Dr. A. (Anne-Kathrin) Klesse
Anne-Kathrin Klesse obtained her PhD from Maastricht University and then worked at Tilburg University as an Assistant Professor in Marketing. In October 2016, she joined Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. She frequently spent time at Stanford Graduate School of Business as a visiting scholar.
In her research, Anne-Kathrin studies consumer judgement and decision making, with a specific focus on how technology augments human behavior. In one stream of research, she explores whether different device interfaces (e.g., voice-operated versus touch-, or click-operated) prompt different decisions. In another stream, she focuses on understanding human lay beliefs and behavior related to algorithms, AI, and GenAI. Because of the later, she has been invited to become the academic director of the Psychology of AI lab at the Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics (ECDA).
Her research has been awarded with the prestigious VENI grant (by NWO) and was published in leading Marketing journals, such as Journal of Consumer Research (JCR), Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), and Journal of Marketing (JM).
Anne-Kathrin currently serves at the Editorial Review Board for the International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM) and JM.
She is the PhD program coordinator of her department, coordinates the Behavioral Experts track in the (International) Business Administration Bachelor's programme (BA/IBA), and teaches a module on Technology-Augmented Behavior.
Article (10)
Academic (10)
Mariadassou, S., Klesse, A. K., & Boegershausen, J. (2024). Averse to what: Consumer aversion to algorithmic labels, but not their outputs? Consumer aversion to algorithmic labels, but not their outputs? Current Opinion in Psychology, 58, Article 101839. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.copsyc.2024.101839
Zhang, Y., Tuk, M., & Klesse, A. K. (2024). Giving AI a Human Touch: Highlighting Human Input Increases the Perceived Helpfulness of Advice From AI Coaches. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 9(3), 344-356. https://doi.org/10.1086/730710
Celiktutan, B., Klesse, A. K., & Tuk, M. A. (2024). Acceptability lies in the eye of the beholder: Self-other biases in GenAI collaborations. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 41(3), 496-512. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijresmar.2024.05.006
Garbinsky, E. N., & Klesse, A. K. (2021). How (and When) the Presence of Food Decreases Enjoyment of Customer Experiences. Journal of Marketing Research, 58(4), 705-720. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F00222437211010465
Klesse, A. K., Cornil, Y., Dahl, DW., & Gros, N. (2019). The Secret Ingredient Is Me: Customization Prompts Self-Image-Consistent Product Perceptions. Journal of Marketing Research, 56(5), 879-893. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022243719846063
Gai, PJ., & Klesse, A. K. (2019). Making Recommendations More Effective Through Framings: Impacts of User- versus Item-Based Framings on Recommendation Click-Throughs. Journal of Marketing, 83(6), 61-75. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022242919873901
Geipel, J., Hadjichristidis, C., & Klesse, A. K. (2018). Barriers to sustainable consumption attenuated by foreign language use. Nature Sustainability, 2018(1), 31-33. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-017-0005-9
Klesse, A. K., Levav, J., & Goukens, C. (2015). The Effect of Preference Expression Modalities on Self-Control. Journal of Consumer Research, 42(4), 535-50.
Garbinsky, EN., Klesse, A. K., & Aaker, J. (2014). Money in the Bank: Feeling Powerful Increases Saving. Journal of Consumer Research, 38(6), 1047-62.
Klesse, A. K., Goukens, C., Geyskens, K., & de Ruyter, K. (2012). Repeated Exposure to the Thin Ideal and Implications for the Self: Two Weight Loss Program Studies. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 29(4), 355-62.
Chapter (1)
Academic (1)
Klesse, A. K., Zhang, Y., & Tuk, M. (2024). Algorithm Aversion. In Elgar Encyclopedia of Consumer Behavior (pp. 5-8). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781803926278.ch02
Review article (1)
Academic (1)
Goukens, C., & Klesse, A. K. (2022). Internal and external forces that prevent (vs. Facilitate) healthy eating: Review and outlook within consumer Psychology. Current Opinion in Psychology, 46, Article 101328. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.copsyc.2022.101328
PhD Tracks (8)
- Role: Daily Supervisor
- PhD Candidate: Gizem Yalcin
- Time frame: 2017 - 2022
- Role: Co-promotor
- PhD Candidate: Begum Celiktutan
- Time frame: 2020 -
- Role: Co-promotor
- PhD Candidate: Marina Lenkovskaya
- Time frame: 2021 -
- Role: Co-promotor
- PhD Candidate: Ting-Yi Lin
- Time frame: 2021 -
- Role: Co-promotor
- PhD Candidate: Yue Zhang
- Time frame: 2022 -
- Role: Promotor
- PhD Candidate: Ragna-Britt Taube
- Time frame: 2022 -
- Role: Co-promotor
- PhD Candidate: Maxwell Grimshaw Poole
- Time frame: 2024 -
- Role: Co-promotor
- PhD Candidate: Sepehr Etminanrad
- Time frame: 2024 -
Course (1)
- Specialization Module on Consumer Behavior (2023/2024)
Event (1)
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