Prof. dr. K.E.H. (Karen) Maas

Karen Maas holds a PhD in Economics (Corporate Social Performance: from output measurement to impact measurement). She is endowed professor Accounting and Sustainability at the Open University and academic director of Impact Centre Erasmus (ICE). Karen conducts research in the field of Impact measurement, Sustainability, Social Entreprises and Impact Investing. Karen worked with many for-profit, non-profit and financial organizations to measure their impact. Her work has been published in academic journals like Business & Society, Journal of Business Ethics, American Journal of Evaluation, newspapers and online sources. Karen is a board member of the International association of Business in Society (IABS) and Sustainable and Environmental Management Accounting Network (EMAN). She is also a member of the Sustainable Finance Lab and Sustainable Pension Investment Lab in The Netherlands.
Article (30)
Academic (25)
Roor, A., & Maas, K. (2024). Do impact investors live up to their promise? A systematic literature review on (im)proving investments' impacts. Business Strategy and the Environment, 33(4), 3707-3732.
Garst, J., Maas, K., & Suijs, J. (2022). Materiality Assessment Is an Art, Not a Science: Selecting ESG Topics for Sustainability Reports. California Management Review, 65(1), 64-90.,
Sadiq, T., Tulder, R. V., & Maas, K. (2022). Building a Taxonomy of Hybridization: An Institutional Logics Perspective on Societal Impact. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(16), Article 10301.
Sadiq, T., Maas, K., & van Tulder, R. (2021). The Impact of the Hybridization Movement on Organizations and Society. Business and Society, 5(360), 119-143.
Lopatta, K., Bucholtz, F., & Maas, K. (2019). The Deliberate Engagement of Narcissistic CEOs in Earnings Management. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-24.
Oosterling - Vermeulen, M., Vermeylen, F., & Maas, K. (2019). Measuring Inclusion in Museums: A Case Study on Cultural Engagement with Young People with a Migrant Background in Amsterdam. The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum, 12(2), 1-26.
Bucholtz, F., Jaeschke, R., Lopatta, K., & Maas, K. (2018). The Use of Optimistic Tone by Narcissistic CEOs. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability, 31(2), 531-562.
Maas, K., Lambooy, TE., van 't Foort, S., & Van Tilburg, R. (2018). Biodiversity and natural capital: investor influence on company reporting and performance. Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment, 8(2), 158-184.
Rey-Garcia, M., Liket, K., Ignacio-Alvarez, L., & Maas, K. (2017). Back to Basics: Revisiting the Relevance of Beneficiaries for Evaluation and Accountability in Non-Profits. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 27(4).
Maas, K., & Grieco, C. (2017). Social entrepreneurship and impact measurement. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 8(1), 110-128.
Kersten, R., Harms, J., Liket, K., & Maas, K. (2017). Small Firms, large Impact? A systematic review of the SME Finance Literature. World Development, 97, 330-348.
Maas, K. (2016). Do Corporate Social Performance Targets in Executive Compensation Contribute to Corporate Social Performance? Journal of Business Ethics, 148(3), 573-585.
Maas, K. (2016). Sustainability targets in executive remuneration; targets, time frame, country and sector specifications. Business Strategy and the Environment, 25(6), 390-401.
Maas, K., Schaltegger, S., & Crutzen, N. (2016). Integrating CSR, management control and reporting. Journal of Cleaner Production, 136, 237-248.
Maas, K., Schaltegger, S., & Crutzen, N. (2016). Advancing the integration of sustainability measurement, management and reporting. Journal of Cleaner Production, 133, 859-862.
Maas, K., & Liket, K. (2015). Strategic Philanthropy: Corporate Measurement of Philantropic Impacts as a Requirement for a "Happy Marriage" of Business and Society? Business and Society, 55(6), 889-921.
Liket, K., Maas, K., & Rey Garcia, M. (2014). Why Aren't Evaluations Working and What to Do About it: A Framework for Negotiating Meaningful Evaluation in Nonprofits. American Journal of Evaluation, 35(2), 171-188.
