Prof. dr. D. (Dennis) Huisman

Dennis Huisman is a part-time professor Public Transport Optimization at the Econometric Institute, Erasmus School of Economics (ESE). Professor Huisman's current research focuses on Operations Research models and techniques that can support the planning and operations of a railway operator in relation to complex logistical issues. He combines his role at ESE with that of expertise manager logistic processes at Netherlands Railways. He was a member of Netherlands Railways team that won the Franz Edelman Award, also known as the Super Bowl of Operations Research, in 2008. Professor Huisman is a co-founder of the Erasmus Center for Optimization in Public Transport. He was co-chair of the conference OR2013 (International Conference on Operations Research) in Rotterdam. He obtained his PhD from Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2004. His PhD thesis dealt with integrated and dynamic vehicle and crew scheduling.
Article (49)
Academic (44)
van Rossum, B. T. C., Dollevoet, T., & Huisman, D. (2024). Railway crew planning with fairness over time. European Journal of Operational Research, 318(1), 55-70.
Correia Duarte, P. J., Schmidt, M., Huisman, D., & Veelenturf, L. (2023). Fewer Trains for Better Timetables: The Price of Fixed Line Frequencies in the Passenger-Oriented Timetabling Problem. OpenAccess Series in Informatics, 115, 1-18. Article 8.
Huisman, D., Schmidt, M., Hartleb, J., & Friedrich, M. (2023). Modeling and Solving Line Planning with Mode Choice. Transportation Science, 57(2), 336-350.
Wang, Y., Zhang, Z., Huisman, D., D'Ariano, A., & Zhang, J. (2022). A Lagrangian relaxation approach based on a time-space-state network for railway crew scheduling. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 172(PA), Article 108509.
Polinder, G. J., Cacchiani, V., Schmidt, M., & Huisman, D. (2022). An iterative heuristic for passenger-centric train timetabling with integrated adaption times. Computers and Operations Research, 142, Article 105740.
Breugem, T., Dollevoet, T., & Huisman, D. (2022). Is Equality Always Desirable? Analyzing the Trade-Off Between Fairness and Attractiveness in Crew Rostering. Management Science, 68(4), 2619-2641.
Breugem, T., van Rossum, B., Dollevoet, T., & Huisman, D. (2022). A Column Generation Approach for the Integrated Crew Re-Planning Problem. Omega, 107, Article 102555.
van Lieshout, R., Bouman, P., van den Akker, M., & Huisman, D. (2021). A self-organizing policy for vehicle dispatching in public transit systems with multiple lines. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 152, 46-64.
Perumal, SSG., Dollevoet, T., Huisman, D., Lusby, RM., Larsen, J., & Riis, M. (2021). Solution Approaches for Integrated Vehicle and Crew Scheduling with Electric Buses. Computers and Operations Research, 132, Article 105268.
Polinder, G.-J., Schmidt, M., & Huisman, D. (2021). Timetabling for strategic passenger railway planning. Transportation Research. Part B, Methodological, 146, 111-135.
Hoogervorst, R., Dollevoet, T., Maroti, G., & Huisman, D. (2021). A Variable Neighborhood Search Heuristic for Rolling Stock Rescheduling. EURO Journal on transportation and logistics, 10, Article 100032.
van Lieshout, R. N., Bouman, P. C., & Huisman, D. (2021). A next step in disruption management: combining operations research and complexity science. Public Transport, 14(1), 5-26.
Hoogervorst, R., Dollevoet, T., Huisman, D., & Maroti, G. (2020). Reducing Passenger Delays by Rolling Stock Rescheduling. Transportation Science, 54(3), 762-784.
Lieshout, R., Bouman, P., & Huisman, D. (2020). Determining and Evaluating Alternative Line Plans in Out-of-Control Situations. Transportation Science, 54(3), 556-853.
Lieshout, R., Mulder, J., & Huisman, D. (2018). The vehicle rescheduling problem with retiming. Computers and Operations Research, 96, 131-140.
Dollevoet, T., Huisman, D., Kroon, LG., Veelenturf, L., & Wagenaar, J. (2017). Application of an Iterative Framework for Real-time Railway Rescheduling. Computers and Operations Research, 78, 203-217.
Verhaegh, T., Huisman, D., Fioole, PJ., & Vera, JC. (2017). A heuristic for real-time crew rescheduling during small disruptions. Public Transport, 9, 325-342.
