Prof.dr. P.J. (Peter) van Baalen

**Peter van Baalen is a former associate professor at the Department of Decision and Information Sciences at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM).**
He is currently Professor of Information Management and Digital Organisation, Director College Economics and Business, Faculty of Economics and Business, at the University of Amsterdam.
His research interests are pay-offs in knowledge sharing, relational models in knowledge sharing behavior, dynamics of knowledge networks and communities, e-learning and social media and student engagement, new ways of working (telework, hybrid and sustainable workplaces), and the adoption and implementation of information technologies.
His articles appeared in European Journal of Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Management Information Systems Quarterly Executive, European Management Journal, Management Learning, Journal of Organizational Change Management. He wrote many book chapters and (co-) authored and edited eight books.
He lectures in the fields of knowledge management and new media in business.
Peter van Baalen’s previous work focused on the history and future of management education and management learning and appeared in Higher Education Policy, Journal of Industrial Training, Industrial and Commercial Training, Journal of Management History.
Article (30)
Academic (22)
Wessels, C., Schippers, M., Stegmann, S., Bakker, A. B., Baalen, P., & Proper, K. I. (2019). Fostering flexibility in the new world of work: A model of time-spatial job crafting. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, Article 505.
van der Meulen, N., Baalen, P., van Heck, E., & Mülder, S. (2019). No Teleworker Is an Island: The Impact of Temporal and Spatial Separation along with Media Use on Knowledge Sharing Networks. Journal of Information Technology, 34(3), 243-262.
Baalen, P., & Karsten, L. (2012). The Evolution of Management as a interdisciplinary field of research and education in the netherlands. Journal of Management History, 18(2), 219-237.
van Heck, E., Baalen, P., Meulen, D., & Oosterhout, M. (2012). Achieving High Performance in a Mobile and Green Workplace: Lessons from Microsoft Netherlands. MIS Quarterly Executive, 11(4), 175-188.
Boer, NI., Berends, H., & Baalen, P. (2011). Relational Models for Knowledge Sharing Behavior. European Management Journal, 29(2), 85-97.
van Hooff, B., & Baalen, P. (2011). Connecting Worlds. Management Learning, 42(4), 371-377.
Baalen, P., & Karsten, L. (2010). The social shaping of the early management schools in the Netherlands.Professions and the Power of Abstraction. Journal of Management History, 16(2), 153-173.
Baalen, P., & van Fenema, PC. (2009). Instantiation of a Hastily Formed Network: the case of SARS. Decision Support Systems, 47(4), 277-286.
Baalen, P., & Bogenrieder, I. (2009). Guest Editorial. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 22(1), 4-7.
Bogenrieder, I., & Baalen, P. (2007). Contested Practice: Multiple Inclusion in Double-knit Organizations. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 20(4), 579-595.
van Fenema, PC., Koppius, O., & Baalen, P. (2007). Implementing Package Enterprise Software in Multi-Site Firms: Intensification of Organizing and Learning. European Journal of Information Systems, 16(5), 584-598.
Li, L., & Baalen, P. (2007). Indigenization of management education in China. Higher Education Policy, 20(2), 169-193.
Baalen, P. (2005). Tribaliserende Organisaties. Holland Management Review, 21(104), 53-58.
Baalen, P., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, JM., & van Heck, E. (2005). Knowledge Sharing in an Emerging Network of Practice: The Role of a Knowledge Portal. European Management Journal, 23(3), 300-315.
Moratis, LT., & Baalen, P. (2002). The radicalization of the multiversity: the case of the networked business school. The International Journal of Educational Management, 16(4), 160-168.
Huysman, M., & Baalen, P. (2001). Knowledge Sharing, Communities, and Social Capital. A Relational Base of Knowledge Management. TIC - Trends in Communication, 8, 77-91.
Huysman, M., & Baalen, P. (2001). Editorial (to special issue of Trends in Communications 8/2001, eds. M. Huysman and P. van Baalen. TIC - Trends in Communication, 8, 3-5.
