Medicine and Health

* NCA is the main method; ** NCA in combination with a regression-based method; *** NCA in combination with QCA

Publications using NCA: 

  • Kerwin T, Hittle B, Stredney D, De Boeck P, Wiet G. (2018) Cross-Institutional evaluation of a mastoidectomy . Journal of Surgical Education, 75(3), 678-687. *
  • Luther, L, Bonfils, K.A., Firmin, R.L., Buck, K.D, Choi, J., DiMaggio, G., Popolo, R., Minor, K.S, Lysaker, P.H.(2017). Metacognition is necessary for the emergence of motivation in people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: A Necessary Condition Analysis. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 205(12), 960-966. *
  • Marchetti, I., Koster, E. H. W., & Hankin, B. (in press). Which Psychosocial Risks Are Necessary for Developing Depression During Adolescence? A Novel Approach Applying Necessary Condition Analysis. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (published online in 2024). *
  • Prakash, A., Jeyakumar Nathan, R., Kini, S., & Victor, V. (2022). Message framing and COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among millennials in South India. PLOS ONE, 17(7), e0269487. **
  • Wagner, G., Raymond, L., & Paré, G. (2023). Understanding Prospective Physicians’ Intention to Use Artificial Intelligence in Their Future Medical Practice: Configurational Analysis. JMIR Medical Education, 9, e45631. ***
  • Widge, A. S., Zhang, F., Gosai, A., Papadimitrou, G., Wilson-Braun, P., Tsintou, M., Palanivelu, S., Noecker, A. M., McIntyre, C. C., O’Donnell, L., McLaughlin, N. C. R., Greenberg, B. D., Makris, N., Dougherty, D. D., & Rathi, Y. (2022). Patient-specific connectomic models correlate with, but do not reliably predict, outcomes in deep brain stimulation for obsessive-compulsive disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology, 47(4), 965–972. *
  • Zhang, Y. (2024). The influence of “industry policy” and “financial institution” configuration effect on innovation performance of China’s biomedical industry-based on necessary condition analysis and qualitative comparative analysis. Frontiers in Medicine, 10, 1297495. ***