Prof. dr. K.I.M. (Kirsten) Rohde

Kirsten Rohde is professor of Behavioral Economics at Erasmus School of Economics and professor of Microeconomics at Maastricht University. Her main research interests are time, social, and risk preferences. Her research uses a combination of decision theoretical and empirical approaches. Her work also addresses how time, social, and risk preferences relate to health behavior.
Kirsten is a fellow of the Tinbergen Institute and member of ERIM. She serves as associate editor for Management Science.
In the past, Kirsten was Vice Dean Research at the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE), Associate Director of Erasmus Research Intitute of Management (ERIM), head of the Organization, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship group, and deputy director of the department of Applied Economics at ESE.
Article (45)
Academic (40)
van Kippersluis, H., Dens, N., Granic, G., Lipman, S., Rohde, K., & Oude Groeniger, J. (2024). Stuur bij preventief gezondheidsbeleid ook op de context. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 109(4839), 487-490.
Rohde, K. I. M., & Yu, X. (2024). Intertemporal Correlation Aversion—A Model-Free Measurement. Management Science, 70(6), 3493-3509.
Dewies, M., Merkelbach, I., Edelenbos, J., Rohde, K. I. M., & Denktaş, S. (2023). Comprehensive Evaluation of the Behavioral Insights Group Rotterdam. Administration and Society, 55(8), 1555-1583.
Rohde, K. I. M., Van Ourti, T., & Soebhag, A. (2023). Reducing socioeconomic health inequalities? A questionnaire study of majorization and invariance conditions. Journal of Health Economics, 90, Article 102773.
Dirkmaat, T., Rohde, K., van de Veer, E., van Dijk, B., & Yu, X. (2023). Managing “Last Moment Behavior”: Non-binding target dates to reduce the spikes in task completion at deadlines. Journal of Public Economics, 219, Article 104813.
van Hulsen, M., Rohde, K., & van Exel, J. (2023). Preferences for investment in and allocation of additional healthcare capacity. Social Science and Medicine, 320, 115717. Article 115717.
Kókai, L. L., van der Bijl, M. F., Hagger, M. S., Ó Ceallaigh, D. T., Rohde, K. I. M., van Kippersluis, H., Burdorf, A., Duvekot, J. J., van Lennep, J. E. R., & Wijtzes, A. I. (2022). Needs and preferences of women with prior severe preeclampsia regarding app-based cardiovascular health promotion. BMC Women's Health, 22(1), Article 427.
van Hulsen, M., Rohde, K., & van Exel, J. (2022). Consideration of others and consideration of future consequences predict cooperation in an acute Social Dilemma: An application to COVID-19. Oxford Open Economics, Article odac005.
Dewies, M., Merkelbach, I., van der Scheer, W. K., Rohde, K., & Denktas, S. (2022). Do you consider human behaviour to be stable or malleable? Your answer can influence your preferences for policy instruments. Journal of Behavioral Public Administration, 5(1).
Dieteren, C. M., Van Hulsen, M. A. J., Rohde, K. I. M., & Van Exel, J. (2022). How should ICU beds be allocated during a crisis? Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic. PLoS ONE, 17(8 August), Article e0270996.
Kókai, L. L., van der Bijl, M. F., Hagger, M. S., Ó Ceallaigh, D. T., Rohde, K. I. M., van Kippersluis, H., van Lennep, J. E. R., & Wijtzes, A. I. (2022). Perceived determinants of physical activity among women with prior severe preeclampsia: a qualitative assessment. BMC Women's Health, 22, Article 133.
Dewies, M., Schop-Etman, A., Merkelbach, I., Rohde, K. I. M., & Denktaş, S. (2022). Call first, pay later: stimulating debtors to contact their creditors improves debt collection in the context of financial scarcity. Behavioural Public Policy, 9(1), 88-105.
Kókai, L. L., O Ceallaigh, D., Wijtzes, A. I., Roeters van Lennep, J. E., Hagger, M. S., Cawley, J., Rohde, K. I. M., van Kippersluis, H., & Burdorf, L. (2022). Moving from intention to behaviour: a randomised controlled trial protocol for an app-based physical activity intervention (i2be). BMJ Open, 12(1), Article e053711.
Benschop, N., Nuijten, ALP., Keil, M., Rohde, K., Lee, JS., & Commandeur, H. (2021). Construal level theory and escalation of commitment. Theory and Decision, 91(1), 135-151.
Dewies, M., Schop-Etman, A., Rohde, K. I. M., & Denktaş, S. (2021). Nudging is Ineffective When Attitudes Are Unsupportive: An Example from a Natural Field Experiment. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 43(4), 213-225.
Rohde, K. (2019). Measuring Decreasing and Increasing Impatience. Management Science, 65(4), 1700-1716.
Rohde, K., & Gerber, A. (2018). Weighted Temporal Utility. Economic Theory, 66(1), 187-212.
Li, Z., Rohde, K., & Wakker, P. (2017). Improving One’s Choices by Putting Oneself in Others’ Shoes—An Experimental Analysis. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 54(1), 1-13.
Wouters, S., van Exel, J., Rohde, K., Vromen, J., & Brouwer, W. (2017). Acceptable health and priority weighting: discussing a reference-level approach using sufficientarian reasoning. Social Science & Medicine, 181(May), 158-167.
Rohde, K., & Verbeke, W. (2017). We like to see you in the gym—A field experiment on financial incentives for short and long term gym attendance. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 134, 388-407.
Bleichrodt, H., Gao, Y., & Rohde, K. (2016). A measurement of Decreasing Impatience for Health and Money. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 52(3), 213-231.
