Operations and Supply Chain Management

* NCA is the main method; ** NCA in combination with a regression-based method; *** NCA in combination with QCA

Publications using NCA: 

  • Acquah, I. S. K. (2023). Modelling the importance of collaborative culture and its dimensions for supply chain collaboration: A necessary condition analysis. RAUSP Management Journal, 58(2), 125–142.*
  • Acquah, I. S. K. (2024). Unravelling the asymmetric effects of procurement practices on firm performance: A complexity theory approach to complementing fsQCA with NCA. Heliyon, 10(3), e25230. ***
  • Battistoni, E., Gitto, S., Murgia, G., & Campisi, D. (2023). Adoption paths of digital transformation in manufacturing SME. International Journal of Production Economics, 255, 108675. **
  • Bokhorst, J. A., Knol, W., Slomp, J., & Bortolotti, T. (2022). Assessing to what extent smart manufacturing builds on lean principles. International Journal of Production Economics253, 108599. *
  • Bokrantz, J., & Dul, J. (2023). Building and testing necessity theories in supply chain management. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 59(1), 48–65. *
  • Bokrantz, J., & Skoogh, A. (2023). Adoption patterns and performance implications of Smart Maintenance. International Journal of Production Economics, 256, 108746. *
  • Deng, Q., Zhuang, G., Li, S., & Yang, H. (2022). A configurational analysis of cross-channel integration. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 122(7), 1686–1706. ***
  • Franke, H., & Foerstl, K. (2020). Goals, Conflict, Politics, and Performance of Cross‐Functional Sourcing Teams—Results from a Social Team Experiment. Journal of Business Logistics41(1), 6-30. **
  • Golini R, Deflorin P, Scherrer M (2016) Exploiting the potential of manufacturing network embeddedness. International Journal of Operations & Production Management36, 1741–1768. *
  • Indihar Štemberger, M., Bosilj Vuksic, V., Morelli, F., & Jaklič, J. (2024). Exploring the role of new and enhanced BPM capabilities in customer experience management: Does BPM matter? Business Process Management Journal, 30(8), 120–143. **
  • Jain, N. K., Chakraborty, K., & Choudhary, P. (2024). Building supply chain resilience through industry 4.0 base technologies: Role of supply chain visibility and environmental dynamism. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 39(8), 1750–1763. **
  • Knol, W.H., Slomp, J, Schouteten, R.L.J., & Lauche, K. (2018). Implementing lean practices in manufacturing SMEs: Testing ‘critical success factors’ using Necessary Condition Analysis. International Journal of Production Research, 56(11), 3955-3973. *
  • Knol, W.H., Slomp, Schouteten, R.L.J., Lauche, K. (2019) The relative importance of improvement routines for implementing lean practices, International Journal of Operations & Production Management39(2), 214-237. *
  • Li, C., Gong, J., Fu, T., & Liang, Z. (2024). Microelement Integration Drives Smart Manufacturing: A Mixed Method Study. Systems, 12(12), 577. ***
  • Lu, Q., Yang, Y., & Yu, M. (2024). Can SMEs’ quality management promote supply chain financing performance? An explanation based on signalling theory. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 19(7), 1981–2002. **
  • Servajean-Hilst, R. (2018). Necessary Governing Practices for the Success (and Failure) of Client-Supplier Innovation Cooperation. Innovation and Supply Chain Management: Relationship, Collaboration and Strategies, 79-100. *
  • Similä, J. O., & Mwesiumo, D. (2024). Implementing public procurement of green innovations: Does structural alignment matter? Journal of Cleaner Production, 461, 142562. **
  • Sousa, R., & Da Silveira, G.J.C (2017) Capability antecedents and performance outcomes of servitization: differences between basic and advanced services, International Journal of Operations & Production Management37(4), 447-467. *
  • Stek, K., & Schiele, H. (2021). How to train supply managers – Necessary and sufficient purchasing skills leading to success. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 27(4), 100700. **
  • Sumo, R. (2014). Fostering Innovation through Contracting in Inter-Organizational Relationships. (PhD dissertation, Eindhoven University of Technology). *
  • Sun, K., Ooi, K.-B., Wei-Han Tan, G., & Lee, V.-H. (2025). Small and medium-sized enterprises’ path to sustainable supply chains: Exploring the role of supply chain finance and risk management. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 30(1), 1–18. **
  • Suurmond, R. (2019). In Pursuit of Supplier Knowledge: Leveraging capabilities and dividing responsibilities in product and .service contexts. PhD thesis, Rotterdam School of Management. Suurmond (see Chapter 3: A Taxonomy of Quality in Outsourced Business Services: A qualitative comparative analysis).***
  • Valk, W. van der, Sumo, R., & Dul, J. (2014). How contracts and trust influence innovation in inter-organizational relationships: A necessary condition analysis. Editors: H. Badenhorst, et al. In: 23rd International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association Conference (IPSERA 2014), Pretoria, South Africa, 13- 16 April 2014 (pp 1-20).*
  • Valk, W., van der, Sumo, R., Dul, J., & Schroeder, R. G. (2016). When are contracts and trust necessary for innovation in buyer-supplier relationships? A Necessary Condition Analysis. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 22(4), 266–277.
  • Vries, J. de (2016). Behavioral Operations in Logistics. (PhD dissertation, Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM)). ** 
  • Zhang, L., Teirlinck, P., Su, T., & Yu, Y. (2024). How to configure the supply chain to stimulate firm innovation performance? International Journal of Production Economics, 277, 109384. ***
  • Zhang, Z., & Bai, Y. (2024). Research on Whether Quality Policies Can Promote the High-Quality Development of China’s Manufacturing Industry and Its Configuration Paths in the Context of Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 16(21), 9539. ***

Publications suggesting NCA for future research:

  • Acquah, I. S. K., Naude, M. J., & Sendra-García, J. (2021). Supply chain collaboration in the petroleum sector of an emerging economy: Comparing results from symmetrical and asymmetrical approaches. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 166, 120568.
  • Chari, A., Despeisse, M., Johansson, B., Morioka, S., Gohr, C. F., & Stahre, J. (2024). Resilience compass navigation through manufacturing organization uncertainty – A dynamic capabilities approach using mixed methods. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 55, 375–389.