Dr. J.J. (Jochem) Kroezen

Jochem Kroezen
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Former ERIM PhD Candidate
Field: Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Member ERIM
Field: Organisation
Affiliated since 2008

Jochem’s main research focuses on processes of institutional change, revival and persistence. Current projects examine the revival and persistence of craft in organisational society, dynamics of business collective action, and mechanisms underlying socio-economic inequality. In his research, Jochem uses both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, including meta-analysis and fsQCA. 

His work on the revival of craft in the Dutch beer brewing industry has been published in Administrative Science Quarterly while related articles have appeared in Academy of Management Annals, Business History, in the Economics of the Craft Beer Revolution (Palgrave Macmillan) and in Constructing Identity in and around Organizations (Oxford University Press). He has also published on social venture legitimation in Academy of Management Journal.

Part of his ongoing work on business collective action in the alcohol industry around the issue of harmful alcohol use has been published in How Institutions Matter! (RSO, Emerald Insight).

Other ongoing projects that he is involved in include the use of history and collective memory in craft-based field transformation and symbolic communication, a meta-analysis of gender differences in academic research performance and the development of sustainable livelihoods in rural Indonesia.

PhD Track The Renewal of Mature Industries: An Examination of the Revival of the Dutch Beer Brewing Industry

Many mature industries have recently experienced a remarkable revival. Yet, other important industries appear to remain impervious to change. While the evolution of industries is an important topic in the industrial organization and organizational sociology literature, theorists struggle to explain the determinants of industry renewal. In particular, there is a dearth in theories that explain (1) the formation of new organizational identities in mature industries, (2) the successful founding of new organizations and (3) the mobilization of entrepreneurs.

In this dissertation, I build on the organizational sociology literature to forward an endogenous view on industry renewal arguing that the vulnerability of an industry toward renewal is determined by internal structural properties of the industry. Findings from three empirical studies of the recent revival of the Dutch beer brewing industry suggest that renewal is more likely in industries that (1) provide actors with a diverse reservoir of authentic identity elements for the formation of new organizational identities, (2) contain a significant number of ancestral organizations that left behind recyclable organizational elements, and (3) harbor a substantial number of actors that adhere to alternative ways of thinking compared to the industry’s “modus operandi”.

Jointly, these findings demonstrate the potency of research under the eclectic umbrella of organizational sociology to provide explanations for the structural vulnerability of industries toward renewal. In particular, this dissertation calls for more research on the role of organizational destruction in industry evolution. Indeed, destruction appears to be an important generative process and an improved understanding of the role of destruction in industry renewal may be crucial for inspiring renewal in industries dominated by organizations that are too big too fail.

Industry renewal, beer brewing industry, organizational detritus, organizational identity, institutional logics
Time frame
2010 - 2014


  • Academic (3)
    • van Dijk, M., Kroezen, J., & Slob, B. (2017). From pilsner desert to craft beer oasis: The rise of craft brewing in the Netherlands. In Economic Perspectives on Craft Beer: A Revolution in the Global Beer Industry (pp. 259-293). Van Gorcum/Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-58235-1_10

    • Kroezen, J. J., & Heugens, P. P. M. A. R. (2012). Organizational Identity Formation: Processes of Identity Imprinting and Enactment in the Dutch Microbrewing Landscape1. In Constructing Identity in and around Organizations Ithaca/Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199640997.003.0005

    • Kroezen, JJ., & Heugens, P. (2012). Organizational Identity Formation: Processes of Identity Imprinting and Enactment in the Dutch Microbrewing Landscape. In M. Schultz, S. Maguire, A. Langley, & H. Tsoukas (Eds.), Perspectives on Process Organization Studies Volume 2 (pp. 89-127). Oxford University Press.

  • Internal (1)
    • Kroezen, JJ. (2014). The renewal of mature industries. An examination of the revival of the dutch beer brewing industry. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).

  • Academic (5)
    • Kroezen, JJ., Sasaki, I., & Heugens, P. (2021). Craft in Modern Society. Paper presented at 37th EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

    • Brüggemann, I., Tracey, P., & Kroezen, J. (2018). Bridging divides: Translating the concept of sustainable livelihoods to rural Indonesia through institutional empowerment work. Paper presented at 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2018, Chicago, United States. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2018.46

    • Brüggemann, I., Tracey, P., & Kroezen, J. (2017). Fighting “factory fiction”: How marginal actors resist the dominant in UK book publishing. Paper presented at 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2017, Atlanta, United States. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2017.28

    • Buchanan, S., Christiansen, L. H., Kroezen, JJ., & Zietsma, C. (2017). Organizing Business Collective Action. Paper presented at 35th EGOS Colloquium.

    • Claus, L., & Kroezen, J. (2016). How do institutional paradoxes evolve? the gender equality paradox in professional tennis. 1086-1091. Paper presented at 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2016, Anaheim, United States. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2016.159

  • Role: Member Doctoral Committee
  • PhD Candidate: Chuqiao Zhou
  • Time frame: 2016 - 2023
Exogenous Shock in a Vulnerable SME Environment
  • Role: Co-promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Sarah Dodson
  • Time frame: 2022 -
  • Role: Co-promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Shreya Paudel
  • Time frame: 2023 -
As: Contact, Coordinator


Visiting address

Office: T04-08
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
3062 PA Rotterdam

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3000 DR Rotterdam