Gerber, A., & Rohde, K. (2015). Eliciting Discount Functions when Baseline Consumption Changes over Time. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 116, 56-64.
Wouters, S., van Exel, J., van den Donk, M., Rohde, K., & Brouwer, W. (2015). Do people desire to be healthier than other people? A short note on positional concerns for health. The European Journal Of Health Economics, 16(1), 47-54.
Bleichrodt, H., Rohde, K., Spinu, V., Keskin, U., & Wakker, P. (2015). Discounted Utility and Present Value—A Close Relation. Operations Research, 63(6), 1420-1430.
Wouters, S., van Exel, J., Rohde, K., & Brouwer, W. (2015). Are all health gains equally important? An exploration of acceptable health as reference point in health care priority setting. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 13, 79.
Rohde, IMT., & Rohde, K. (2015). Managing social risks – tradeoffs between risks and inequalities. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 51(2), 103-124.
Bleichrodt, H., Potter van Loon, R., Rohde, K., & Wakker, P. (2013). A Criticism of Doyle's Survey of Time Preference: A Correction Regarding the CRDI and CADI Families. Judgment and Decision Making, 8(5), 630-631.
Bleichrodt, H., Rohde, K., & Van Ourti, T. (2012). An Experimental Test of the Concentration Index. Journal of Health Economics, 31(1), 86-98.
Rohde, IMT., & Rohde, K. (2011). Risk Attitudes in a Social Context. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 43(3), 205-225.
Gerber, A., & Rohde, K. (2010). Risk and Preference Reversals in Intertemporal Choice. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 76(3), 654-668.
Rohde, K. (2010). A Preference Foundation for Fehr and Schmidt's Model of Inequity Aversion. Social Choice and Welfare, 34(4), 537-547.
Rohde, K. (2010). The Hyperbolic Factor: a Measure of Time-Inconsistency. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 41(2), 125-140.
Attema, A., Bleichrodt, H., Rohde, K., & Wakker, P. (2010). Time-Tradeoff Sequences for Analyzing Discounting and Time Inconsistency. Management Science, 56(11), 2015-2030.
Bleichrodt, H., Rohde, K., & Wakker, P. (2009). Non-Hyperbolic Time Inconsistency. Games and Economic Behavior, 66(1), 27-38.
Rohde, K. (2009). Decreasing relative impatience. Journal of Economic Psychology, 30(6), 831-839.
Herings, PJJ., & Rohde, K. (2008). On the completeness of complete markets. Economic Theory, 37(2), 171-201.
Bleichrodt, H., Rohde, K., & Wakker, P. (2008). Combining additive representations on subsets into an overall representation. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 52(5), 304-310.
Bleichrodt, H., Rohde, K., & Wakker, P. (2008). Koopmans' Constant Discounting for Intertemporal Choice: A Simplification and a Generalization. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 52(6), 341-347.
Rohde, K. (2008). Arbitrage opportunities in frictionless markets with sophisticated investors. Economic Theory, 34(2), 389-393.
Herings, PJJ., & Rohde, K. (2006). Time-inconsistent preferences in a general equilibrium model. Economic Theory, 591-619.
Professional (5)
Lipman, S., Kókai, L., Rohde, K., van Kippersluis, H., Granic, G., & Oude Groeniger, J. (2022). Multidisciplinair onderzoek naar preventie in smarter choices for better health. VGE Bulletin.
van Exel, J., van Hulsen, M., & Rohde, K. (2020). In tijden van coronavirus vertrouwt de burger de arts. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 105(4785), 226-227.
van Hulsen, M., Rohde, K., & van Exel, J. (2020). Het Nederlandse coronabeleid als sociaal dilemma. VGE Bulletin, 37(2), 17-19.
Rohde, K. (2020). Uitstelgedrag. AUDIT Magazine, 19(4), 64-65.
Rohde, K. (2014). Tussen denken & doen - de nobele taak van nudging. Tijdschrift voor Marketing, 2014(9), 48-51.
Comment/Letter to the editor (1)
Popular (1)
Kókai, L. L., van der Bijl, M. F., Hagger, M. S., Ceallaigh, D. T. Ó., Rohde, K. I. M., van Kippersluis, H., Burdorf, A., Duvekot, J. J., van Lennep, J. E. R., & Wijtzes, A. I. (2023). Correction: Needs and preferences of women with prior severe preeclampsia regarding app-based cardiovascular health promotion (BMC Women's Health, (2022), 22, 1, (427), 10.1186/s12905-022-02004-5). BMC Women's Health, 23(1), Article 9.
Inaugural speech (1)
Popular (1)
Rohde, K. (2014). Planning or Doing? Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM).
Working paper (1)
Academic (1)
Kronenberg, C., van Kippersluis, H., & Rohde, K. (2014). What drives the association between health and portfolio choice? Netspar (Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement).
Additional activities (1)
Springer Science+Business Media (Publisher)
Publication Peer-review (Academic)
PhD Tracks (8)

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Wim Rietdijk
- Time frame: 2010 - 2016

- Role: Daily Supervisor, Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Zhihua Li
- Time frame: 2010 - 2014

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Iris Versluis
- Time frame: 2012 - 2016

- Role: Daily Supervisor
- PhD Candidate: Nick Benschop
- Time frame: 2012 - 2016

- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Merel van Hulsen
- Time frame: 2017 - 2023

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Indy Bernoster
- Time frame: 2014 - 2018

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Annelot Wismans
- Time frame: 2018 - 2022

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Youngjin Chun
- Time frame: 2018 - 2024
Events (2)
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