trap, ML., Huisman, D., & Goverde, RMP. (2017). Assessment of alternative line plans for severe winter conditions in the Netherlands. Public Transport, 9, 55-71.
Veelenturf, L., Potthoff, D., Huisman, D., Kroon, LG., Maroti, G., & Wagelmans, A. (2016). A Quasi-Robust Optimization Approach for Crew Rescheduling. Transportation Science, 50(1), 204-215.
Bach, L., Dollevoet, T., & Huisman, D. (2016). Integrating Timetabling and Crew Scheduling at a Freight Railway Operator. Transportation Science, 50(3), 878-891.
Nunez Ares, J., de Vries, H., & Huisman, D. (2016). A column generation approach for locating roadside clinics in Africa based upon effectiveness and equity. European Journal of Operational Research, 254, 1002-1016.
Dollevoet, T., Huisman, D., Kroon, LG., Schmidt, M., & Schöbel, A. (2015). Delay Management including Capacities of Stations. Transportation Science, 49(2), 185-203.
Dollevoet, T., & Huisman, D. (2014). Fast heuristics for delay management with passenger rerouting. Public Transport, 6(1-2), 67-84.
Dollevoet, T., Corman, F., D'Ariano, A., & Huisman, D. (2014). An iterative optimization framework for delay management and train scheduling. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 26(4), 490-515.
Cacchiani, V., Huisman, D., Kroon, LG., Kidd, M., Toth, P., Veelenturf, L., & Wagenaar, J. (2014). An Overview of Recovery Models and Algorithms for Real-time Railway Rescheduling. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 63, 15-37.
Louwerse, I., & Huisman, D. (2014). Adjusting a Railway Timetable in case of Partial or Complete Blockades. European Journal of Operational Research, 235(3), 583-593.
Louwerse, I., Mijnarends, J., Meuffels, I., Huisman, D., & Fleuren, H. (2014). Scheduling movements in the network of an express service provider. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 26(4), 565-584.
Veelenturf, L., Potthoff, D., Huisman, D., & Kroon, LG. (2012). Railway Crew Rescheduling with Retiming. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 20(1), 95-110.
Dollevoet, T., Huisman, D., Schmidt, M., & Schöbel, A. (2012). Delay Management with Rerouting of Passengers. Transportation Science, 46(1), 74-89.
Abbink, EJW., Albino, L., Dollevoet, T., Huisman, D., Roussado, J., & Saldanha, RL. (2011). Solving Large Scale Crew Scheduling Problems in Practice. Public Transport, 3(2), 149-164.
Budai, G., Maroti, G., Dekker, R., Huisman, D., & Kroon, LG. (2010). Rescheduling in passenger railways: the rolling stock rebalancing problem. Journal of Scheduling, 13(3), 281-297.
Potthoff, D., Huisman, D., & Desaulniers, G. (2010). Column Generation with Dynamic Duty Selection for Railway Crew Rescheduling. Transportation Science, 44(4), 493-505.
Kroon, LG., Huisman, D., Abbink, EJW., Fioole, PJ., Fischetti, M., Maroti, G., Schrijver, L., Steenbeek, A., & Ybema, R. (2009). The new Dutch timetable: the OR revolution. Interfaces, 39(1), 6-17.
Eliashberg, J., Hegie, QC., Ho, J., Huisman, D., Miller, SJ., Swami, S., Weinberg, CB., & Wierenga, B. (2009). Demand-driven scheduling of movies in a multiplex. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 26(2), 75-89.
Hartog, A., Abbink, EJW., Huisman, D., & Kroon, LG. (2009). Decision support for crew rostering at NS. Public Transport, 1(2), 121-133.
Pepin, AS., Desaulniers, G., Hertz, A., & Huisman, D. (2009). A Comparison of Five Heuristics for the Multiple Depot Vehicle Scheduling Problem. Journal of Scheduling, 12(1), 17-30.
Huisman, D. (2007). A column generation approach for the rail crew re-scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 180(1), 163-173.
Huisman, D., & Wagelmans, A. (2006). A solution approach for dynamic vehicle and crew scheduling. European Journal of Operational Research, 172(2), 453-471.
Budai, G., Huisman, D., & Dekker, R. (2006). Scheduling preventive railway maintenance activities. The Journal of the Operational Research Society, 57(9), 1035-1044.
Huisman, D., Kroon, LG., Lentink, RM., & Vromans, MJCM. (2005). Operations Research in Railway Passenger Transportation. Statistica Neerlandica, 59(4), 467-497.
Huisman, D., Freling, R., & Wagelmans, A. (2005). Multiple-depot integrated vehicle and crew scheduling. Transportation Science, 39(4), 491-502.
Freling, R., Lentink, RM., Kroon, LG., & Huisman, D. (2005). Shunting of Passenger Train Units in a Railway Station. Transportation Science, 39(2), 261-272.