Baalen, P. (2000). Legitimiteit, formele kennis en retoriek; de verleiding van de managementwetenschap in de professionalisering van het managementadvieswerk. M en O, 54(5/6), ---.
Baalen, P., & Hoogendoorn, J. (1999). Training and Development in the Dutch context: An overture to the knowledge society. Industrial and Commercial Training, 31(2), 61-71.
Baalen, P. (1999). Kennis als Prefix. Filosofie in Bedrijf, 34(9), 4-6.
Baalen, P., & Hoogendoorn, J. (1998). Training and development in the Dutch context: an overture to the knowledge society? Journal of European Industrial Training, 22(4-5), 171-179.
Baalen, P. (1991). Een historische inleiding in de Rotterdamse business school. Interface (Rotterdam), 7(4), 7-9.
Popular (1)
Moratis, LT., & Baalen, P. (2002). Managing in the network economy. Unknown, 33-38.
Professional (7)
Rozentale, I., Deichmann, D., & Baalen, P. (2019). Niet 'of', maar 'en'! Dude (Dutch Designers Magazin), 1, 38-40.
van Baalen, P., van der Meulen, N., Bouwman, J., & Schippers, M. (2012). Task-location optimization in the Hybrid Workspace. Tijdschrift voor Ergonomie, 37(3), 28-32.
Baalen, P. (2011). Het Nieuwe Werken in de High Performance Workplace: een kwestie van empowerment en vertyrouwen. Tijdschrift voor Ontwikkeling in Organisaties, 1(3), 52-57.
Hove, J., & Baalen, P. (2008). Kennis(en) Delen: een case studie. TIEM: tijdschrift voor informatie en management, 24(March/April), 38-41.
Burgers, S., Baalen, P., & van Dalen, J. (2008). Is Open Source Beter dan Gesloten? TIEM: tijdschrift voor informatie en management, 27(September/Oktober), 28-30.
Oranje, F., & Baalen, P. (2003). De Toegevoegde Waarde van de Venture Capitalist. Bedrijfskunde, 75(2), 54-63.
Baalen, P., & van Berkel, P. (1991). Drie culturen van bedrijfskunde. Bedrijfskunde, 63(1), 21-30.
Book (4)
Academic (4)
Baalen, P., Zuidwijk, R., & van Nunen, JAEE. (2009). Port Inter-Organizational Information Systems. Capabilities to Service Global Supply Chains. Now Publishers.
Baalen, P., & Moratis, LT. (2001). Management Education in the Network Economy. Kluwer Academic.
Baalen, P., Oosterhout, M., Tan, YH., & van Heck, E. (2000). Dynamics in setting up an EDI Community - Experiences from the port of Rotterdam. Uitgeverij Eburon.
Baalen, P. (1996). European Entrepreneurs in higher Education: a short History of the European and Dutch Movement of Management Education. Uitgeverij Eburon.
Book editing (4)
Academic (2)
Baalen, P., & Oosterhout, M. (2009). IOS Adoption and Implementation in Global Port Communities. Now Publishers.
Baalen, P., & Beije, PR. (1998). IT in het MKB; Een Onderzoek naar de Invoering van Informatietechnologie in het Midden- en Kleinbedrijf tijdens het MISTER-Advies-project. Kluwer Bedrijfsinformatie.
Professional (2)
Baalen, P., Weggeman, M., & Witteveen, A. (2002). Kennis en Management. Scriptum. Scriptum management
Baalen, P. (1995). New Challenges for the Business Schools. Uitgeverij Eburon.
Book/Film/Article review (2)
Academic (2)
Baalen, P., & Huysman, M. (2004). Mark Easterby-Smith and Majorie A. Lyles (eds): The Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management. Organization Studies, 25, 481-487.
Baalen, P. (1999). Review of: M.H. Boisot, Knowledge Assets. Securing Competitive Advantage in the Information Economy. Management Learning, 31, 127-128.
