Dr. L. B. (Luca) Berchicci

Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Member ERIM
Field: Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Affiliated since 2007

One of the fundamental issues for the field of strategy is to

understand how managers develop and make use of firm’s

capabilities to achieve greater performance. My work

attempts to contribute to this field of research by

investigating on one hand how managers exploit and

transfer firm’s capabilities and on the other hand how

managers explore firm’s capabilities by identifying new

market opportunities.



My research also considers how firms acquire capabilities

that allow them to improve their performance relative to

new criteria. With growing demands on firms to improve

their social and environmental performance, this research

is of increasing importance. My work clarifies the role that

both intentional search and unintentional discovery play in

the acquisition or development of these capabilities.



There are three main themes in my research which explore

a) the choice of where to source capabilities, b)

mechanisms for the internal development of capabilities,

and c) the consequences of capabilities on performance

and firm strategy. My research uses innovative data from

several sources and at multiple levels.


My latest research has been published in journals such as

Strategic Management Journal, Strategic Entrepreneurship

Journal, Research Policy, IEEE Transactions on

Engineering Management, Journal Product innovation

Management and Academy of Management Annals.


  • Academic (16)
    • Berchicci, L., & Tarakci, M. (2022). Aspiration formation and attention rules. Strategic Management Journal, 43(8), 1575-1601. https://doi.org/10.1002/smj.3371

    • Berchicci, L., & King, A. A. (2022). Building knowledge by mapping model uncertainty in six studies of social and financial performance. Strategic Management Journal, 43(7), 1319-1346. https://doi.org/10.1002/smj.3374

    • Berchicci, L., & King, A. (2022). Corporate Sustainability:a Model of Uncertainty Analysis of Materiality. Journal of Financial Reporting, 7(2). https://open.bu.edu/handle/2144/44753

    • Micheli, M. R., Berchicci, L., & Jansen, J. J. P. (2020). Leveraging diverse knowledge sources through proactive behaviour: How companies can use inter-organizational networks for business model innovation. Creativity and Innovation Management, 29(2), 198-208. https://doi.org/10.1111/caim.12359

    • Berchicci, L., Dutt, N., & Mitchell, W. (2019). Knowledge Sources and Waste Reduction: Less Now More Later. Organization Science, 30(5), 869-1123. https://doi.org/10.1287/orsc.2018.1269

    • Ahmadi, S., Khanagha, S., Berchicci, L., & Jansen, J. (2017). Are Managers Motivated to Explore in the Face of a New Technological Change? The Role of Regulatory Focus, Fit, and Complexity of Decision-Making. Journal of Management Studies, 54(2), 209-237. https://doi.org/10.1111/joms.12257

    • Berchicci, L., Dowell, G., & King, AA. (2017). Environmental Performance and the Market for Corporate Assets. Strategic Management Journal, 38(12), 2444-2464. https://doi.org/10.1002/smj.2670

    • Berchicci, L., de Jong, PJ., & Feel, M. (2015). Remote collaboration and innovative performance: the moderating role of R&D intensity. Industrial and Corporate Change, 25(3), 429-446. https://doi.org/10.1093/icc/dtv031

    • Berchicci, L., Tucci, C., & Zazzara, C. (2014). The influence of industry downturns on the propensity of product vs. process innovation (forthcoming). Industrial and Corporate Change, 23(2), 429-465. https://doi.org/10.1093/icc/dtt011

    • Berchicci, L. (2013). Towards an open R&D system: internal R&D investment, external knowledge acquisition and innovative performance. Research Policy, 42(1), 117-127. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2012.04.017

    • Berchicci, L., Dowell, G., & King, AA. (2012). Environmental Capabilities and Corporate Strategy: Exploring Acquisitions Among US Manufacturing Firms. Strategic Management Journal, 33(9), 1053-1071. https://doi.org/10.1002/smj.1960

    • Berchicci, L., King, AA., & Tucci, CL. (2011). Does the Apple Always Fall Close to the Tree? The Geographic Proximity Choice of Spinouts. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 5(2), 120-136. https://doi.org/10.1002/sej.110

    • Berchicci, L. (2011). Heterogeneity and intensity of R&D partnership in Italian manufacturing firms. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 58(4), 674-687. https://doi.org/10.1109/TEM.2011.2125966

    • Berchicci, L., & Tucci, CL. (2010). There is more to market learning than gathering good information: the role of shared team values in radical product definition. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27(7), 972-990. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-5885.2010.00765.x

    • Berchicci, L., & Bodewes, WEJ. (2005). Bridging Environmental Issues with New Product Development. Business Strategy and the Environment, 14(5), 272-285. https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.488

    • Brown, H., Vergragt, P., Green, K., & Berchicci, L. (2003). Learning for sustainability transition through bounded socio-technical experiments in personal mobility. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 15(3), 291-315.