Huisman, D., Freling, R., & Wagelmans, A. (2004). A robust solution approach to the dynamic vehicle scheduling problem. Transportation Science, 38(4), 447-458.
Freling, R., Huisman, D., & Wagelmans, A. (2003). Models and algorithms for integration of vehicle and crew scheduling. Journal of Scheduling, 6(1), 63-85.
Popular (5)
Huisman, D., & Kroon, LG. (2008). The New Dutch Timetable: The OR Revolution. Medium Econometrische Toepassingen, 16(2), 16-19.
Huisman, D., & van 't Woudt, C. (2007). Nieuwe Dienstregeling van NS. Stator, 8(3), 29-34.
Huisman, D., & Lentink, RM. (2004). Shunting of Passenger Train Units in a Railway Station. Medium Econometrische Toepassingen, 11(4), 16-19.
Huisman, D. (2002). A Dynamic Approach to Vehicle Scheduling. Medium Econometrische Toepassingen, 10(1), 17-20.
Huisman, D., Freling, R., & Wagelmans, A. (1999). Sequentiële en geïntegreerde benadering voor voertuig- en personeelsplanning bij de RET. Medium Econometrische Toepassingen, 7(4), 11-14.
Book editing (1)
Academic (1)
Huisman, D., Louwerse, I., & Wagelmans, A. (2014). Operations Research Proceedings 2013. Springer-Verlag.
Chapter (8)
Academic (7)
Dollevoet, T., Huisman, D., Schmidt, M., & Schoebel, A. (2018). Delay propagation and delay management in transportation networks. In R. Borndörfer, T. Klug, L. Lamorgese, C. Mannino, M. Reuther, & T. Schlechte (Eds.), Handbook of Optimization in the Railway Industry (pp. 285-317). Springer-Verlag.
Abbink, E., Huisman, D., & Kroon, LG. (2018). Railway Crew Management. In Handbook of Optimization in the Railway Industry Springer-Verlag.
Kroon, LG., & Huisman, D. (2011). Algorithmic Support for Railway Disruption Management. In J. A. E. E. van Nunen, P. Huijbregts, & P. Rietveld (Eds.), Transitions Towards Sustainable Mobility (pp. 193-210). Springer-Verlag.
Jespersen-Groth, J., Potthoff, D., Clausen, J., Huisman, D., Kroon, LG., Maroti, G., & Nielsen, MN. (2009). Disruption Management in Passenger Railway Transportation. In R. K. Ahuja, R. H. Moehring, & C. Zaroliagis (Eds.), Robust and Online Large-Scale Optimization (Vol. 5868, pp. 399-421). Springer-Verlag.
de Groot, SW., & Huisman, D. (2008). Vehicle and Crew Scheduling: Solving Large Real-World Instances with an Integrated Approach. In M. Hickman, P. Mirchandani, & S. Voß (Eds.), Computer-aided Systems in Public Transport (pp. 43-56). Springer-Verlag.
Huisman, D., Jans, R., Peeters, MCE., & Wagelmans, A. (2005). Combining Column Generation and Lagrangian Relaxation. In G. Desaulniers, J. Desrosiers, & M. M. Solomon (Eds.), Column Generation (pp. 247-270). Springer-Verlag.
Freling, R., Huisman, D., & Wagelmans, A. (2001). Applying an integrated approach to vehicle and crew scheduling in practice. In S. Voss, & J. R. Daduna (Eds.), Computer-aided scheduling of public transport (pp. 73-90). Springer-Verlag.
Popular (1)
Kroon, LG., Huisman, D., & Maroti, G. (2008). Optimisation Models for Railway Timetabling. In I. A. Hansen, & J. Pachl (Eds.), Railway Timetable and Traffic (pp. 135-154). Eurailpress.
Conference proceeding (6)
Academic (6)
Breugem, T., Dollevoet, T., & Huisman, D. (2020). Analyzing a Family of Formulations for Cyclic Crew Rostering. In Dennis Huisman, & Christos D. Zaroliagis (Eds.), 20th Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2020) (Vol. 85, pp. 7:1-7:16). Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
Polinder, G.-J., Schmidt, M., & Huisman, D. (2019). A New Approach to Strategic Periodic Railway Timetabling. In 8th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (ICROMA) (Vol. 2019, 69, pp. 978-994). Linköping University Electronic Press, Linköpings universitet.
De Mare, R., Spliet, R., & Huisman, D. (2014). A Branch-and-Price Approach for a Ship Routing Problem with Multiple Products and Inventory Constraints. In D. Huisman, I. Louwerse, & A. P. M. Wagelmans (Eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 2013 (pp. 97-103). Springer-Verlag.
Kroon, LG., & Huisman, D. (2011). Algorithmic Support for Disruption Management at Netherlands Railways. In World Congres on Railway Research
Dollevoet, T., Huisman, D., Schmidt, M., & Schöbel, A. (2009). Delay Management with Re-Routing of Passengers. In Jens Clausen, & Gabriele Di Stefano (Eds.), ATMOS 2009 - 9th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Germany.