Chapter (39)
Academic (31)
Baalen, P., Meulen, D., & Maas, T. (2012). Het Nieuwe Werken: een Revolutie in een Evolutie? In C. Prins, A. Vedder, & F. van der Zee (Eds.), De Transformerende Kracht van ICT (pp. 155-168). Media Update.
Baalen, P., van Dalen, J., Smit, R., & Veenhof, W. (2011). Utilitarian and Hedonic Motivations in the Acceptance of Web Casts in Higher Education. In C. Wankel, & J. S. Law (Eds.), Streaming Media in Higher Education
Bijlsma, T., Bogenrieder, I., & Baalen, P. (2010). Learning military organizations and Organizational Change. In J. Soeters, P. C. Van Fenema, & R. Beeres (Eds.), Managing Military Organizations. Thepry and Practice (pp. 228-239). Routledge.
Baalen, P. (2010). De Integraal van Nul is Nul! Interdisciplinariteit in Bedrijfskunde. In Liber Amicorum. In memoriam Jo van Nunen (pp. 65-67). Dinalog/RSM.
Baalen, P., & van Fenema, PC. (2009). Fighting Sars with a Hastily Formed Network. In P. H. M. Vervest, D. W. van Liere, & L. Zheng (Eds.), The Network Experience. New Value from Smart Business Networks (pp. 165-178). Springer-Verlag.
Baalen, P. (2009). U.S. Ideology and the Founding of Business Schools in the Netherlands. In H. Krabbendam, C. A. van Minnen, & G. Scott-Smith (Eds.), Four Centuries of Dutch-American NL USA (pp. 896-907). Boom Uitgevers.
Zuidwijk, R., Baalen, P., Oosterhout, M., & van Nunen, JAEE. (2009). Port IT Capabilities: Toward a PCS Strategy. In R. A. Zuidwijk, P. J. van Baalen, & J. A. E. E. van Nunen (Eds.), Port Inter-Organizational Information Systems: Capabilities to Service Global Supply Chains (pp. 73-92). Now Publishers.
Fioole, W., van Driel, H., & Baalen, P. (2008). Europeanisation and Americanisation? Converging backgrounds of German and Dutch top managers, 1990-2005. In H.G. Schröter (Ed.), The European Enterprise. Historical Investigation into a Future Species (pp. 155-167). Springer-Verlag.
van Fenema, PC., & Baalen, P. (2007). Collective Meaning in E-Collaborating Groups. In N. F. Kock (Ed.), Encyclopedia of E-Collaboration (pp. 87-94). Information Science Reference.
Lorenzon, A., Pilotti, L., & Baalen, P. (2006). CRM Technologies as a leverage of Competitiveness adn BUsiness Value Creation in European Markets: a comparison between Italy and the netherlands. In K. Mukherjee (Ed.), CRM Implementation: A Strategic Approach ICFAI University Press.
Boer, NI., Baalen, P., & Kumar, K. (2004). The implications of different models of social relations for understanding knowledge sharing. In H. Tsoukas, & N. Mylonopoulos (Eds.), Organizations as knowledge systems (pp. 130-153). Palgrave Macmillan.
Baalen, P., & Moratis, LT. (2004). From going alone to going along? European Business School as loosely coupled network. In C. Wankel, & R. DePhillipi (Eds.), The cutting edge of international management education (pp. 3-36). Information Age Publishing.
Boer, NI., Baalen, P., & Kumar, K. (2002). An Activity theory approach for studying the dynamics of knowledge sharing. In Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) IEEE.
Boer, NI., Baalen, P., & Kumar, K. (2002). Relational dimension of knowledge sharing. In J. H. E. Andriessen, M. Soekijad, & H. J. Seasberry (Eds.), Support for knowledge sharing in communities (pp. 11-34). DUP Science.
