Dr. D.M. (Dominik) Rösch

Dominik Rösch
State University New York at Buffalo
Former ERIM PhD Candidate
Field: Finance & Accounting
Affiliated since 2010

PhD Track Market Efficiency and Liquidity

The main theme of this thesis is to investigate the interaction between market efficiency and liquidity. In particular to document time- and cross-sectional variation in market efficiency, and whether individual stock efficiency co-moves with aggregate market efficiency; to investigate why inefficiencies arise and how trading against these inefficiencies affects market liquidity. Theory predicts that arbitrage improves financial market liquidity when arbitrage opportunities arise as a result of temporary demand shocks and worsens liquidity when arbitrage opportunities arise as a result of differences in information. My analysis suggests that around 70% of the arbitrage opportunities arise as a result of demand shocks. Consistent with theory, I then show that an increase in arbitrage activity is associated with a reduction in market order imbalance and an improvement in liquidity.

market efficiency, arbitrage, liquidity, fragmentation, market integration, return predictability, commonality, informed trading, private information, portfolio optimization model
Time frame
2010 - 2015
PhD Defence
As: Speaker
Research Seminar
As: Speaker


Postal address

411 Capen Hall
14260-1604 Buffalo, New York
United States