Dollevoet, T., Huisman, D., Schmidt, M., & Schöbel, A. (2009). Delay management with re-routing of passengers. In 9th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems, ATMOS 2009
Doctoral Thesis (1)
Internal (1)
Huisman, D. (2004). Integrated and dynamic vehicle and crew scheduling. [Doctoral Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam]. Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).
Inaugural speech (1)
Popular (1)
Huisman, D. (2016). Good, Better, Best! About Optimization in Public Transport. Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM). ERIM Inaugural Address
Paper (1)
Academic (1)
Hartleb, J., Schmidt, M., Friedrich, M., & Huisman, D. (2019). A good or a bad timetable: Do different evaluation functions agree?.
Report (45)
Academic (45)
Perumal, SSG., Dollevoet, T., Huisman, D., Lusby, RM., Larsen, J., & Riis, M. (2020). Solution Approaches for Vehicle and crew scheduling with electric buses. (EI report serie EI2020-02 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI report serie Vol. EI2020-02
van Lieshout, R., Bouman, P., van den Akker, ME., & Huisman, D. (2020). A Self-Organizing Policy for Vehicle Dispatching in Public Transit Systems with Multiple Lines. (EI report serie EI2020-06 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI report serie Vol. EI2020-06
Breugem, T., Dollevoet, T., & Huisman, D. (2019). A Column Generation Approach for the Integrated Crew Re-Planning Problem. (EI report serie EI2019-31 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI report serie Vol. EI2019-31
Breugem, T., Dollevoet, T., & Huisman, D. (2018). Analyzing a Family of Formulations for Cyclic Crew Rostering. (Econometric Institute Report Series EI2018-35 ed.) Econometric Institute.
Hoogervorst, R., Dollevoet, T., Maroti, G., & Huisman, D. (2018). Reducing Passenger Delays by Rolling Stock Rescheduling. (Econometric Institute Report Series EI2018-29 ed.) Econometric Institute.
Breugem, T., Dollevoet, T., & Huisman, D. (2017). Is Equality always desirable? Analyzing the Trade-Off between Fairness and Attractiveness in Crew Rostering. (Econometric Institute Report Series EI2017-30 ed.) Econometric Institute.
trap, ML., Huisman, D., & Goverde, RMP. (2016). Design of a robust railway line system for serve winter conditions in The Netherlands. (EI report serie EI2016-08 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI report serie Vol. EI2016-08
Verhaegh, T., Huisman, D., Fioole, PJ., & Vera, JC. (2016). A heuristic for real-time crew rescheduling during small disruptions. (EI report serie EI2016-09 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI report serie Vol. EI2016-09
Nunez Ares, J., de Vries, H., & Huisman, D. (2015). A Colom Generation Approach for Locating Roadside Clinics in Africa bases on Effectiveness en Equity. (EI report serie EI2015-19 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI report serie Vol. EI2015-19
Dollevoet, T., Huisman, D., Kroon, LG., Veelenturf, L., & Wagenaar, J. (2015). An Iterative Framework for Real-time Railway Rescheduling. (EI report serie EI2015-28 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI report serie Vol. EI2015-28
Bach, L., Dollevoet, T., & Huisman, D. (2014). Integrating Timetabling and Crew Scheduling at a Freight Railway Operator. (EI report serie EI 2014-03 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI report serie Vol. EI 2014-03
Cacchiani, V., Huisman, D., Kidd, M., Kroon, LG., Toth, P., Veelenturf, L., & Wagenaar, J. (2014). An Overview of Recovery Models and Algorithms for Real-Time Railway Rescheduling. (EI reprint reeks EI-1617 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI reprint reeks Vol. EI-1617
Louwerse, I., & Huisman, D. (2014). Adjusting a Railway Timetable in Case of Partial or Complete Blockades. (EI reprint reeks EI-1616 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI reprint reeks Vol. EI-1616
Louwerse, I., Mijnarends, JC., Meuffels, I., Huisman, D., & Fleuren, H. (2014). Scheduling movements in the network of an express service provider. (EI reprints reeks EI-1627 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI reprints reeks Vol. EI-1627
