prof.dr. M.A. (Mathijs) van Dijk
Mathijs A. van Dijk (see personal website for recent working papers, data, etc.) is professor of finance at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) and scientific director at pension think tank Netspar. His research focuses on sustainable investments and climate finance. He has published in leading academic journals such as the Journal of Finance, the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial Economics, Management Science, the Journal of Accounting and Economics, and the Review of Finance. Professor van Dijk has presented his work extensively at international conferences and seminars at academic institutions including, among others, Boston College, Dartmouth, Duke, Harvard, HEC Paris, INSEAD, and UCLA. He is also a frequent speaker at industry events and has written for practitioner-oriented journals such as the Financial Analysts Journal. His work has been covered by, e.g., The Economist, the New York Times, Volkskrant, NRC, VOXEU, the World Bank "All About Finance" blog, the Oxford Business Law Blog, and the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation. Professor van Dijk has been a visiting graduate student at Warwick Business School and Princeton University and a visiting research scholar at the Ohio State University, Duke University, and UCLA. He obtained his MSc in Econometrics (cum laude) from Erasmus University and his PhD in Finance from Maastricht University. In 2008, he received a 600,000 euro Vidi-grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for a five-year research program on "Liquidity Black Holes". In 2014, he held his inaugural address as a finance professor (entitled “The Social Value of Finance”).
Article (30)
Academic (29)
Gianfrate, G., Rubin, M., Ruzzi, D., & van Dijk, M. (2024). On the resilience of ESG firms during the COVID-19 crisis: evidence across countries and asset classes. Journal of International Business Studies, 55(8), 1069-1084. Advance online publication.
van Dijk, M., Menkveld, A. J., Dreber, A., Holzmeister, F., Huber, J., Johannesson, M., Kirchler, M., Neususs, S., Razen, M., Wagner, W., Verwijmeren, P., Vogel, S., van der Wel, M., Mazzola, F., Yang, A., & Zhou, C. (2024). Non-Standard Errors*. Journal of Finance.
Beck, T., Döttling, R., Lambert, T., & van Dijk, M. (2023). Liquidity creation, investment, and growth. Journal of Economic Growth, 28(2), 297-336.
Reinders, H. J., Schoenmaker, D., & van Dijk, M. (2023). A finance approach to climate stress testing. Journal of International Money and Finance, 131, Article 102797.
Rösch, D. M., Subrahmanyam, A., & van Dijk, M. A. (2022). Investor short-termism and real investment. Journal of Financial Markets, 59, Article 100645.
Bongaerts, D., Roll, R., Rösch, D., van Dijk, M., & Yuferova, D. (2022). How Do Shocks Arise and Spread Across Stock Markets? A Microstructure Perspective: A microstructure perspective. Management Science, 68(4), 2377-3174, iv-v.
Dijk, M., van Dalen, HP., & Hyde, M. (2020). Who Bears the Brunt? The Impact of Banking Crises on Younger and Older Workers. Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 17, Article 100264.
Hou, K., & Dijk, M. (2019). Resurrecting the Size Effect: Firm Size, Profitability Shocks, and Expected Stock Returns. The Review of Financial Studies, 32(7), 2850-2889.
Hanselaar, R., Stulz, RM., & Dijk, M. (2018). Do Firms Issue More Equity When Markets Become More Liquid? Journal of Financial Economics, 133(1), 64-82.
Dreu, CKW., & Dijk, M. (2018). Climatic Shocks Associate with Innovation in Science and Technology. PLoS One (online), 13(1).
Rosch, D., Subrahmanyam, A., & van Dijk, M. (2017). The dynamics of market efficiency. The Review of Financial Studies, 30(4), 1151-1187.
Guenster, A., & van Dijk, M. (2016). The impact of European antitrust policy: Evidence from the stock market. International Review of Law and Economics, 46, 20-33.
Karolyi, GA., Lee, K.-H., & van Dijk, M. (2012). Understanding Commonality in Liquidity Around the World. Journal of Financial Economics, 105(1), 82-112.
