Prof. dr. M. (Murat) Tarakci

Murat Tarakci is Professor of Innovation Strategy at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. An innovation strategy inspires, directs, and calibrates innovation activities to achieve the organization’s strategic-level goals and to tackle the world's problems.
Accordingly, Murat's research examines how organizations are structured, function, and evolve in response to their environments. At its core, his work also aims to create a positive impact by helping organizations better address societal grand challenges through a deeper understanding of their underlying dynamics and mechanisms. His research has been published in leading academic journals and been featured in popular practitioner outlets.
Murat recognizes that an organization’s ability to innovate for the greater good requires a collaborative effort. Accordingly, he regularly coaches executives and helps organizations with their innovation and strategy-related challenges.
Article (27)
Academic (18)
Sting, F. J., Tarakci, M., & Recker, J. (2024). Performance Implications of Digital Disruption in Strategic Competition. MIS Quarterly, 48(3), 1263-1278.
Fewer, T. J., & Tarakci, M. (2024). CEO Political Partisanship and Corporate Misconduct. Academy of Management Journal. Advance online publication.
Tarakci, M., Sting, F. J., Recker, J., & Kane, G. C. (2024). Three Questions to Ask About Your Digital Strategy. MIT Sloan Management Review.
van Balen, T., & Tarakci, M. (2024). Recruiting Talent through Entrepreneurs’ Social Vision Communication. Organization Science, 35(1), 326-345.
Tarakci, M., Heyden, M. L. M., Rouleau, L., Raes, A., & Floyd, S. W. (2023). Heroes or Villains? Recasting Middle Management Roles, Processes, and Behaviours. Journal of Management Studies, 60(7), 1663-1683.
Heyden, M. L. M., Tarakci, M., Rouleau, L., & Raes, A. (2023). Remembering Steven W. Floyd's Impact on Middle Management Research. Journal of Management Studies, 60(7), 1924-1928.
Renault, M.-A., & Tarakci, M. (2023). Affective Leadership in Agile Teams. California Management Review, 65(4), 137-157.
Berchicci, L., & Tarakci, M. (2022). Aspiration formation and attention rules. Strategic Management Journal, 43(8), 1575-1601.
Ruesch, L., Tarakci, M., Besiou, M., & Van Quaquebeke, N. (2022). Orchestrating coordination among humanitarian organizations. Production and Operations Management, 31(5), 1977-1996.,
Arslan, B., & Tarakci, M. (2022). Negative Spillovers Across Partnerships for Responsible Innovation: Evidence from the 2014 Ebola Outbreak. Journal of Management Studies, 59(1), 126-162.
Porck, J., Knippenberg, D., Tarakci, M., Ates, NY., Groenen, P., & de Haas, M. (2020). Do Group and Organizational Identification Help or Hurt Intergroup Strategic Consensus? Journal of Management, 46(2), 234-260.
Sting, F., Stevens, M., & Tarakci, M. (2019). Temporary deembedding buyer-supplier relationships: A Complexity Perspective. Journal of Operations Management, 65(2), 114-135.
Ates, NY., Tarakci, M., Porck, J., Knippenberg, D., & Groenen, P. (2018). The Dark Side of Visionary Leadership in Strategy Implementation: Strategic Alignment, Strategic Consensus and Commitment. Journal of Management, 46(5), 637-665.
Acar, OA., Tarakci, M., & van Knippenberg, D. (2018). Creativity and Innovation under Constraints: A Cross-disciplinary Integrative Review. Journal of Management, 45(1), 96-121.
Balen, T., Tarakci, M., & Sood, A. (2018). Do disruptive visions pay off? The impact of disruptive entrepreneurial visions on venture funding. Journal of Management Studies, 56(2), 303-342.
Tarakci, M., Ates, NY., Floyd, S., Ahn, Y., & Wooldridge, B. (2018). Performance Feedback and Middle Managers’ Divergent Strategic Behavior: The Roles of Social Comparisons and Organizational Identification. Strategic Management Journal, 39(4), 1139-1162.
Tarakci, M., Greer, LL., & Groenen, P. (2015). When does power disparity help or hurt group performance? Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(3), 415-429.
Tarakci, M., Ates, NY., Porck, J., van Knippenberg, D., Groenen, P., & de Haas, M. (2013). Strategic Consensus Mapping: A New Method for Testing and Visualizing Strategic Consensus Within and Between Teams. Strategic Management Journal, 35(7), 1053-1069.
Professional (9)
van Balen, T., & Tarakci, M. (2024). For Start-Ups Seeking Talent, a Lofty Purpose Can Backfire. Harvard Business Review, 2024(2024).
Bicer, I., Tarakci, M., & Kuzu, A. (2022). Using Uncertainty Modeling to Better Predict Demand. Harvard Business Review (digital).
Acar, OA., Tarakci, M., & Knippenberg, D. (2019). Why Constraints Are Good for Innovation. Harvard Business Review.
Ates, NY., Tarakci, M., Porck, J., Knippenberg, D., & Groenen, P. (2019). Why Visionary Leadership Fails. Harvard Business Review.
Balen, T., Tarakci, M., & Sood, A. (2018). Disruptive Startups Get Funding More Easily, but Less of It. Harvard Business Review.
Tarakci, M. (2016). Are leaders needed to improve team performance? RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 28(4), 14-15.
Tarakci, M., Greer, LL., & Groenen, P. (2015). Why aspiring leaders should cultivate skill over charm. Financial Times.
Tarakci, M., Greer, LL., & Groenen, P. (2015). “Leadership Qualities” vs. Competence: Which Matters More? Harvard Business Review.
Tarakci, M. (2014). Mapping strategic consensus within and between teams. RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 19(3), 16-17.
Chapter (1)
Academic (1)
Ates, NY., Tarakci, M., Ahn, Y., Floyd, S., & Wooldridge, B. (2017). A Psychological Perspective on Middle Managers’ Strategic Championing Behavior. In Handbook of Middle Management Strategy Process Research Edward Elgar Publishing.
Doctoral Thesis (1)
Internal (1)
Tarakci, M. (2013). Behavioral strategy: strategic consensus, power and networks. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).
Teaching case (5)
Academic (5)
Ruesch, L., & Tarakci, M., (2023). Leading Humanitarian Relief, No. 723-0098-1, 13 p., RSM Case Development Centre No. 723-0098-1
Tarakci, M., & Gatt, C., (2022). Philips' Corporate Innovation (A): Lighting Up Shipping, No. 922-0031-1, 17 p., RSM Case Development Centre No. 922-0031-1
Tarakci, M., & Gatt, C., (2022). Philips' Corporate Innovation (B): Sailing the Political Waters of Innovation, No. 922-0031-1B, 13 p., RSM Case Development Centre No. 922-0031-1B
Tarakci, M., & Gatt, C., (2022). Philips' Corporate Innovation (C): Finding and Managing the Right Partner, No. 922-0031-1C, 12 p., RSM Case Development Centre No. 922-0031-1C
Mansharamani, S., Tarakci, M., Koene, B., & Yue, T., (2021). The Antibiotics Crisis - Exploring and Maintaining Partnership Models, No. 921-0018-1, 18 p., RSM Case Development Centre No. 921-0018-1
Web publication/site (1)
Professional (1)
Arslan, B., & Tarakci, M. (2020). How to Keep COVID-19 from Derailing Ongoing Partnerships. Web publication/site, Management Insights.
Additional activities (4)
Journal of Management (Journal)
Editorial work (Academic)
Academy of Management Journal (Journal)
Editorial work (Academic)
Journal of Management Studies (Journal)
Editorial work (Academic)
Small Group Research (Journal)
Editorial work (Academic)
PhD Tracks (7)

- Role: Daily Supervisor
- PhD Candidate: Timo van Balen
- Time frame: 2014 - 2019
- Role: Daily Supervisor
- Role: Co-promotor, Daily Supervisor
- Role: Daily Supervisor

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Tatjana Schneidmüller
- Time frame: 2015 - 2020

- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Magnus van Haaren
- Time frame: 2022 -
- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Pragathi Mavinakere Swamygowda
- Time frame: 2022 -
Events (25)
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