Cacchiani, V., Huisman, D., Kidd, M., Kroon, LG., Toth, P., Veelenturf, L., & Wagenaar, J. (2013). An Overview of Recovery Models and Algorithms for Real-Time Railway Rescheduling. (EI report serie EI 2013-29 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI report serie Vol. EI 2013-29
Dollevoet, T., Corman, F., D Ariano, A., & Huisman, D. (2012). An Iterative Optimization Framework for Delay Management and Train Scheduling. (EI report serie EI 2012-10 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI report serie Vol. EI 2012-10
Louwerse, I., Mijnarends, JC., Meuffels, D., Huisman, D., & Fleuren, H. (2012). Scheduling Movements in the Network of an Express Service Provider. (EI report serie EI 2012-08 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI report serie Vol. EI 2012-08
Dollevoet, T., Huisman, D., Schmidt, M., & Schöbel, A. (2012). Delay Management Including Capacities of Stations. (EI report serie EI 2012-22 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI report serie Vol. EI 2012-22
Louwerse, I., & Huisman, D. (2012). Adjusting a Railway Timetable in Case of Partial or Complete Blockades. (EI report serie EI 2012-33 ed.) Econometric Institute. EI report serie Vol. EI 2012-33
Dollevoet, T., & Huisman, D. (2011). Fast Heuristics for Delay Management with Passenger Rerouting. (EI report serie EI 2011-35 ed.) Econometrisch Institute. EI report serie Vol. EI 2011-35
Veelenturf, L., Potthoff, D., Huisman, D., & Kroon, LG. (2009). Railway crew rescheduling with retiming. (EI report reeks EI 2009-24 ed.) DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMETRICS. EI report reeks Vol. EI 2009-24
Kroon, LG., & Huisman, D. (2009). Algorithmic Support for Railway Disruption Management. (EI report serie EI 2009-50 ed.) DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMETRICS. EI report serie Vol. EI 2009-50
Hartog, A., Huisman, D., Abbink, EJW., & Kroon, LG. (2009). Decision Support for Crew Rostering at NS. (EI reprint serie EI-1529 ed.) DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMETRICS. EI reprint serie Vol. EI-1529
Eliashberg, J., Hegie, QC., Ho, J., Huisman, D., Miller, SJ., Swami, S., Weinberg, CB., & Wierenga, B. (2009). Demand-driven scheduling of movies in a multiplex. (EI reprint serie EI-1530 ed.) DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMETRICS. EI reprint serie Vol. EI-1530
Pepin, AS., Desaulniers, G., Hertz, A., & Huisman, D. (2009). A Comparison of Five Heuristics for the Multiple Depot Vehicle Scheduling Problem. (EI reprint reeks EI-1531 ed.) DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMETRICS. EI reprint reeks Vol. EI-1531
Abbink, EJW., van 't Wout, J., & Huisman, D. (2008). Solving large scale crew scheduling problems by using iterative partitioning. (EI report serie EI 2008-03 ed.) Econometrics. EI report serie Vol. EI 2008-03
de Groot, SW., & Huisman, D. (2008). Vehicle and crew scheduling: solving large real-world instances with an integrated approach. (EI reprint reeks EI-1490 ed.) Econometrics. EI reprint reeks Vol. EI-1490
Potthoff, D., Huisman, D., & Desaulniers, G. (2008). Column generation with dynamic duty selection for railway crew rescheduling. (EI report serie EI 2008-28 ed.) Econometrics. EI report serie Vol. EI 2008-28
Huisman, D. (2007). A column generation approach for the rail crew re-scheduling problem. (Econometric Institute Reprint EI-1434 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Reprint Vol. EI-1434
Eliashberg, J., Hegie, QC., Ho, J., Huisman, D., Miller, SJ., Swami, S., Weinberg, CB., & Wierenga, B. (2007). Demand-driven scheduling of movies in a multiplex. (Econometric Institute Report EI 2007-17 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Report Vol. EI 2007-17
Budai, G., Maroti, G., Dekker, R., Huisman, D., & Kroon, LG. (2007). Re-scheduling in railway: the rolling stock balancing problem. (Econometric Institute Report EI 2007-21 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Report Vol. EI 2007-21
Hartog, A., Huisman, D., Abbink, EJW., & Kroon, LG. (2006). Decision support for crew rostering at NS. (Econometric Institute Report EI 2006-04 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Report Vol. EI 2006-04
