M. (Mohammadamin) Yousefi

PhD Track Standardisation Management at the Local Level to Support Authenticity and Sustainability
The COVID-19 (‘Corona’) virus shows vulnerability related to globalisation. This may strengthen the counter movement against globalisation that so far focused on authenticity. International standardisation is an important enabler of globalisation but may result in homogenisation at the cost of authenticity. The two concepts standardisation and authenticity seem to exclude each other but previous research suggests that the opposite can be the case: in order to distinguish authentic from not-authentic, local standards are needed. Such standards are indeed available and have a long tradition but are not connected to the national, regional and global levels. Standardisation literature tends to ignore the local level and literature on authenticity (often in the context of hospitality management) ignores standardisation. Case-based research including action research should bridge this gap. The insights from this research should help supporting sustainable local business and reduce vulnerabilities related to globalisation.
- Keywords
- Authenticity, Standardisation management, Local communities, Hospitality management
- Time frame
- 2020 -
Article (1)
Academic (1)
Grillo, F., Wiegmann, P. M., de Vries, H. J., Bekkers, R., Tasselli, S., Yousefi, A., & van de Kaa, G. (Accepted/In press). Standardization: Research Trends, Current Debates, and Interdisciplinarity. Academy of Management Annals.
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