L. (Lisanne) Versteegt MSc

PhD Track Taking a moral intuition approach to behavioral ethics: On the nature of moral intuitions underlying (un)ethical behaviors in organizations
This project will address the following theoretical gaps regarding the role of moral intuitions in (un)ethical behaviors within organizational settings: 1) the unknown origin of moral intuitions, 2) the behavioral consequences of specific moral intuitions, and 3) possible moderators between moral intuitions and behaviors.
In the first theme I address the development of moral intuitions within organization contexts. In the second theme I focus on the relationship between five foundations of moral intuitions and specific behaviors. In the third theme I focus on stress and uncertainty as possible moderators between moral intuitions and observable behavior.
These three themes are studied with Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM), using repeated measurements in real world settings. By bridging these theoretical gaps, this project will add to the current theoretical state of affairs regarding behavioral ethics and moral psychology, and will offer managers a new approach to ethics interventions.
- Keywords
- behavioral ethics, morality, moral intuitions, experience sampling methods
- Time frame
- 2015 -
Article (2)
Academic (2)
Versteegt, L., van Dijke, M., & van den Bos, K. (2024). Physical distancing during the COVID-19 crisis: The roles of threat and moralization. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 54(3), 162-174. https://doi.org/10.1111/jasp.13021
Versteegt, L., van Dijke, M., van Ruysseveldt, J., & van den Bos, K. (2022). When Employees Experience Low Levels of Job Autonomy, Fair Procedures Buffer Unfair Outcomes. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 784853. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.784853
Chapter (1)
Academic (1)
Dijke, M., van Houwelingen, G., Hoogervorst, N., & Versteegt, L. (2018). Reflection and action: A study on moral learning consultation within Dutch prison authorities. In M. Kowalski (Ed.), Ethics of counterterrorism Boom Uitgevers.
Report (1)
Professional (1)
van Lent, L., Boone, MM., van den Bos, K., Ansems, LF., Lipman, S., & Versteegt, L. (2016). Klachten tegen niet-vervolging (art. 12 Sv-procedure): Doorlooptijden, instroom, verwachtingen van klagers en het belang van procedurele rechtvaardigheid. Research and Documentation Centre of the Netherlands Ministry of Safety and Justice.
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