* NCA is the main method; ** NCA in combination with a regression-based method; *** NCA in combination with QCA
Publications using NCA:
- Albuquerque de Sousa, J.A., Beck, T., Bergeijk, P.A.G. van, & Dijk, M.A van. Success and failure of nascent stock markets (November 16, 2016). ***
- Arbabi, F., Khansari, S. M., Salamzadeh, A., Gholampour, A., Ebrahimi, P., & Fekete-Farkas, M. (2022). Social networks marketing, value co-creation, and consumer purchase behavior: Combining PLS-SEM and NCA. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15(10), 440. **
- Kladakis, G., & Skouralis, A. (in press). Press Freedom and Systemic Risk. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, (published online in 2025). **
- Leong, T. K., Chiek, A. N., Meng, T. P., & Eng, T. K. (2023). Customers Loyalty in Malaysian Retail Bank Sector from the Perspective of Equity Theory and Expectation-Confirmation Model: A PLS-SEM and NCA Approach. Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies, 9(3), 245-262. **
- Sanyal, P., Jain, N. K., & Choudhury, D. What specific investments are critical in fostering buyer‐supplier relationships: Evidence from MSMEs in emerging economies. International Social Science Journal. **
- Tan, J., & Wei, J. (2023). Configurational Analysis of ESG Performance, Innovation Intensity, and Financial Leverage: a Study on Total Factor Productivity in Chinese Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Firms. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-25. ***