dr.ir. H. (Hong) Chen

Hong Chen
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Former ERIM PhD Candidate
Field: Logistics & Information Systems
Affiliated since 2004

PhD Track Individual Mobile Communication Services and Tariffs

Individual services and tariffs existed briefly in the beginning of telecommunications history 150 years ago but faded away over time. Service provisioning evolved into the current supplier-centric situation which has many limitations and disadvantages. This thesis re-embraces the user-centric service provisioning and tariffing philosophy and applies it to current mobile communication services setting, which differs significantly in scale and scope from the historical practices. A design methodology and tool for the determination of individualized mobile services and tariffs is provided, and benefits to both the user and the supplier are evaluated. The design has three aspects. The first involves the construction of a conceptual framework consisting of the behavioral models of the user and the supplier (firm) and a game theoretical negotiation mechanism to determine individual services and tariffs. Second is the operationalization of the conceptual framework in a computational design with methods, computational models, negotiation algorithms, risk metrics and a prototype implementation. Third is the extension of the individual services and tariffs concept to a community setting via a proposed community business model. Two evaluations are performed. First, for the firm-based design, a user survey is conducted and computational cases, that address value-added mobile services and generic mobile service bundles, are developed. The numerical analyses show that the users always achieve gains in utility. The benefits to the supplier include adjustable risk-profit equilibrium points, increased network traffic and reduced churn. Second, two case studies on communities are conducted. The results demonstrate that the proposed business model of community-based individual service provisioning and tariffing can meet the demands of their members precisely and address both affordability and sustainability issues. Last, a specific engineering implementation and integration of the individualized service and tariff design tools into the existing infrastructure of the communication services suppliers is proposed. Further research issues are pointed out.

individual services and tariffs, community-based individual services and tariffs, Stackelberg games, computational game theory, wireless and mobile communication services, negotiation, service configuration, mass customization, supplier risk, extreme theory applications
Time frame
2004 - 2008


Visiting address

Office: T09-11
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
3062 PA Rotterdam

Postal address

Postbus 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam