Human factors/Ergonomics
* NCA is the main method; ** NCA in combination with a regression-based method; *** NCA in combination with QCA
Publications using NCA:
- Batey, M., Hughes, D. J., Crick, L., & Toader, A. (2021). Designing creative spaces: An experimental examination of the effect of a nature poster on divergent thinking. Ergonomics, 64(1), 139–146.
- Dul, J. (2016). Towards a necessity theory of human factors/ergonomics. In: NES2016-Ergonomics in theory and practice: 48th Annual Conference of Nordic Ergonomics and Human Factors Society. (editor: S. Järvelin-Pasanen, S. Reports and Studies in Health Sciences, 22. Publications of the University of Eastern Finland.*
Fang, L. B., Dong, X., Weng, Z., & Chen, T. (2022). Designing an Attractive Metaverse: Research on Design Factors Influencing Audience Satisfaction with a Virtual Space Based on QCA. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 18(1), 37–54. ***
Publications suggesting NCA for future research:
- Wollter Bergman, M., Berlin, C., Babapour Chafi, M., Falck, A. C., & Örtengren, R. (2021). Cognitive Ergonomics of Assembly Work from a Job Demands–Resources Perspective: Three Qualitative Case Studies. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(23), 12282.