Dr J.S. (Stefan) Breet MSc

Strategie & Marketing
Radboud University Nijmegen
Former ERIM PhD Candidate
Field: Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Affiliated since 2012

Stefan Breet is an Assistant Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the Radboud University Nijmegen. His research examines how organizations can become more entrepreneurial and innovative.

He is particularly interested in the role that workplace social networks play in the generation and implementation of innovative ideas. With his research, he wants to improve our theoretical understanding of corporate entrepreneurship and provide practical recommendations that help both employees and organizations to become more entrepreneurial.

PhD Track A Network Perspective on Corporate Entrepreneurship: How Workplace Relationships Influence Entrepreneurial Behavior

Organizations often struggle to maintain or rekindle an entrepreneurial flair, which makes them vulnerable when circumstances change. Corporate entrepreneurship is a process that stimulates entrepreneurial behavior, enabling organizations to respond to changing circumstances, pursue new opportunities, and secure their long-term viability. Prior research has suggested several models that capture the corporate entrepreneurship process and identify a range of factors that stimulate or stifle entrepreneurial behavior. These models greatly improved our understanding of corporate entrepreneurship, but they do not explicitly acknowledge the social context of organizations and employees. In this dissertation, I develop and test a theoretical framework that provides a network perspective on corporate entrepreneurship (the NPCE framework). The NPCE framework shows when and why the social context plays a decisive role in the corporate entrepreneurship process. The results of three empirical studies provide support for the NPCE framework and demonstrate that the social context can evoke entrepreneurial and conservative behavior. The key implication of this finding for future corporate entrepreneurship research is that the omission of the social context leads to an incomplete understanding of the corporate entrepreneurship process.

Corporate Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial Behavior; Social Network Analysis; Social Networks; Performance Feedback
Time frame
2015 - 2022


  • Internal (1)
    • Breet, S. (2022). A Network Perspective on Corporate Entrepreneurship: How Workplace Relationships Influence Entrepreneurial Behavior. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).

  • Academic (1)
    • Breet, S., van Rhee, H., & Dul, J. (2018). Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA) in three steps: A demonstration – Online appendix to Dul, Van der Laan, & Kuik, (2018).

  • 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management

    Attending an event (Academic)


Visiting address

Postal address

P.O. Box 9102
6500 HC Nijmegen