van de Vrande, V., Vanhaverbeke, W., & Duysters, GM. (2011). Technology In-Sourcing and the Creation of Pioneering Technologies. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(6), 974-987.
van de Vrande, V., Vanhaverbeke, W., & Duysters, GM. (2011). Additivity and complementarity in external technology sourcing: The added value of corporate venture capital investments. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 58(3), 483-496.
van de Vrande, V., & de Man, AP. (2011). A response to "Is open innovation a field of study or a communication barrier to theory development?". Technovation, 31(4), 185-186.
van de Vrande, V., Vanhaverbeke, W., & Gassmann, O. (2010). Broadening the scope of open innovation: past research, current state and future directions. International Journal of Technology Management, 52(3/4), 221-235.
van de Vrande, V., Vanhaverbeke, W., & Duysters, GM. (2009). External technology sourcing: the effect of uncertainty on governance mode choice. Journal of Business Venturing, 24(1), 62-80.
van de Vrande, V., Jong, JPJ., Vanhaverbeke, W., & de Rochemont, M. (2009). Open Innovation in SMEs: Trends, Motives and Management Challenges. Technovation, 29(6/7), 423-437.
Vanhaverbeke, W., van de Vrande, V., & Chesbrough, HW. (2008). Understanding the advantages of open innovation practices in corporate venturing in terms of real options. Creativity and Innovation Management, 17(4), 251-258.
van de Vrande, V., Lemmens, C., & Vanhaverbeke, W. (2006). Choosing governance modes for external technology sourcing. R and D Management, 36(3), 347-363.
Popular (1)
Hynes, N., & van de Vrande, V. (2013). When going Dutch means a free lunch: how Australians could build social capital. Unknown.
Professional (2)
Jansen, J., & van de Vrande, V. (2018). Is it better to look inside or outside for innovation? RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 33(1), 8-10.
van de Vrande, V. (2013). Walking the knowledge tightrope. RSM Insight, 15(3), 16-17.
Chapter (11)
Academic (8)
van de Vrande, V., & Kuiper, C. (2024). How Corporate Venturing Adds Value to Open Innovation. In H. Chesbrough, J. West, W. Vanhaverbeke, & A. Radziwon (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Open Innovation (pp. 266-283). Oxford University Press.
Stam, FC., & van de Vrande, V. (2017). Solopreneurs and the rise of co-working in the Netherlands. In Entrepreneurial Neighbourhoods Edward Elgar Publishing.
Stam, E., & van de Vrande, V. (2017). Solopreneurs and the rise of co-working in the Netherlands. In Entrepreneurial Neighbourhoods: Towards an Understanding of the Economies of Neighbourhoods and Communities (pp. 65-79). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Burgers, H., & van de Vrande, V. (2016). Who is the corporate entrepreneur? Insights from opportunity discovery and creation theory. In Handbook of Research on Corporate Entrepreneurship Edward Elgar Publishing.
Brunswicker, S., & van de Vrande, V. (2014). Exploring Open Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. In H. Chesbrough, W. Vanhaverbeke, & J. West (Eds.), Exploring the next wave of open innovation research Edward Elgar Publishing.
Burgers, JH., & van de Vrande, V. (2011). Who is the Corporate Entrepreneur? Insights from Opportunity Discovery and Creation Theory. In S. Zahra (Ed.), Handbook of Corporate Entrepreneurship Edward Elgar Publishing.
van de Vrande, V. (2008). The Importance of Internal Alignment for Open Innovation. In Open Innovation: The New Business Strategy ICFAI University Press.
Halman, J., Ulijn, J., van de Vrande, V., & Umbach, F. (2007). The importance of cooperation and support for technology start-ups: a comparison of the Eindhoven and Darmstadt areas. In Entrepreneurship, cooperation and the firm: the emergence and survival of high tech ventures in Europe (pp. 261-286). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Professional (3)
van de Vrande, V., & de Man, AP. (2010). Embracing Open Innovation. In Innovation EU, Vol. 2-1 Innovation Europe.
van de Vrande, V., & Vanhaverbeke, W. (2006). Innoveren door Externe Innovatie. In VMA Jaarboek 2006 (pp. 38-45)