Hou, K., & van Dijk, M. (2012). The Implied Cost of Capital: A New Approach. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 53(3), 504-526.
Nguyen, TT., & van Dijk, M. (2012). Corruption, Growth, and Governance: Private vs. State-owned Firms in Vietnam. Journal of Banking and Finance, 36(11), 2935-2948.
Koedijk, CG., Tims, B., & van Dijk, M. (2011). Why Panel Tests of Purchasing Power Parity Should Allow for Heterogeneous Mean Reversion. Journal of International Money and Finance, 30(1), 246-267.
van Dijk, M. (2011). Is Size Dead? A Review of the Size Effect in Equity Returns. Journal of Banking and Finance, 35(12), 3263-3274.
Moerman, GA., & van Dijk, M. (2010). Inflation Risk and International Asset Returns. Journal of Banking and Finance, 34(4), 840-855.
de Jong, A., Rosenthal, L., & van Dijk, M. (2009). The risk and return of arbitrage in dual-listed companies. Review of Finance, 13(3), 495-520.
van Dijk, M., & Roosenboom, P. (2009). The market reaction to cross-listings: Does the destination market matter? Journal of Banking and Finance, 33(10), 1898-1908.
Van Dijk, M. M., Van Dijk, M. A., Wijkstra, H., Laguna, P. M., & De la Rosette, J. J. (2009). The effect of a temporary prostatic stent on sexual function. Central European Journal of Urology, 62(4), 243-248.
Brounen, D., van Dijk, M., & Eichholtz, PMA. (2008). Corporate Real Estate and Corporate Takeovers: International Evidence. Journal of Real Estate Research, 30(3), 293-314.
Koedijk, CG., Lothian, JR., & van Dijk, M. (2006). Foreign Exchange Markets. Journal of International Money and Finance, 25(1), 1-6.
Koedijk, CG., Tims, B., & van Dijk, M. (2004). Purchasing Power Parity and the Euro Area. Journal of International Money and Finance, 23(7/8), 1081-1107.
Koedijk, CG., & van Dijk, M. (2004). The Cost of Capital of Cross-Listed Firms. European Financial Management, 10(3), 465-486.
Koedijk, CG., & van Dijk, M. (2004). Global Risk Factors and the Cost of Capital. Financial Analysts Journal, 60(2), 32-38.
Koedijk, CG., Kool, C., Schotman, P., & van Dijk, M. (2002). The cost of capital in international financial markets: local or global? Journal of International Money and Finance, 21(6), 905-930.
Koedijk, CG., Schotman, PC., & van Dijk, M. (1998). The Re-emergence of PPP in the 1990s. Journal of International Money and Finance, 17(1), 51-61.
van Dijk, M., & van Bergeijk, P. (1997). Resource Misallocation and Mark-ups: An Alternative Estimation Technique for Harberger Triangles. Economics Letters, 54, 165-167.
Professional (1)
Bongaerts, DGJ., Kang, X., & Dijk, M. (2020). Conditional Volatility Targeting. Financial Analysts Journal, 76(4), 54-71.
Chapter (3)
Academic (3)
Flood, MD., Koedijk, CG., van Dijk, M., & van Leeuwen, IW. (2010). Securities Trading, Asymmetric Information, and Market Transparency. In G. N. Gregoriou (Ed.), The Handbook of Trading: Strategies for Navigating and Profiting from Currency, Bond, and Stock Markets (pp. 317-341). McGraw-Hill.
Nguyen, TT., & van Dijk, M. (2009). Corruption and Public Governance: Evidence from Vietnam. In G.N. Gregoriou (Ed.), Emerging Markets: Performance, Analysis and Innovation (pp. 693-713). Chapman & Hall/CRC.
