dr. A. (Alexander) Genevsky

Dr. Genevsky received his Ph.D. in Psychology from Stanford University with a focus on decision-making and affective neuroscience. Previously, he received his bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Binghamton University (SUNY). Dr. Genevsky's research explores the social and emotional influences that shape consumer decisions and behavior. Using behavioral experimentation, market-level data analysis, and neuroimaging, he probes emotional and cognitive reactions to decision-making scenarios and subsequent influences on preference and choice. Relatedly, current projects explore the potential to scale what we learn in the lab to develop models that more accurately describe and predict market-level behavior in the real world. For more information please visit my website.
Article (16)
Academic (15)
Asutay, E., Genevsky, A., Slovic, P., & Vastfjall, D. (2022). Affective context and its uncertainty drive momentary affective experience. Emotion. https://doi.org/10.1037/emo0000912
Asutay, E., Genevsky, A., Barret, LF., Hamilton, JP., Slovic, P., & Vastfjall, D. (2021). Affective calculus: The construction of affect through information integration over time. Emotion. https://doi.org/10.1037/emo0000681
Kim, B., Genevsky, A., Knutson, B., & Tsai, J. (2020). Culturally-valued facial expressions enhance loan request success. Emotion, 20(7), 1137-1153. https://doi.org/10.1037/emo0000642
Tong, L., Acikalin, Y., Genevsky, A., Shiv, B., & Knutson, B. (2020). Brain activity forecasts video engagement in an internet attention market. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A., 117(12), 6936-6941. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1905178117
Knutson, B., & Genevsky, A. (2018). Neuroforecasting aggregate choice. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27(2), 110-115. https://doi.org/10.1177/0963721417737877
Genevsky, A., Yoon, C., & Knutson, B. (2017). When brain beats behavior: neuroforecasting crowdfunding outcomes. Journal of Neuroscience, 37(36), 8625-8634. https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1633-16.2017
Genevsky, A., & Knutson, B. (2015). Neural affective mechanisms predict market-level microlending. Psychological Science, 26(9), 1411-1422. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797615588467
Genevsky, A., Vastfjall, D., Slovic, P., & Knutson, B. (2013). Neural underpinnings of the identifiable victim effect: Affect shifts preferences for giving. Journal of Neuroscience, 33, 17188-17196.
Genevsky, A., & Gard, DE. (2012). The effect of choice on the physiology of emotion: An affective startle modulation study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 84, 80-85.
Gard, DE., Cooper, S., Fisher, M., Genevsky, A., Mikels, JA., & Vinogradov, S. (2011). Evidence for an emotion maintenance deficit in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 187.
Dale, CL., Findlay, AM., Adcock, RA., Vertinski, M., Fisher, M., Genevsky, A., Aldebot, S., & Vinogradov, S. (2010). Timing is everything: neural response dynamics during syllable processing and its relation to higher-order cognition in schizophrenia and healthy comparison subjects. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 75.
Genevsky, A., Garrett, CT., Alexander, PP., & Vinogradov, S. (2010). Cognitive training in schizophrenia: a neuroscience-based approach. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 12.
Gard, DE., Fisher, M., Garrett, C., Genevsky, A., & Vinogradov, S. (2009). Motivation and its relationship to neurocognition, social cognition, and functional outcome in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 115.
Adcock, RA., Dale, C., Fisher, M., Aldebot, S., Genevsky, A., Simpson, GV., Nagarajan, S., & Vinogradov, S. (2009). When top-down meets bottom-up: auditory training enhances verbal memory in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 35.
Dale, CL., Findlay, AM., Adcock, RA., Genevsky, A., Vertinski, M., Luks, TL., & Vinogradov, S. (2009). Perceptual interference exacerbates Voice Onset Time-dependent syllable discrimination and alters performance-related MEG response dynamics in patients with schizophrenia. NeuroImage, 47.
Professional (1)
Genevsky, A. (2017). Can neuroforecasting predict market behaviour? RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 32(4), 17-19. http://hdl.handle.net/1765/104088
Chapter (2)
Academic (2)
Genevsky, A., & Boksem, M. (Accepted/In press). Applications in Consumer Neuroscience: Decoding and Neuroforecasting. In Neuroeconomics: Core Topics and Current Directions Springer Nature. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=5001469
Genevsky, A., & Yoon, C. (2022). Neural basis of consumer decision making and neuroforecasting. In L. R. Kahle, T. M. Lowrey, & J. Huber (Eds.), APA Handbook of Consumer Psychology (pp. 563-577). American Psychological Association. https://doi.org/10.1037/0000262-027
PhD Tracks (5)

- Role: Co-promotor
- PhD Candidate: Marina Lenkovskaya
- Time frame: 2021 -

- Role: Co-promotor
- PhD Candidate: Ting-Yi Lin
- Time frame: 2021 -

- Role: Co-promotor
- PhD Candidate: Valerio Maglianella
- Time frame: 2023 -

- Role: Co-promotor
- PhD Candidate: Maxwell Grimshaw Poole
- Time frame: 2024 -

- Role: Co-promotor
- PhD Candidate: Sepehr Etminanrad
- Time frame: 2024 -
Events (16)
Office: Mandeville Building T10-34
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3000 DR Rotterdam