Dr R. (Roxana) Turturea

Aalto University
Former ERIM PhD Candidate
Field: Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Affiliated since 2012

Roxana Turturea is a PhD candidate in the Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship. Roxana is generally interested in entrepreneurial finance, in particular in the drivers and consequences of entrepreneurs’ financing decisions. In the context of entrepreneurial finance, she investigates how entrepreneurs overcome resource constraints by either using new sources of finance (such as crowdfunding) or by employing creative ways to acquire resources.

PhD Track Overcoming Resource Constraints: The Role of Creative Resourcing and Equity Crowdfunding in Financing Entrepreneurial Ventures

This dissertation extends current knowledge about how entrepreneurs overcome resource constraints, without relying extensively on capital from “traditional” equity investors. In particular, I build on research on creative resourcing (i.e., bricolage, bootstrapping) and on literature on equity crowdfunding, to investigate (1) how do bricolage and bootstrapping affect firm-level outcomes, (2) How do top management team (TMT) attributes influence the reliance of firms on bricolage and bootstrapping, and (3) How do crowd investors (i.e. investors in equity crowdfunding) identify high-quality opportunities to invest in.


The findings from the first two studies show that bootstrapping and bricolage are prevalent resourcing behaviors in small and medium-sized enterprises, and that these behaviors differentially affect firm outcomes. More specifically, bricolage enables firms to balance exploration and exploitation, and positively effects firm performance, whereas bootstrapping has a negative effect on firm performance.  I also found supporting evidence that the socio-cognitive attributes of the TMTs fundamentally shape the willingness and ability of these teams to engage in bricolage and bootstrapping. The findings from the third study in my dissertation support the contention that crowd investors use heuristics (i.e. mental shortcuts aimed at reducing the effort required for a task), when evaluating investment opportunities. Most importantly, several heuristics, such as the disconfirmation and selectivity heuristics, help investors identify the more promising investment opportunities. These findings have important practical implications for investors, but also for entrepreneurs that can improve the way they interact with their (potential) investors.

crowdfunding, investor decision-making, heuristics, bootstrapping, bricolage, creative resourcing, entrepreneurial finance
Time frame
2012 - 2018


  • Professional (1)
    • Bruining, H., Verheul, I., & Turturea, R. (2012). Does it pay to be cheap? How financial bootstrapping affects the performance of new ventures.. 14-14. Abstract from Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Boston (US).

  • Academic (6)
    • Aguilera, R., Duran, P., Heugens, P., Sauerwald, S., Turturea, R., & VanEssen, M. (2020). State ownership, political ideology, and firm performance around the world. Journal of World Business, 56(1), Article 101113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwb.2020.101113

    • Heugens, P., Engelen, P. J., Turturea, R., van Essen, M., & Bailey, N. (2020). The impact of stakeholders' temporal orientation on short- and long-term IPO outcomes: A meta-analysis. Long Range Planning, 53(2), Article 101853. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lrp.2018.10.003

    • Heugens, P., Sauerwald, S., Turturea, R., & van Essen, M. (2019). Does State Ownership Hurt of Help Minority Shareholders? International Evidence from Control Block Acquisitions. Global Strategy Journal, Accepted. https://doi.org/10.1002/gsj.1337

    • Tihanyi, L., Aguilera, R., Heugens, P., van Essen, M., Duran, P., Sauerwald, S., & Turturea, R. (2019). State Ownership and Political Connections. Journal of Management, 45(6), 2293-2321. https://doi.org/10.1177/0149206318822113

    • Sauerwald, S., Heugens, P., Turturea, R., & van Essen, M. (2018). Are all private benefits of control ineffective? Principal-principal benefits, external governance quality, and firm performance. Journal of Management Studies, 56(4), 725-757. https://doi.org/10.1111/joms.12420

    • Verheul, I., Block, J., Burmeister, K., Thurik, R., Tiemeier, H., & Turturea, R. (2015). ADHD-like behavior and entrepreneurial intentions. Small Business Economics, 45(1), 85-101. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11187-015-9642-4

  • Internal (1)
    • Turturea, R. (2018). Overcoming Resource Constraints: The Role of Creative Resourcing and Equity Crowdfunding in Financing Entrepreneurial Ventures. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).


Postal address

P.O. Box 11000
FI-00076 Aalto