Boer, NI., Baalen, P., & Kumar, K. (2002). The implications of different models of social relations for understanding knowledge sharing. In Proceedings of The Third European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities/Athens/Greece
Chinien, C., Moratis, LT., Boutin, F., & Baalen, P. (2002). New times and new ways for learning and skill development. In Proceedings for the conference 'Developing new skills for the new economy. International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training' organized by UNESCO International Project on Technical and Vocational education (UNEVOC)
Baalen, P. (2001). Legitimiteit, formele kennis en retoriek; de verleiding van de managementwetenschap in de professionalisering van het managementadvieswerk. In L. de Caluwe, A. Witteveen (Ed.), Organisatieadvies: wat is dat? (pp. 47-73). Scriptum Samsom.
van der Aa, W., & Baalen, P. (2000). "E-learning in a network of European business schools". In . - - (Ed.), ODL-networking for Quality Learning, Proceedings the Lisbon 2000 European Conference
Baalen, P. (1999). Review of : T.R. Gourvish and N. Tiratsoo (ed.), Missionaries and Managers: American Influences on European Management Education 1945-1960. In T. R. Gourvish, & N. Tiratsoo (Eds.), - Manchester University Press.
Baalen, P., & van der Linden, R. (1998). Performance gaps en aanleidingesfactoren. In P. J. van Baalen, & P. Beije (Eds.), IT in het MKB; Een Onderzoek naar de Invoering van Informatietechnologie in het Midden- en Kleinbedrijf tijdens het MISTER-Advies-project (pp. 79-108). Uitgeverij Kluwer.
Baalen, P. (1998). Adoptie, implementatie en interventie. In P. J. van Baalen, & P. R. Beije (Eds.), IT in het MKB; Een Onderzoek naar de Invoering van Informatietechnologie in het Midden- en Kleinbedrijf tijdens het MISTER-Advies-project (pp. 43-78). Uitgeverij Kluwer.
Baalen, P. (1998). Review of: Management education and competitiveness: Europe, Japan and the United States. In R. P. Amdam (Ed.), - Routledge.
Baalen, P. (1998). Review of; mangement, education and competitiveness: Europe, Japan and the United States. In R. P. Amdam (Ed.), - Routledge.
Baalen, P., van Nunen, JAEE., & Velders, PC. (1998). Het virtuele managementonderwijs. In . - (Ed.), Massa-individualisering: maatwerk in de praktijk (pp. 169-177).
Baalen, P., & Beije, PR. (1998). Adoptie, beïnvloeding en implementatie. In P. J. van Baalen, & P. R. Beije (Eds.), IT in het MKB; Een Onderzoek naar de Invoering van Informatietechnologie in het Midden- en Kleinbedrijf tijdens het MISTER-Advies-project (pp. 111-146). Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen.
Beije, PR., & Baalen, P. (1998). IT adoptie in het MKB en de rol van MISTER; samenvatting, conclusies en aanbevelingen. In P. J. van Baalen, & P. R. Beije (Eds.), IT in het MKB; Een Onderzoek naar de Invoering van Informatietechnologie in het Midden- en Kleinbedrijf tijdens het MISTER-Advies-project (pp. 213-220). Kluwer Bedrijfsinformatie.
Baalen, P., Meijs, L., Sweijd, S., & van Ruller, H. (1996). The unpaved road to entrepreneurship in the third sector: how education must change too. In C. L. Barbeito (Ed.), Nonprofit Management Education 1996: a US and World Perspective. (pp. 349-370). University of San Francisco.
Baalen, P. (1995). Disciplinarisation and Interdisciplinarisation in Dutch Management Sciences. In A. M. Klijnstra, & B. G. F. Pol (Eds.), Structuur en proces: miskend spanningsveld: NOBO zevende onderzoekdag 1995, 22 november, Groningen (pp. 31-40). Universiteit Twente, NOBO.
Baalen, P., & Leijnse, F. (1995). Beyond the Discipline: Inserting Interdisciplinarity in Business and Management Education. In P. J. van Baalen (Ed.), New Challenges for the Business Schools (pp. 7-26). Uitgeverij Eburon.
Baalen, P. (1995). Evaluation, Cooperation under Erasmus and Socrates's new Perspectives: training and Education in Business Studies. In G. Pellicelli (Ed.), European National Reports, Rotterdam, Sigma Conference, 15-16 September 1995 (pp. 202-221). Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).