Huisman, D., & Wagelmans, A. (2006). A solution approach for dynamic vehicle and crew scheduling. (Econometric Institute Reprint EI-1397 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Reprint Vol. EI-1397
Pepin, AS., Desaulniers, G., Hertz, A., & Huisman, D. (2006). Comparison of heuristic approaches for the multiple depot vehicle schedule problem. (Econometric Institute Report EI2006-34 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Report Vol. EI2006-34
Huisman, D. (2005). A column generation approach to solve the crew re-scheduling problem. (Econometric Institute Report Serie EI2005-54 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Report Serie Vol. EI2005-54
Huisman, D., Freling, R., & Wagelmans, A. (2005). Multiple-depot integrated verhicle and crew scheduling. (Econometric Institute Reprint serie EI-1385 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Reprint serie Vol. EI-1385
Freling, R., Kroon, RG., Kroon, LG., & Huisman, D. (2005). Shunting of passenger train units in a railway station. (Econometric Institute Reprint series EI-1358 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Reprint series Vol. EI-1358
Huisman, D., Jans, R., Peeters, MCE., & Wagelmans, A. (2005). Combining column generation and lagrangian relaxation. (Econometric Institute Reprint Series EI-1359 ed.) Econometrics. Econometric Institute Reprint Series Vol. EI-1359
de Groot, SW., & Huisman, D. (2004). Vehicle and crew scheduling: solving large real-world instances with an integrated approach. (Econometric Institute EI 2004-13 ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. EI 2004-13
Budai, G., Huisman, D., & Dekker, R. (2004). Scheduling preventive railway maintenance activities. (Econometric Institute EI 2004-41 ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. EI 2004-41
Huisman, D., & Wagelmans, A. (2004). A solution approach for dynamic vehicle and crew scheduling. (Econometric Institute EI 2004-02 ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. EI 2004-02
Huisman, D., Freling, R., & Wagelmans, A. (2003). Multiple-depot integrated vehicle and crew scheduling. (Econometric Institute EI 2003-02 ed.) Econometric Institute Vol. EI 2003-02
Huisman, D., Freling, R., & Wagelmans, A. (2001). A dynamic approach to vehicle scheduling. (Econometric Institute / ERIM REport Series 35-LIS EI 2001-17 ed.) Econometric Institute / ERIM Report Vol. EI 2001-17
Freling, R., Huisman, D., & Wagelmans, A. (2000). Models and algorithms for integration of vehicle and crew scheduling in practice. (Report Econometric Institute 2000-10/A ed.) Report Econometric Institute Vol. 2000-10/A
Freling, R., Huisman, D., & Wagelmans, A. (2000). Applying an integrated approach to vehicle and crew scheduling in practice. (Report Econometric Institute 2000-11/A ed.) Report Econometric Institute Vol. 2000-11/A
Working paper (8)
Academic (8)
van Rossum, B., Dollevoet, T., & Huisman, D. (2022). Dynamic Railway Crew Planning with Fairness over Time. Econometric Institute Report Series, EI 2022-10.
Hartleb, J., Schmidt, M., Huisman, D., & Friedrich, M. (2021). Modeling and solving line planning with integrated mode choice. SSRN.
Hoogervorst, R., Dollevoet, T., Maroti, G., & Huisman, D. (2019). A Variable Neighborhood Search Heuristic for Rolling Stock Rescheduling. Econometric Institute. Econometric Institute Report Series Vol. EI2019-34
Kroon, LG., & Huisman, D. (2011). Algorithmic Support for Disruption Management at Netherlands Railways. Econometric Institute. Report serie Vol. EI 2011-06
Dollevoet, T., Huisman, D., Schmidt, M., & Schöbel, A. (2010). Delay Management with Re-Routing of Passengers. Econometric Institute. EI report serie Vol. EI 2010-31
Budai, G., Maroti, G., Dekker, R., Huisman, D., & Kroon, LG. (2010). Rescheduling in passenger railways: the rolling stock rebalancing problem. (pp. 1-17). DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMETRICS. EI reprint serie Vol. EI-1545
Abbink, EJW., Albino, L., Dollevoet, T., Huisman, D., Roussado, J., & Saldanha, RL. (2010). Solving Large Scale Crew Scheduling Problems in Practice. Econometrisch Instituut. EI report serie Vol. EI 2010-63
Potthoff, D., Huisman, D., & Desaulniers, G. (2010). Column Generation with Dynamic Duty Selection for Railway Crew Rescheduling. Econometric Institute. EI reprint reeks Vol. EI-1561
PhD Tracks (22)