de Rochemont, M., & van de Vrande, V. (2006). Open Innovatie en de Rol van Corporate Venture Capital. In J. Sistermans (Ed.), Open stellingen: Essays over Open Innovatie (pp. 57-64). Quantes.
Conference article (1)
Popular (1)
VAN DE VRANDE, V., Subramanian, A. M., Lévesque, M., & Klopf, P. (2023). SPEND IT WISELY: MARKET AND NON-MARKET STRATEGIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW DRUGS. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2023(1).
Conference contribution (3)
Academic (3)
Tempelaar, MP., & van de Vrande, V. (2012). Dynamism, Munificence, Internal and External Exploration-Exploitation and Their Performance Effects. Annual Academy of Management Conference, Boston, USA.
Dolgova, E., Ben-Menahem, S., Neerijnen, P., & van de Vrande, V. (2012). The Emergence of Team Proactiveness.. Annual Meeting of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (Sunbelt Conference), Redondo Beach, USA.
Tempelaar, MP., & van de Vrande, V. (2011). Knowledge ambidexterity and Financial Performance: A Longitudinal Study of the Simultaneous Pursuit of Local and Distant Knowledge within and across Organizational Boundaries. Organization Science Winter Conference XVII, Steamboat Springs, USA.
Conference proceeding (1)
Academic (1)
Vanhaverbeke, W. W., & Van De Vrande, V. (2008). Understanding the advantages of open innovation practices in corporate venturing in terms of real options. In 2008 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM 2008 (pp. 954-958). Article 4738011
Doctoral Thesis (1)
External (1)
van de Vrande, V. (2007). Not invented here: managing corporate innovation in a new era. [Doctoral Thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology]. TUE.
Inaugural speech (1)
Popular (1)
van de Vrande, V. (2017). Collaborative Innovation: Creating Opportunities in a Changing World. Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM). Inaugural Addresses Research in Management Series
Paper (2)
Academic (2)
Duijsters, J., van de Vrande, V., & Bakker, R. (2022). Getting Away With It: How Do Firms Avoid Damage to Their Network After Allegations of Misconduct?. Paper presented at 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2022: A Hybrid Experience, AOM 2022, Seattle, United States.
Li, Y., Van De Vrande, V., & Vanhaverbeke, W. (2009). The dual role of external corporate venturing in technological exploration. Paper presented at 69th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2009, Chicago, IL, United States.
Teaching case (2)
Academic (2)
Nikolopoulou, K., van de Vrande, V., & Kuiper, C., (2021). Doing Well by Doing Good: Battling the Face Mask Shortage in the Netherlands, RSM Case Development Centre
van de Vrande, V., (2014). Corporate Venturing at Air France KLM, No. 814-038-1, 12 p., RSM Case Development Centre No. 814-038-1
PhD Tracks (17)

- Role: Daily Supervisor
- PhD Candidate: Pengfei Wang
- Time frame: 2011 - 2016

- Role: Daily Supervisor, Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Jitse Duijsters
- Time frame: 2016 -

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Robert Suurmond
- Time frame: 2014 - 2019
- Role: Promotor

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Hesam Fasaei
- Time frame: 2012 - 2020
- Role: Promotor
- Role: Promotor

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Tatjana Schneidmüller
- Time frame: 2015 - 2020

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Mohammad Taghi Ramezan Zadeh
- Time frame: 2015 - 2021

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Stefan Breet
- Time frame: 2015 - 2022

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Katharina Badenhausen
- Time frame: 2017 - 2022
- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Pragathi Mavinakere Swamygowda
- Time frame: 2022 -

- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Ajlin Dizdarevic
- Time frame: 2018 -

- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Gauri Sharma
- Time frame: 2023 -

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Agnieszka Genc
- Time frame: 2014 -

- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Dana Hanouni
- Time frame: 2024 -

- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Klementine Klein
- Time frame: 2024 -
Events (3)
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