Dr A. (Andreas) Alexiou

Andreas Alexiou
International Strategy & Marketing
Amsterdam School of Business
University of Amsterdam
Former ERIM PhD Candidate
Field: Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Affiliated since 2010

PhD Track Management of Emerging Technologies and the Learning Organization: Lessons from the Cloud and Serious Games Technology

The scope of this dissertation is twofold. On the one hand, it looks into how specific organizational capabilities contribute to the successful management of emerging technologies. In this context it enhances our understanding of the role of absorptive capacity and organizational resilience in the processes of adoption and management of disruptive technological change. Moreover, it reveals the important role of organizational energy (the shared experience and demonstration of positive affect, cognitive arousal, and agentic behavior among unit members) as an enabler of absorptive capacity.

On the other hand, it explores the potential of an emerging learning technology (i.e. Serious Games) in facilitating learning and training in organizations. To this regard, it provides with a roadmap for future research by highlighting the role of the different technological aspects in supporting user engagement and motivation and consequently learning. At the same time, it explores the moderating role of user personality and discusses the various opportunities and challenges for organizations from a learning theory perspective. Finally, it provides empirical evidence for the important but usually neglected role of narrative and aesthetics in facilitating learning in game-based learning applications

Emerging technologies, Positive Organizational Behaviour, Organizational learning, Organizational Resilience, Absorptive Capacity, Productive Organizational Energy, Engagement, Motivation, Personality, Game-based Learning, Serious Games, Cloud Computing
Time frame
2010 - 2016


Visiting address

Roetersstraat 11
1018 WB Amsterdam

Postal address

Postbus 19268
1000 GG Amsterdam