Dr H.M. (Huong May) Truong

Huong May Truong
IE Business School
Instituto de Empresa
Former ERIM PhD Candidate
Field: Logistics & Information Systems
Affiliated since 2016

PhD Track The Effect of Posted Prices on Sequential Auctions in B2B Multi-channel Markets

Multi-channel sales strategies have become common due to the usage of advanced information technologies. Sellers are increasingly incorporating different exchange methods, ranging from online and offline auctions to online posted price channels and offline stores. However, how different channels can be strategically combined and how one channel can influence the outcomes of another, especially in a B2B context remain underexplored. This dissertation addresses these gaps through three distinct studies. The studies exploit a large dataset of over 1 million flower lots from a unique system where an online posted price channel (so-called pre-sales) is incorporated into a B2B Dutch auction system sequentially. The first study focuses on the economic impact of pre-sales, exploring the outcomes for lots with and without pre-sales. The second study focuses on buyers’ strategic behaviors in the multi-mechanism system. The third study investigates price dynamics in sequential auctions. The pre-sales channel reveals additional information such as pre-sales price and quantity sold for bidders. It can affect the auction price and its dynamics, revenue, and competition via multiple mechanisms and lead to positive outcomes for sellers in the Dutch sequential auction system.

Auctions, E-commerce, Information Signal, Multi-channel, Sequential B2B Auctions, Information Revelation, Posted Price, Buyers’ behaviour, Price Dynamics
Time frame
2016 - 2021


Visiting address

María de Molina, 11
28006 Madrid

Postal address

María de Molina 11
28006 Madrid