Maas, K., Schaltegger, S., & Crutzen, N. (2014). Call for papers Special Volume: Integrating corporate sustainability performance measurement, management control and reporting. Journal of Cleaner Production, 65, 7-8.
Maas, K., Kamp-Roelands, N., Tesselaar, K., & Oosterling - Vermeulen, M. (2014). De status van geïntegreerde verslaggeving bij organisaties: wat zijn de succes- en faalfactoren? MAB, 88(10), 385-395.
Liket, K., & Maas, K. (2013). Nonprofit Organizational Effectiveness: Analysis of Best Practices. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 44(2), 268-296.
Maas, K., Strootman, R., Meliefste, S., & Oosterling - Vermeulen, M. (2013). De toekomst van duurzaamheidsverslaggeving; Het gebruik van KPI’s in duurzaamheidsverslaggeving door AEX- en AMX-bedrijven. MAB, 87(1), 2-9.
Maas, K., & Liket, K. (2011). Talk the Walk: Impact Measurement of Corporate Philanthropy. Journal of Business Ethics, 100(3), 445-464.
Maas, K., Bouma, JJ., & de Graaf, FJ. (2005). Rapporteren over MVO: de toegevoegde waarde van de procesbenadering. MAB, 25(9), 38-50.
Maas, K., Gombault, M., & Taverne, B. (2005). Verankering MVO in de financiele sector. MAB, 25(9), 31-37.
Krozer, J., Maas, K., & Kothuis, B. (2003). Demonstration of Environmentally Sound and Cost-effective shipping. Journal of Cleaner Production, 11(7), 767-777.
Professional (5)
Maas, K., & Van Tilburg, R. (2019). De bedoeling van de bank. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 4766S, 70-75.
Maas, K., & Oosterling - Vermeulen, M. (2015). Duurzame doelstellingen in bestuurdersbonussen. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 99(4699/4700), 772-775.
Maas, K., & Rosendaal, SBM. (2012). Duurzaamheid beloond? Duurzame doelstellingen in bestuurdersbonussen. M en O, 66(1), 74-87.
Maas, K. (2011). Maatschappelijke prestaties van organisaties: van outputmeting naar impactmeting. MAB, 85(11), 563-572.
Maas, K., Booijink, PE., Burger, P., & Commandeur, H. (2009). De maatschappelijke impact van de Nederlandse Hartstichting. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 94(4557), 212-215.
Book (2)
Professional (2)
Maas, K., Relou, C., Sadiq, T., van Tulder, R., & Hillen, M. (2018). Sociaal Ondernemen. Van Ambitie naar meervoudig rendement. Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV.
Ewen, D., Ossenblok, L., Toxopeus, H., Braam, G., & Maas, K. (2017). Route Circulair, een roadmap voor een circualiar bedrijfsmodel. Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV.
Chapter (14)
Academic (9)
Vermeulen, VM., & Maas, K. (2020). The social impact of corporate citizenship programs on their beneficiaries and society at large: a case study. In Handbook on Corporate Foundations Springer-Verlag.
Toxopeus, H., Ewen, D., & Maas, K. (2019). Business model Innovation for the Circulair Economy. In Handbook on Sustainable Innovations Edward Elgar Publishing.
Toxopeus, H., & Maas, K. (2018). Crowdfunding sustainable enterprises as a form of collective action. In Thomas Walker, Stefanie D. Kibsey, Rohan Crichton (Ed.), Designing a Sustainable Financial System: Development Goals and Socio-Ecological Responsibility (pp. 263-287). Palgrave.
Maas, K., Perego, P., & Kim, S. (2018). The Effect of Publication, Format, and Content of Integrated Reports on Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts. In Boubaker, S., Cummings, D., & Nguyen, D. (Ed.), Handbook of Finance and Sustainability Edward Elgar Publishing.
Toxopeus, HS., Maas, K., & Liket, K. (2016). Innovating for Impact Investing: Financial Institutions and Beyond. In Veronica Vecchi, Luciano Balbo, Manuela Brusoni, Stefano Caselli (Ed.), Principles and Practice of Impact Investing, a Catalytic Revolution (pp. 174-186). Greenleaf Publishing Ltd..