Baalen, P. (1993). De lange en onvoltooide weg naar interdisciplinaire bedrijfskunde in Nederland. In H. van Driel (Ed.), Ontwikkeling van bedrijfskundig denken en doen: een Rotterdams perspectief (pp. 217-233). Uitgeverij Eburon.
Professional (8)
Baalen, P., & Verhaegen, PHAM. (2005). The Netherlands. In The GFME Board (Ed.), A Global Guide to Management Education 2006 (pp. 139-145). Emerald Group Publishing.
Baalen, P. (2002). Kennis, Transacties en Infoculturen. De institutonalisering van kennis. In Kennis en Management Scriptum Samsom.
Baalen, P., & Karsten, L. (2002). Interdisciplinariteit, Professies en Amerikanisering. Een geschiedenis van het ontstaan van de Nederlandse bedrijfskunde. In NEHA Jaarboek (pp. 256-304).
van der Aa, W., & Baalen, P. (2000). E-learning in a network of European business schools. In . - (Ed.), ODL-networking for Quality Learning, Proceedings the Lisbon 2000 European Conference (pp. 264-268).
Baalen, P. (1999). Competenties, activiteiten en strategie. Over de ontbrekende schakel tussenm organisationele en individuele competenties. In F. Buskermolen, & R. S. B. de la Parra (Eds.), Het belang van competenties in organisaties (pp. 157-176). Lemma.
Baalen, P., van Nunen, JAEE., & Velders, PC. (1998). Virtueel managementonderwijs. In C. van der Hoeven (Ed.), Massa-Individualisering: Maatwerk in de Praktijk (pp. 169-176). TVA developments bv.
Baalen, P. (1996). Drie vormingsparadigma's in management: over de scheiding tussen kennis en kunde in het moderne management. In J. von Grumnkov, & P. G. W. Jansen (Eds.), Management Development, Monografieën personeel & organisatie (pp. 33-53). Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen/NVP.
Baalen, P. (1995). Facing the Challenges: an Introduction. In P. J. van Baalen (Ed.), New Challenges for Business Schools (pp. 1-6). Uitgeverij Eburon.
Conference contribution (3)
Academic (3)
Baalen, P., & van Heck, E. (2009). The impact of Trust and Empowerment on Satisfaction and Productivity of IT Knowledge Workers. IFIP 8.2 ICIS 2009 Phoenix, Phoenix.
Baalen, P., Karsten, L., & Essers, J. (2003). Academic Tribes and the Fragmented Adhocracy. A history of Interdisciplinarity in Management Studies: The Dutch Case. 19th EGOS Colloqium Copenhagen July 3-5, 2003.
Baalen, P., & Huysman, M. (2003). Looking into the Black Box of Strategic Activities: an activity theory perpsective. OKLC Conference 2003, Barcelona.
Conference proceeding (3)
Academic (3)
Wessels, C., Schippers, M., & Baalen, P. (2013). "Getting Engaged: It is more than saying 'yes'to your organization. How work engagement and its influencers affect Work-Life Balance and Job Satisfaction and the Moderating Role of Flexibl Working. In Proceedings of EAWOP
Baalen, P., van Dalen, J., & Malsen, J. (2013). Relational Model Conflicts in Knowledge Sharing Behavior. In -
Srour, FJ., Oosterhout, M., Zuidwijk, R., & Baalen, P. (2008). Port Community System Implementation: Lessons Learned from International Scan. In Transportation Research Board 87th Annual Meeting, Washington DC
Doctoral Thesis (1)
Internal (1)
Baalen, P. (1995). Management en hoger onderwijs: de geschiedenis van het academisch management-onderwijs in Nederland. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).
Paper (12)
Academic (12)
Wessels, C., Baalen, P., & Proper, K. (2014). Staying engaged in the new world of work: Elucidating the influence of workplace felxibility on work engagement. Paper presented at Academy of Management 2014, Philadelphia.
Meulen, D., Baalen, P., & van Heck, E. (2014). [Paper title temporarily obscured in accordance with journal guidelines]. Paper presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia.