- Role: Co-promotor
- PhD Candidate: Daniel Potthoff
- Time frame: 2005 - 2010

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Lars Nielsen
- Time frame: 2006 - 2011

- Role: Co-promotor
- PhD Candidate: Twan Dollevoet
- Time frame: 2008 - 2013

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Remy Spliet
- Time frame: 2009 - 2013

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Evelien van der Hurk
- Time frame: 2010 - 2015

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Paul Bouman
- Time frame: 2011 - 2017
- Role: Daily Supervisor

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Joris Wagenaar
- Time frame: 2012 - 2016

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Harwin de Vries
- Time frame: 2013 - 2017
- Role: Daily Supervisor

- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Thomas Breugem
- Time frame: 2015 - 2020

- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Gert-Jaap Polinder
- Time frame: 2015 - 2020

- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Rowan Hoogervorst
- Time frame: 2016 - 2021

- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Johann Hartleb
- Time frame: 2016 - 2021

- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Rolf van Lieshout
- Time frame: 2017 - 2022

- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Mette Wagenvoort
- Time frame: 2020 -

- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Bart van Rossum
- Time frame: 2020 -

- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Pedro José Correia Duarte
- Time frame: 2021 -

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Mathijs van Zon
- Time frame: 2017 - 2021

- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Danny (Jia Hui) Zhu
- Time frame: 2022 -

- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Ymro Hoogendoorn
- Time frame: 2018 - 2024

- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Khue Nguyen
- Time frame: 2024 -
Events (5)
Award (1)
- ERIM Impact Award (2008)
Office: ET-47
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3000 DR Rotterdam