Maas, K., & Liket, K. (2011). Social impact measurement: a classification of methods. In R. Burrit (Ed.), Environmental Management Accounting, Supply Chain Management and Corporate Responsibility Accounting (pp. 171-202). Springer-Verlag.
Maas, K., & Boons, FAA. (2010). CSR as a strategic activity: value creation, redistribution and integration. In C. Louche, S. Idowu, & W. Leal Filho (Eds.), Innovative CSR. From Risk Management to Value Creation (pp. 154-172). Greenleaf Publishing Ltd..
Maas, K., & Boons, FAA. (2009). CSR as a strategic activity: value creation, redistribution, and integration. In K. E. H. Maas (Ed.), Corporate social performance. From output measurement to impact measurement ERIM.
Bouma, JJ., Hummels, GJA., van Ast, J., Graaf, FJ., & Maas, K. (2005). Sturen op meerwaarde. Een onderzoek naar de meerwaarde van MVO voor management en kapitaalverstrekkers. In J. Cramer (Ed.), Duurzaam ondernemen uit en thuis Koninklijke Van Gorcum BV.
Popular (1)
Maas, K., & Bouma, JJ. (2004). Sociale meerwaarde van MVO: een welvaartseconomisch perspectief. In N. A. Dentchev, A. Heene, C. A. J. Herkstroter, & F. J. Graaf (Eds.), (Maatschappelijk) Verantwoord Ondernemen, pragmatisch bekeken (pp. 125-142). Academia press (Gent).
Professional (4)
Maas, K. (2018). Van 'investeren met impact' naar 'impact investing'. In Huub Lems (Ed.), Investeren als een goed rentmeester! Duurzaam beleggen door kerken (pp. 33-40). Protestantse Kerk in Nederland.
Hartmann, F., Maas, K., & Perego, P. (2016). Corporate Social Responsibility and Controllers (original title: Den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht sehen: Controller auf der Suche nach Nachhaltigkeit). In E. Günther & K.-H. Steinke (Ed.), CSR und Controlling Springer-Verlag.
Sol, L., Liket, K., & Maas, K. (2016). Inzicht in Impact van Sociaal Ondernemerschap. In Sociaal ondernemerschap: De beweging naar nieuwe hybride modellen voor een andere toekomst SMO.
Maas, K. (2011). Evaluatiemethoden en -instrumenten. In D. van Maasdijk (Ed.), Goed geven, handboek strategisch schenken voor grootgevers die het verschil willen maken (pp. 121-130). Lenthe Publishers.
Conference proceeding (1)
Academic (1)
Garst, J., Maas, K., & Suijs, J. (2021). Materiality assessment is an art, not a science: The inherent challenges in selecting ESG topics for sustainability reports. In Academy of Management Proceedings (1 ed., Vol. 2021). Academy of Management.
Doctoral Thesis (1)
Externally prepared (1)
Maas, K. (2009). Corporate social performance: from output measurement to impact measurement. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).
Report (3)
Academic (1)
Harms, J., Pamuk, H., & Maas, K. (2017). Choosing for Colleagues: Experimental Evidence from Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh.
Professional (2)
Garst, J., Beanland, A., Tähtinen, J., Suijs, J. (Ed.), & Maas, K. (Ed.) (2021). The reality of materiality: Insights from real-world applications of ESG materiality assessments. World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
van Ast, J., Maas, K., Bouma, JJ., & Baas, LW. (2005). Duurzaamheidseffecten aanpak milieuschadelijke subsidies: de duurzaamheidseffecten van aanpassing of afschaffing van milieuschadelijke subsidies nader onderzocht. Erasmus Studiecentrum voor Milieukunde (ESM). Subsed-project
PhD Tracks (3)

- Role: Daily Supervisor
- PhD Candidate: Kellie Liket
- Time frame: 2010 - 2014

- Role: Co-promotor
- PhD Candidate: Helen Toxopeus
- Time frame: - 2019
- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Annebeth Roor
- Time frame: 2020 -
Events (3)
Burg. Oudlaan 50
3062 PA Rotterdam