Meulen, D., Baalen, P., & Legerstee, M. (2014). Do As We Do. Social Network Influences on Communication Media Repertoire Mirroring. Paper presented at International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge, and Capabilities, Oslo, Norway.
Romochkina, I., Zuidwijk, R., & Baalen, P. (2014). A Pricing Strategy for inter-organisational information systems: user value meets fair sharing. Paper presented at paper submission ECIS 2014, Tel aviv.
Meulen, D., Baalen, P., & van Heck, E. (2012). Please, Do Not Disturb. Telework, Distractions and the Productivity of the Knowledge Worker. Paper presented at International Conference on Information Systems 2012, Orlando.
Romochnkina, I., Baalen, P., & Zuidwijk, R. (2012). Digital Platforms in Ports: towards the third generfation of port community systems. Paper presented at EURAM 2012, Rotterdam.
Baalen, P. (2012). Risk Junctions: Reflexive Moderrnization and the Hybrid Workspace. Paper presented at 7th Organization Studies Workshop May 2012, Rhodes, Greece.
Houtman, L., van Hooff, B., & Baalen, P. (2010). Knowledge Sharing Between Local Work Contexts: a Multi-Method Case Study. Paper presented at OLKC 2010, Boston.
Baalen, P., Bajema, R., Duits, Y., & van Heck, E. (2009). Developing and Exploring Dimensions for Studying Information Work. A Case Study. Paper presented at OLKC Conference, Amsterdam.
Baalen, P., van Fenema, PC., & Rietjens, SJH. (2007). Conceptualizing Coordination Problems in Temporary Interorganizational Networks. Paper presented at Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia.
Baalen, P., & van Fenema, PC. (2006). Interorganizational Network Coordination: The SARS CASE. Paper presented at SBNI Conference, Putten.
Baalen, P., & van Fenema, PC. (2005). Drifting Episodes in Implementing Complex, Integrated Technology. Paper presented at Conference Society for Philiosophy and Technology, Delft.
Report (29)
Academic (18)
Baalen, P., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, JM., & van Heck, E. (2005). Knowledge sharing in an emerging network of practice: the role of a knowledge portal. (ERS 003-lis ed.) Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). ERS Vol. 003-lis
Moratis, LT., Teunter, LH., Baalen, P., & Verhaegen, PHAM. (2005). Faculty Retention Factors at European Business Schools. How Deans and Faculty Perceptions Differ. (ERIM Report Series ERS-2005-0 ed.) ERIM Report Series Vol. ERS-2005-0
van Fenema, PC., & Baalen, P. (2005). Strategies for Dealing with Drift during Implementation of ERP systems. (ERIM Report Series ERS-2005-L ed.) Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR. ERIM Report Series Vol. ERS-2005-L
Bogenrieder, I., & Baalen, P. (2004). Multiple Inclusion and Community Networks.
Baalen, P., & Karsten, L. (2004). The Social Shaping of the early Dutch Management Schools. Professions and the Power of Abstraction. (Research in Management ERS-2004-9 ed.) Research in Management Vol. ERS-2004-9
Baalen, P., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, JM., van Heck, E., & van de Veire, P. (2003). Het monitoren van de Kennisportal Agrologistiek. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).
Baalen, P., Oosterhout, M., Tan, YH., & van Heck, E. (1999). EDI for In-land Transport. (ERASM Management Report Series 22-1999 ed.) RSM extern. ERASM Management Report Series Vol. 22-1999
Oosterhout, M., Schansman, D., Waarts, E., & Baalen, P. (1999). Marktonderzoek Virtueel Kenniscentrum. Kennisbehoeften van het MKB in de regio Rotterdam. Erasm Business Suport Centre bv. EBCS rapport
Baalen, P. (1999). Is the medium the message? Three theoretical perspectives on the use of new learning technologies: the non-neutrality of technology, information richness theory, interprettetive-hermeneutic approach. (ERASM Management Report Series 22-1999 ed.) RSM extern. ERASM Management Report Series Vol. 22-1999
Baalen, P., Oosterhout, M., Tan, YH., & van Heck, E. (1999). The Start-up of an EDI-Community: Experiences from the Port of Rotterdam. Erasm Business Support Centre bv. EBSC rapport
Baalen, P., Oosterhout, M., Tan, DS., & van Heck, E. (1999). Dynamics in the Start-Up of an EDI community: Experiences from the port of Rotterdam. ERASM.
van der Aa, W., & Baalen, P. (1999). Distance learning models in European - Shared learning report. Dilemma Project, Rotterdam School of Management/Faculteit Be.
Baalen, P., & Hoogendoorn, J. (1998). The Dutch learning environment: facts and figures about the Dutch learning society. (Management Report Series 32-1998 ed.) ERIM. Management Report Series Vol. 32-1998
Baalen, P. (1998). Models of learning and medium choice in MBA-education. (Management Report Series 33-98 ed.) Management Report Series Vol. 33-98
Baalen, P. (1997). Information society and human resource management. (Management Report Series 39(13) ed.) ERIM. Management Report Series Vol. 39(13)
Baalen, P. (1997). De adoptie en implementatie van informatie technologie in het midden- en kleinbedrijf.
Baalen, P. (1997). Human resource management & IT. Trends and actors. report submitted to the MACIS project
Baalen, P., & Hoogendoorn, J. (1997). The Dutch Learning Environment. Report submitted to the Limerick (Ireland) research meeting of LAITO (Learning and Training in Organisations) - EU project. EBSC/EUR.
Professional (11)
Baalen, P., van Heck, E., Oosterhout, M., & Go, FM. (2009). Worlds of Work - Results from the New Worlds of Work Research Report 2008. Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.
van der Meulen, D., Vermeer, W., Oosterhout, M., & Baalen, P. (2009). Essent @nders werken results survey. Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), EUR.
Geerling-Eiff, FA., Hubeek, F., & Baalen, P. (2005). Naar nieuwe kennisarrangementen: aanbevelingen voor de inrichting van kennisnetwerken. Wageningen UR / LEI.
Geerling-Eiff, FA., Hubeek, F., & Baalen, P. (2004). Kennis en Gedrag. Een studie binnen het kader van de Eindevaluatie Actieplan Nitraatprojecten. LEI.
van de Ven, HWM., & Baalen, P. (2003). Blended Learning: Trends in ICT en Onderwijs. OECR.
Baalen, P., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, JM., van Heck, E., & van de Veire, P. (2003). Eindrapportage Kennisportal Agrologistiek. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).
Baalen, P., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, JM., van Heck, E., & van de Veire, P. (2003). Community en kennisportal Agrologistiek. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).
Baalen, P., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, JM., van Heck, E., & van de Veire, P. (2003). Analyse Kennisportal Agrologistiek. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).
Baalen, P., Moratis, LT., & Massier, E. (2002). Een bestuurlijke crisis in het onderwijs? Impuls, Ernst & Young.
Baalen, P. (1996). Drie vormingsparadigma's in management: over de scheiding tussen kennis en kunde in het moderne management. (Management Report 250 ed.) Management Report Vol. 250
Baalen, P. (1995). Over kennis, vaardigheden en professies in de bedrijfskunde: een pleidooi voor de invoering van de kritische ontwerpbenadering in de Rotterdamse bedrijfskunde. (Management Education Series 7 ed.) Management Education Series Vol. 7
PhD Tracks (5)

- Role: Co-promotor
- PhD Candidate: Ksenia Iastrebova
- Time frame: 2003 - 2006

- Role: Co-promotor
- PhD Candidate: Niels-Ingvar Boer
- Time frame: 1998 - 2005

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Mark Boons
- Time frame: 2007 - 2014

- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Nick van der Meulen
- Time frame: 2011 - 2016
- Role: Daily Supervisor
- PhD Candidate: Irina Romochkina
- Time frame: 2011 - 2020
Events (8)
Award (1)
- ERIM Impact Award (2010)
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