Prof.dr. S. (Sjoerd) van Bekkum

Sjoerd van Bekkum is Professor of Finance and Economics at the Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University. His research agenda focuses on changes in the supply of credit that lubricates the economy, with a particular focus more recently on household finance. See for more detail his academic webpage, Van Bekkum has published in the leading Finance journals including the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial Economics, and the Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis. He also presented his work at many academic conferences such as several AFA, EFA, SFS, and FIRS meetings, and at workshops organized by the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and the International Monetary Fund.
Article (12)
Academic (10)
van Bekkum, S., Gabarro, M., Irani, R. M., & Peydró, J. L. (2024). The real effects of borrower-based macroprudential policy: Evidence from administrative household-level data. Journal of Monetary Economics, 147, Article 103574. Advance online publication.
van Bekkum, S., Verwijmeren, P., & Grundy, B. (Accepted/In press). Complementarity of Sovereign and Corporate Debt Issuance: Mind the Gap. Review of Finance.
Baltussen, G., Bekkum, S., & Da, Z. (2018). Indexing and Stock Market Serial Dependence Around the World. Journal of Financial Economics, 132(1), 26-48.
Baltussen, G., Bekkum, S., & van der Grient, B. (2018). Unknown Unknowns: Uncertainty About Risk and Stock Returns. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 53(4), 1-37.
van Bekkum, S., Irani, R., & Gabarro Bonet, M. (2018). Does a Larger Menu Increase Appetite? Collateral Eligibility and Credit Supply. The Review of Financial Studies, 31(3), 2855-2896.
van Bekkum, S. (2017). Ireland's 2010 EU/IMF Intervention: Costs and Benefits. Journal of Banking and Finance, 72(4), 175-183.
Smit, H., Pennings, E., & van Bekkum, S. (2017). Real Options and Institutions. Journal of International Business Studies, 48(5), 620-644.
van Bekkum, S. (2016). Inside Debt and Bank Risk. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 51(2), 359-385.
van Bekkum, S., Smit, H., & Pennings, E. (2011). Buy Smart, Time Smart: Are Takeovers Driven by Growth Options or Mispricing? Financial Management - FM, 40(4), 911-940.
van Bekkum, S., Pennings, E., & Smit, H. (2009). A Real Options Perspective on R&D Portfolio Diversification. Research Policy, 38(7), 1150-1158.
Popular (1)
van Bekkum, S. (2013). Yielding door vliegtuigmaatschappijen. NRC Handelsblad, 18-18.
Professional (1)
van Bekkum, S. (2013). Het aandeelhoudersbelang in bestuurdersbeloningen. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 98(4661), 330-332.
Doctoral Thesis (1)
Internal (1)
van Bekkum, S. (2010). What's Wrong with Pricing Errors? Essays on the Difference Between Price and Value. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).
Paper (1)
Academic (1)
van Bekkum, S., & Zhang, D. (2014). How Do Compensation Policies Spread? Evidence from Executive Ownership Guidelines.
Web publication/site (2)
Academic (1)
van Bekkum, S. (2010). The (Agency) Problem of Risk Incentives within Financial Institutions. Web publication/site, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation.
Professional (1)
van Bekkum, S. (2013). Rammelend wetsvoorstel beperking bankiersbonussen. Web publication/site, Erasmus School of Economics (ESE).
PhD Tracks (2)

- Role: Co-promotor
- PhD Candidate: Antti Yang
- Time frame: 2017 - 2022

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Lingtian Kong
- Time frame: 2012 - 2019
Events (6)
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