Koedijk, CG., van Dijk, M., & van Leeuwen, IW. (2008). The Impact of Inter-Dealer Trading on Market Liquidity Under Asymmetric Information. In F.-S. L. Greg N. Gregoriou (Ed.), Stock Market Liquidity: Implications for Market Microstructure and Asset Pricing (pp. 267-285). John Wiley & Sons Inc..
Digital or Visual Products (1)
Professional (1)
van Dijk, M., Dul, J., & Albuquerque de Sousa, J. (2017). What makes new stock markets succesful?. Digital or Visual Products, RSM Discovery.
Inaugural speech (1)
Popular (1)
van Dijk, M. (2014). The social value of finance. Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM).
Web publication/site (4)
Academic (4)
Beck, T., Albuquerque de Sousa, J., van Bergeijk, P., & van Dijk, M. (2017). Nascent stock exchanges — tales of success and failure. Web publication/site, The World Bank.
Beck, T., Albuquerque de Sousa, J., van Bergeijk, P., & van Dijk, M. (2017). Understanding the Success and Failure of Nascent Stock Exchanges. Web publication/site, University of Oxford Business Law Blog.
Albuquerque de Sousa, J., Beck, T., van Bergeijk, P., & van Dijk, M. (2017). Wat verklaart het succes en falen van prille aandelenbeurzen?. Web publication/site
Albuquerque de Sousa, J., Beck, T., van Bergeijk, P., & van Dijk, M. (2016). Nascent stock exchanges: Explaining success and failure. Web publication/site, - Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR).
Working paper (1)
Academic (1)
Albuquerque de Sousa, J., Beck, T., van Bergeijk, P., & van Dijk, M. (2016). Nascent markets: Understanding the success and failure of new stock markets. International Institute of Social Studies (ISS). ISS working papers. General series No. 623
Additional activities (1)
Journal of Empirical Finance (Journal)
Editorial work (Academic)
PhD Tracks (32)
- Role: Co-promotor
- PhD Candidate: Thuy Nguyen
- Time frame: 2005 - 2008
- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Melissa Porras Prado
- Time frame: 2006 - 2012
- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Arco van Oord
- Time frame: 2006 - 2016
- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Thijs Markwat
- Time frame: 2006 - 2011
- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Yu Wang
- Time frame: 2008 - 2011
- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Dimitrios Vagias
- Time frame: 2008 - 2013
- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Ruben Cox
- Time frame: 2009 - 2013
- Role: Member Supervisory Team
- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Teodor Dyakov
- Time frame: 2010 - 2014
- Role: Daily Supervisor
- PhD Candidate: Dominik Rösch
- Time frame: 2010 - 2015
- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Teng Wang
- Time frame: 2011 - 2015
- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Ivana Naumovska
- Time frame: 2010 - 2014
- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Saskia ter Ellen
- Time frame: 2010 - 2015
- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Justinas Brazys
- Time frame: 2011 - 2015
- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Darya Yuferova
- Time frame: 2011 - 2016
- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Vlado Kysucky
- Time frame: 2011 - 2015
- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Rogier Hanselaar
- Time frame: 2013 - 2018
- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Roy Verbeek
- Time frame: 2013 - 2017
- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Jose Albuquerque de Sousa
- Time frame: 2014 - 2019
- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Romulo Trindade Tomé Marques Alves
- Time frame: 2016 - 2021
- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Xander Hut
- Time frame: 2018 -
- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Lingtian Kong
- Time frame: 2012 - 2019
- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Georgi Kyosev
- Time frame: 2014 - 2019
- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Eline ten Bosch
- Time frame: 2019 -
- Role: Promotor
- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Jean-Paul Guyon van Brakel
- Time frame: 2020 -
- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Gelly Fu
- Time frame: 2016 - 2022
- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Marloes Hagens
- Time frame: 2022 -
- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Francesca Caucci
- Time frame: 2022 -
- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Koen-Jan Leendert van den Bosch
- Time frame: 2022 -
- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Xiaonan Wang
- Time frame: 2021 -
- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Xiaowei Kang
- Time frame: 2017 -
Events (18)
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