dr. M.J.J. (Matthijs) Wolters

Department of Accounting
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Former ERIM PhD Candidate
Field: Logistics & Information Systems
Affiliated since 1996

PhD Track The Business of Modularity and the Modularity of Business

This thesis deals with the concept of modularity, which is used in many different fields of research and applications. The objective of this dissertation is to investigate how and to what extent business networks can use modularity to become more customer-responsive and flexible. For this purpose, a theoretical framework on modularity has been developed, which focuses on three dimensions of doing business: designing products, business processes and supply chains. The central proposition is that a concurrent, modular design in these three dimensions increases the performance of inter-organizational business networks in general and a mass-customization strategy in particular. This proposition was validated in a number of empirical settings. First, the applicability of a business modeling approach, called Modular Network Design, was validated in the air cargo industry. Second, it was investigated how the Dutch building industry applies modularity in order to mass-customize newly built houses. Third, a survey was held among numerous customizing organizations, dispersed all over the world, which led to more understanding about the relationship between business modularity and organizational performance.

Design, Modularity Modular, Business, network, Industry, supply chains, flexibility, housing, customization, virtuality, enabled process reengineering, performance
Time frame
1996 - 2002


  • Academic (3)
    • Koppius, O., van Heck, E., & Wolters, M. (2004). The Importance of Product Representation Online Empirical Results and Implications for Electronic Markets. Decision Support Systems, 38(2), 161-169. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0167-9236(03)00097-6

    • de Koster, R., van der Poort, E., & Wolters, M. (1999). Efficient orderbatching methods in warehouses. International Journal of Production Research, 37(7), 1479-1504. http://hdl.handle.net/1765/11852

    • Toevank, FJG., & Wolters, M. (1997). De geringe praktische toepasbaarheid van de beschrijving van een tenniswedstrijd als een stochastisch proces : een reactie. Kwantitatieve Methoden, 54(15 febr.), 63-66.

  • Academic (1)
    • Homburg, V., Janssen, M., & Wolters, M. (1998). Electronic Commerce: Crossing Boundaries. Edispuut.

  • Academic (4)
    • Wolters, M., van Heck, E., & Vervest, P. (2002). Modularity in Three Dimensions: A Study of Mass Customization in the Dutch House Building Industry. In Moving into Mass Customization. Information Systems and Management Principles (pp. 211-226). Springer-Verlag.

    • Wolters, M. (1999). The business of modularity and the modularity of business. In P. H. L. Bovy (Ed.), proceedings 5th annual congress 1999 of transport, infrastructure and logistics (pp. ---). Trail research school, the Netherlands.

    • Wolters, M., & Hoogeweegen, MR. (1999). Management Support for Globally Operating Virtual Organizations: The Case of KLM Distribution TRACK 7: Information Systems in Global Business. In C. - Hollander (Ed.), Proceeding of: HICSS'99 - 32nd Hawaii International Conference on System Siences (pp. 1-10). IEEE Computer Society.

    • Wolters, M., van Heck, E., Hoogeweegen, MR., & Vervest, P. (1998). A business network redesign approach: conceptual and practical issues. In . Bovy, P.H.L. (Ed.), Transport, Infrastructure and Logisticts: Competition, Innovation and Creativity (pp. 1-19). The Netherlands Trail Research School.

  • Popular (1)
    • Wolters, M. (2000). Massa-individualisering. In . - (Ed.), Gewild wonen - Bouwexpo Almere 2001 (pp. ---)

  • Professional (5)
    • Wolters, M., Vervest, P., & van Heck, E. (2005). Building Networks In-Sync. In P. Vervest, E. Heck, K. Preiss, & L.-F. Pau (Eds.), Smart Business Networks (pp. 211-223). Springer-Verlag.

    • Wolters, M., & Hoogeweegen, MR. (2000). Management Support for the Modular Virtual Organization. In B. N. Hunt, & S. Barnes (Eds.), E-Commerce and V-Business (pp. ---). Butterworth-Heinemann.

    • Wolters, M., van Heck, E., Hoogeweegen, MR., & Vervest, P. (1998). KLM Distributie: ondersteuning voor massa-individualisering. In C. van der Hoeven (Ed.), , conferentie 'De macht van de kllant. Netwerken werken' (pp. 65-74). TVA developments bv.

    • Wolters, M., & Hoogeweegen, MR. (1998). Management support for globally operating virtual organizations. In M. Janssen, V. Homburg, & M. Wolters (Eds.), Edispuut Proceedings 98. Electronic Commerce Crossing Boundaries (pp. 59-78). Edispuut.

    • Wolters, M., & Hoogeweegen, MR. (1998). Management support for globally operating virtual organizations: the case of KLM Distribution in Electronic Commerce: Crossing Boundaries. In V. Homburg, M. Janssen, & M. Wolters (Eds.), Proceedings of the third Edispuut Workshop 1998, October 16 (pp. 59-78)

  • Academic (1)
    • Koppius, O., van Heck, E., & Wolters, M. (1998). Product representation and price formation in screen auctions: empirical results from a Dutch flower auction. In B. Gavish, & A. Basu (Eds.), Proceedings of the First international Conference on Telecommunications and Electronic Commerce (pp. 178-186). ICTEC.

  • Internal (1)
    • Wolters, M. (2002). The Business of Modularity and the Modularity of Business. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).

  • Professional (2)
    • Wolters, M., van Heck, E., Hoogeweegen, MR., & Vervest, P. (1997). A business network redesign approach. Conceptual and practical issues. (Management Report Series 48(13) ed.) ERIM. Management Report Series Vol. 48(13)

    • Kool, RSB., & Wolters, M. (1994). De interne rechtsbescherming binnen de TBS, Naar een volwaardige rechtsbescherming voor terbeschikkingsgestelden, commentaar en alternatieven bij Beginselenwet TBS. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).



Visiting address

De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam

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