  • Professional (3)
  • Academic (1)
    • Berchicci, L. (2009). Innovating for Sustainability: green entrepreneurship in personal mobility. Routledge. Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organization and Technology; 11

  • Academic (3)
    • Berchicci, L. (2008). Too much of a good thing? Innovation driven by environmental ambition. In R. Wustenhagen, & J. Hamschmidt (Eds.), Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship (pp. 119-137). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    • Berchicci, L., & King, A. (2007). Postcards from the Edge: a Review of the Business and Environment Literature. In J. P. Walsh, & A. P. Brief (Eds.), Academy of Management Annals (pp. 513-547). Lawrence Erlbaum.

    • Berchicci, L., & Tucci, CL. (2006). Entrepreneurship, Technology and Schumpterian Innovation: Entrants and Incumbents. In M. Casson, & B. Yeung (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Entrepreneurship

  • Academic (1)
    • Ahmadi, S., Berchicci, L., & Jansen, J. (2015). A Motivational Perspective of Exploration: The Effects of Regulatory Focus and Managerial Decision-making Complexity on Exploration. Academy of Management Conference, Vacouver- Canada- August 2015.

  • Academic (3)
    • Berchicci, L., & Dowell, G. (2010). Whether it's Green or Brown: Buy Local. Exploring the Acquisition Choice of Manufacturing Firms. In Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings Academy of Management.

    • Berchicci, L., King, A., & Tucci, CL. (2008). No Place Like Home? Spin-off's Strategy and Location Choice. In Academy of Management Conference Best Paper Proceedings Academy of Management.

    • Berchicci, L., & Hulsink, W. (2006). Of bikes and men. Innovation patterns and strategic entrepreneurship in the human-powered vehicle sector. In Paper prepared for the workshop on Strategic Entrepreneurship: the role of networking

  • Professional (1)
    • Hulsink, W., Boons, FAA., & Berchicci, L. (2013). Learning from Learning Regions? What can the emerging Rotterdam Clean Tech Cluster learn from its own evolution and innovation hot spots elsewhere? Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).

Business model innovation: a journey across managers’ attention and inter – organizational networks
  • Role: Co-promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Maria Rita Micheli
  • Time frame: 2010 - 2015
A motivational perspective to decision-making and behavior in organizations
  • Role: Member Doctoral Committee
  • PhD Candidate: Saeedeh Ahmadi
  • Time frame: 2014 - 2019
Making a Life on the Margins: An Ethnographic Account from Kutupalong
  • Role: Co-promotor
  • PhD Candidate: S M Musa
  • Time frame: 2018 - 2024
PhD in Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship
  • Role: Co-promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Anuj Kantilal Tater
  • Time frame: 2021 -
Building a fair and sustainable digital platform and ecosystem: in view of power dynamics between platform owners and complementors
Building a fair and sustainable digital platform and ecosystem: in view of power dynamics between platform owners and complementors
  • Role: Co-promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Oh Young Koo
  • Time frame: 2022 -
What are venture capitalists good at? On treatment and selection effects in early-stage venture capitalists
What are venture capitalists good at? On treatment and selection effects in early-stage venture capitalists
  • Role: Co-promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Felix Zwart
  • Time frame: 2018 -
PhD in Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship
  • Role: Co-promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Dana Hanouni
  • Time frame: 2024 -
PhD in Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship
  • Role: Co-promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Klementine Klein
  • Time frame: 2024 -
PhD in Pathways towards resilient social enterprises
  • Role: Promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Karoline Heitmann
  • Time frame: 2021 -
  • Behavioral Strategy & Entrepreneurial Behavior (2022/2023)
PhD Seminar ERIM Doctoral Programme
As: Coordinator
Research Seminar
As: Coordinator, Contact
Research Seminar
As: Coordinator, Contact
Research Seminar
As: Speaker
Research Workshop
As: Coordinator


Visiting address

Office: Mandeville Building T07-34
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
3062 PA Rotterdam

Postal address

Postbus 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam