dr. K. (Korcan) Kavusan

Korcan Kavusan is an Associate Professor of Strategy in the Department of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Management at Tilburg University, the Netherlands.
His research focuses on interfirm relationships such as strategic alliances and acquisitions with a particular interest on how companies develop new technological and managerial capabilities through alliances and acquisitions, and how different stakeholders, such as managers and investors, make decisions regarding firms’ alliance and acquisition activities. His work is accepted for publication in the Strategic Management Journal, Strategic Organization, and Research Policy.
Korcan teaches graduate-level courses on strategic management, innovation strategy, and technology-driven interfirm relationships. Prior to earning his doctorate, he worked as an internal auditor for the UniCredit Group.
Article (8)
Academic (7)
Mount, M., Ertug, G., Kavusan, K., George, G., & Zou, T. (2024). Reeling in the Slack: An Integrative Review to Reinstate Slack as a Central Theoretical Construct for Management Research. The Academy of Management Annals, 18(2), 473-505. https://doi.org/10.5465/annals.2023.0087
Cuypers, I. R. P., Ertug, G., Noorderhaven, N. G., & Kavusan, K. (Accepted/In press). The distinctiveness effect: How cross-country dissimilarities influence governance decisions. Strategic Organization. https://doi.org/10.1177/14761270241254756
Kavusan, K., Ates, NY., & Nadolska, A. (2020). Acquisition target selection and technological relatedness: The moderating role of TMT demographic faultlines. Strategic Organization. https://doi.org/10.1177/1476127020919329
Blagoeva, R., Kavusan, K., & Jansen, J. (2020). Who violates expectations when? How firms’ growth and dividend reputations affect investors’ reactions to acquisitions. Strategic Management Journal, 41(9), 1712-1742. https://doi.org/10.1002/smj.3155
Kavusan, K., & Frankort, HTW. (2019). A behavioral theory of alliance portfolio reconfiguration: Evidence from pharmaceutical biotechnology. Strategic Management Journal, 40(10), 1668-1702. https://doi.org/10.1002/smj.3041
Kavusan, K., Noorderhaven, N. G., & Duysters, G. (2017). Learning and specialization in strategic alliances. Rutgers Business Review, 2(2), 234-239.
Kavusan, K., Noorderhaven, NGN., & Duysters, GM. (2016). Knowledge acquisition and complementary specialization in alliances: The impact of technological overlap and alliance experience. Research Policy, 45(10), 2153-2165. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2016.09.013
Professional (1)
Kavusan, K. (2017). Developing capabilities through strategic alliances. RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 29(1), 8-9. http://hdl.handle.net/1765/98611
PhD Track (1)

- Role: Co-promotor
- PhD Candidate: Karoline Heitmann
- Time frame: 2021 -
Course (1)
- Behavioral Strategy & Entrepreneurial Behavior (2022/2023)
Event (1)
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